Auron Greene mother Shirley is the youngest daughter of Victor Boda, one of the 12 sovereign rulers. As the youngest and only daughter in the family, she was the darling of all her brothers and father. She often went around touring the worlds under her father domain to increase her knowledge, experience and see, if she can come across any fortuitous encounter.

During these travels, she met and fell in love with the, then upcoming powerful cultivator Adrian Greene. He has no powerful backing, but was unchallenged in the paragon world Vulcan because of his strength. Her father protested against their marriage first, but had to agree after seeing his daughter's determination. But he temporarily banned her from contacting or maintaining any relations with him or her brothers, until they reach sovereign level cultivation. It shocked Shirley at first, but this is her father's way of encouraging them to become stronger and gain some recognition with the family elders. Even though he is a sovereign Ruler, he can't break his own family rules.

With time Adrian established himself as sole ruler of paragon world Vulcan. In order to gain quick strength, they started to conqueror more worlds and thereby stealing the karma of these worlds. Once you add that karma to your own, it will increase your luck and comprehension abilities. Shirley also invested her full strength in comprehending way of karma and fortune. Not long after, she became one of the powerful seers in existence, who can see into the parts of future to some extent.

During this time, the couple also gave birth to 6 Children. 4 sons and 2 daughters. Auron is the eldest of his siblings. He is also born with powerful spiritual roots and soul energy. With their family vast resources, it didn't take long for him to reach higher levels in cultivation. He also started to manage his father's domain, as both his father and mother spent most of their time cultivating to reach sovereign level. With his ruthless and efficient ways, he completely gained support of his father's followers.

But in all his life he tasted failure only 2 times, both times it is related to the tiny Kaguya world. First because of Kaguya Otsutsuki and then at the hands of that arrogant bitch. He was completely furious at her character and her arrogance. How dare she say, that his family is not even worthy of her friendship? His family has thousands of higher level worlds than Kaguya world under their rule, with Millions of powerful cultivators trying to get on his family good side. But she completely regarded him as some scrap, even after knowing that he is from Greene family. Many times, he wanted to destroy the Kaguya world, but stopped as he remembered his mother's words, that someone powerful at sovereign level is guarding that world. He swore that day, if he ever meets that bit** in the future, he will completely destroy her both physically and mentally.

Auron also completely immersed himself in cultivation and reached Paragon level. At the same time, both his parents also broke through Sovereign level. After that, their entire family was invited by his grandfather Victor Boda, to sovereign world Alcacia.

There are many sovereign state worlds ruled by powerful sovereign monsters out there, but only 12 sovereign state worlds under 12 sovereign rulers. If you want to become a sovereign ruler, all you need to do is occupy one of these sovereign state worlds by killing the existing sovereign ruler or by occupying the ones controlled by the monsters. But for ages there existed only 12 sovereign rulers, those that wanted to tried their luck with the monster sovereigns, never returned alive from there.

Currently only 11 sovereign rulers exist, while the 12th position remained vacant because of the death of Arthur King. There was a strong fighting going between Arthur's son and some of the loyal followers of Arthur King.

The time difference between sovereign state worlds and other worlds differ largely. Compared to monster state world, the time moves at 10000 times faster in Paragon state world, while it moves million times faster in sovereign state world.

Adrian Greene and Shirley became one of the closest aides of Victor Boda, after their reunion. Wanting to take advantage of the time difference, Auron also stayed in Alcacia, while leaving the affairs of Vulcan state to one his close aides.

Being the eldest son of Shirley, possessing strong spiritual roots and spiritual energy, he was doted on a lot by Victor Boda. He provided a lot of resources from his personal collection to help his grandson cultivate. With the help of these resources and abundance of energy in sovereign state world, he quickly reached Peak Paragon level cultivator.

One day, during a serious discussion with his Grandfather, his mother revealed a shocking news. With the help of her divination, she was able to detect the long last sovereign core of Rasia world.

Rasia world is said to be the largest and richest sovereign state world during its existence. But it was severely damaged during a fight between 2 powerful cultivators, said to surpass sovereign level cultivation. So it absorbed all of its energy, minerals and valuable resources into its core and escaped into the vast space, leaving behind the husk of dried up Rasia world.

The sovereign rulers are not strong enough to destroy a sovereign state world and get their hands on a sovereign grade core. But now they had a chance to get their hands on a weakened sovereign core. So almost all the sovereign rulers used their resources and connections to search for it.

The sovereign grade core has 2 uses for cultivators. One, they can refine the entire sovereign core into a strong indestructible weapon or armor. Two, if the sovereign rulers, somehow were able to bend the will of the sovereign core, their chances of breaking through Sovereign Ruler and reaching new level in cultivation will increase by a large margin.

So it came as a shocking news to Victor Boda, when his daughter found the location of Rasia. He was so ecstatic at first, but calmed down immediately. He need to get his hands on this sovereign core, without alerting the spies of other sovereign rulers. So he decided to only send a small team to scout ahead and confirm it's location. When the location is confirmed, then he will send enough forces to get his hands on it.

Auron lead a team of his own and ventured into space. After millions of years searching various worlds on his way, he reached Monster world. It may be a hunch of his, but somehow he firmly believed that the sovereign core existed on this world. He started going through any and all available records on the history of this world from various places. Only after nearly 20 years of reading, did he learn that the world was hit by a powerful meteorite 8 trillion years ago.

After cross checking the destruction of Rasia world and the various time differences, he was sure that this meteor was indeed the Rasia core. But the place the core landed is in monster zone. Based on the cultivators strength in this world, he believed he can get his hands on the core with the help of his guards.

But never in his dreams did he expect that he and his team will awaken the fury of the Dragon King and were completely trashed at his hands. They were only able to escape at the last minute sacrificing one of the valuable treasures.

He was completely furious at this humiliation of Dragon king. He promised himself, that he will personally tear each and every bone from the Dragon King. He was also impressed by the immense size of this world. So he started gathering intel on all the powerful cultivators and leaders of this world. His guards submitted a lot of reports on various cultivators. But one report caught his attention, Empress Ichika. Even though her face is covered with veil, he will never forget those eyes of her's in his life. First It was Dragon King and now this arrogant bi*** Ichika. He now had more than enough reasons to completely destroy this world and free his heart from inner demons.

He immediately contacted his parents and informed them about probability of Rasia core, Monster World and Ichika. His mother was even more interested in Ichika than the other things. How could someone reach such powerful cultivation levels only after ascending from Kagua world in such short time? Even with almost endless resources, he was still at peak paragon level. But she is already powerful cultivator in monster world and also became one of the Empress. He was also intrigued by this point.

On the request of his mother, he sent a detailed copy of information he collected about her to Alcacia world, including few of her pictures. But the response he received in return almost questioned his sanity.

His uncle is personally arriving on the monster world, to capture the core, occupy the monster world and capture Ichika alive. As a seer, his mother was shocked when she received the picture of Ichika. To confirm her assumptions she performed the blood rite divination. Blood rite divination is a forbidden technique, where the user must sacrifice 18 pure virgins to fire, to get a proper divination on the person they wanted to. The results of her divination shocked even Victor, who had to supply the sacrifices to his daughter. He was shocked at first, as to why his daughter is performing such a forbidden technique? But after the end of the blood rite divination, he felt the sacrifices were worth it.

The results are, that Ichika is surrounded by almost infinite amount of Karma and fortune. It is equal to capturing 1000 Rasia cores. They want to capture Ichika alive and make her a member of Boda family, by marrying her to his eldest Uncle, there by tying up her karma with their family. He was seriously ordered again and again by his grandfather to not even think about killing her. He was tasked to collect even more information regarding her, incase she doesn't agree for the marriage.

When collecting more information, he came to know about Duke Samil. He convinced that he will get rid of Ichika from this world, in return for his services. Duke Samil will be one of the managers of this monster world, under Greene family. With the help of Duke Samil, he even gathered all the remnant members of the destroyed sects, clans and organisations by Ichika. In his eyes, these remnants are nothing but expendable forces to test and exhaust the soldiers of Ichika. It is always a good thing to save as many of your soldiers as you can, when you can sacrifice other available soldiers.

Soon his uncle Sam Boda personally arrived with a large number of forces. They want to lay direct siege to Eden city and capture Ichika. But they learnt from one of Duke Samil spies, that the family of Ichika will be arriving in Greenwood city. With that they also changed their initial plans.

Sometimes most of the cultivators chose to rather commit suicide than becoming somebody's slave. They don't want that to happen with Ichika, so they intend to capture her family members and blackmail her into surrendering.

Watching his nephew's reluctance, Sam Boda understood his feelings. He promised his nephew that his Eldest Uncle, who was supposed to marry Ichika, will torture her daily after finished playing with her. Only then did he calm down. They started to closely monitor the actions of Greenwood city with the help of spies.

What happened the following next month was a complete treat to both Auron and Sam. They heard continuous reports of the 3 major empires fighting amongst themselves. It is always better to have infighting among the local forces, which will make their work easier later. With their alliance broken, they can leisurely conquer one Empire after the other. Following the serious fighting in the city, the mayor was forced to implement curfew.

After the Curfew was implemented, he only received regular reports of Kuro and other clans. It was just a regular reports on their daily movements. They didn't sense any problem with these spies.

But as each day passed by, they still didn't get any news on the family members of Ichika. So they prepared to attack the city the following day and completely capture as many suspicious members as they can. But what awaited them the following day is nothing but hell.

Millions of their soldiers came under a strong poison attack, while the remnant soldiers who were supposed to be their allies started killing each and every weakened soldier. Only then did they realize, that they were playing hide and seek on an open field. From the beginning, the enemies knew of their presence and only putting up a show for them to lower their guard.

Sam Boda and Auron Greene were completely furious at this treacherous attack and started attacking the remnant forces. As Auron was killing them all in blind rage, he didn't notice one of the dying soldier throwing a green vial at him. The vial directly hit the back of the head of Auron, exposing him to the dangerous poison.

From Childhood, his body was already treated with various kinds of poison immunity potions. Even then he can tell that this special poison is slowly taking effect on his body. He searched all the remnants in hope of finding an antidote, but failed miserably. His only hope lay in capturing the true leader behind this action.

He gathered all the remaining surviving soldiers and attacked Greenwood city. More than 45% of his soldiers lost their lives because of this deadly poison attack. Even now most of them are still suffering from that attack. This was a complete major military loss to their family. His uncle became even more furious, with each soldier death. He completely released his sovereign aura to suppress all those remained in Greenwood city. But his aura was easily dispelled by a powerful purple barrier, that rose up to surround the entire Empire. With his soul sense he clearly observed the youth performing the hand seals, before the barrier was formed. Judging by how that monster Kuro and Wu Yi was standing beside him, he completely understood that he is the true ring leader behind the poison attack.

So he can't control his fury and ordered all of his soldiers to attack the city without holding back.



Author's Note: I may miss out on some of the details, so please free to point them out. Enjoy the extra large chapter. Also I posted the discord link on the synopsis page , so feel free to join the little community.

Thanks for all your support, that this story reached another milestone of 150 k words. Please keep supporting this story in the future, with your valuable comments and power stones. Huge thanks, once again to all the readers.