Greenwood city, South side

Lord Jean, Yang Ye, Jiang Yan, Ouyang Shuo and Yang Qi were taking control of the soldiers on the south side. At first the soldiers were afraid because of the immense pressure exerted by the sovereign cultivator Sam Boda. They already have intel that the enemies had peak Paragon level, but they never expected a sovereign among them. It was lucky that they had strong formations to negate the sovereign pressure.

With the formation barrier strength already proven, they have no need to fear the enemies anymore. They can clearly pick them all one by one.

As soon as the enemies soldiers came closer, Yang Ye ordered his soldiers to launch the attacks. Thousand of ballistas were shot towards them, but the enemies quickly formed into a small group of soldiers and used their energy to form a protective barriers around them. Apart from putting few scratches on some of the overconfident soldiers, it didn't make a large impact on them. But still they achieved their initial goal of separating most of the soldiers into small groups.

With just a sign from Yang Ye, Yang Qi ordered the soldiers to prepare the arrow launchers. The range of arrow launchers is a bit small compared to qi ballistas. Thousands of arrows of meter length can be launched from each arrow launcher. But these arrows are special arrows, gifted by Ichika to kin. When all the arrow launchers were used at the same time, millions of arrows were released into the sky, covering the entire enemies soldiers under dark shadow.

The arrows easily pierced through the protective energy shield around the enemy soldiers like a hot knife slicing through butter. Few of the high level paragons were lucky enough to dodge or deflect the arrow rain, but because of the high density of the enemies soldiers at the same place, most of the arrows found their target.

These arrows pierced most of their targets and knocking them from sky and remained embedded in the targets body. No matter at what force did they struck the enemies, these arrows never separated from their targets, causing them huge agony and pain. As soon as they struck their target, their blood was used as a catalyst, activating the gravity seals on these arrows, thereby dragging these poor soldiers with them to the ground and pinning them effortlessly to the ground. But still it is not the end of their suffering as these arrows continued to absorb the blood from their bodies at a rapid pace, turning them into dried up husks.

Everyone who were witnessing this scene were scared of their wits. Even Yang Ye, his aides and his soldiers didn't expect this. They knew, these arrows were special, but never expected for them to be so evil. Most of the enemies soldiers were also shocked by this scene and exerted their full concentration and energy, determined to never fall prey to these evil arrows. But still most these enemies soldiers already lost their cool, because of seeing their loved ones, friends, brothers dying so horrifyingly.

They ignored their defences and blindly charged towards the city walls, but they met with another new round of Energy cannons. Most of the cannons either blasted the soldiers they hit into bloody paste or blew up severely injuring or killing most of them in their blast radius. This new round of attacks immediately forced all of them onto back foot. But still the energy cannons continued 2 more rounds, causing massive damage and blinding all of them with the explosions. The cultivators can easily evade these attacks with the help of their soul sense, but because of the earlier damage, they only focused what's in front of them and leaving their backs open.

The arrows that previously absorbed the blood completely, started to resonate each other causing humming sound in the surroundings, creating a massive ripple effect of soul attack, catching most of the enemies off guard. It is very difficult for cultivators to get their hands on soul artifacts, so majority of these cultivators who came under the soul attack fell down like a bird clipped of its wings.

Even as they are still suffering from the soul attacks, Yang Ye ordered the soldiers behind the city walls to shoot the enemies down. Immediately the sky darkened with another volley of arrows, scaring all the enemies. They feared it was another round of evil arrows. But the arrows just picked up these fainted soldiers, surprising the enemies. Not evil arrows? No blood sucking? But just as they were still contemplating about the arrows, all these simple arrows glowed in a fiery red colour, creating a series of explosions. Blood and gore rained on the battlefield.

With a huge bellowing sound from their commander, all the soldiers retreated back from the range of ballistas, cannons and arrows. The commander quickly realized, that it is futile to launch a direct attack, as they still have no idea about their enemies trump cards. They can only resort to energy draining, long range attacks.

50 enemy soldiers each formed a group formation, combining their entire energy in the form of huge energy ball and launching them at the city walls. But much to their displeasure, the energy ball struck the thin purple barrier and reflected back onto them with double force. Most of them were able to escape from their own attacks, but few of them who were slow fell prey to these energy balls.

The commander who witnessed this scene didn't know what to do. Melee attacks turned futile, long range attacks were ineffective. He was cursing the formation master who placed this weird formation around the city. This is not the first time for him to come across barrier formations, as he lead his own troops number of times on different worlds. But never in his life he came across such bizarre formation. What's even more shocking is, this barrier is a one way formation. The enemies behind the formation were freely launching their attacks, without any obstruction from the purple barrier, but their own attacks were easily repelled by the reflective nature of the barrier.

But he didn't want to give up after losing so many of his soldiers, without killing even one of the enemy soldiers. So instead of blindly attacking, he want to figure out the complete nature of this barrier formation and thereby finding it's weakness. So he split more than 200 peak Paragons under his control to scatter across a large area.

Each of these peak paragon attacked the barrier individually at first using long range attacks, but in the end, they ended up dodging their own attacks. This same pattern continued on for 4 to 5 rounds, but apart from a few ripples on the barrier, they didn't spot any weakness on it. Next they formed teams of ten and attacked the barrier at where these ripples were formed, but still failed in their attempts. They all turned towards their commander with crestfallen looks, as if asking 'what now commander?'.

The same scene was happening on all sides of the battlefield. Sam Boda and Auron only got reports of increasing number of casualties, but not a single report in their favour. Auron was also panicking inside with each second passing by, as he can clearly feel his body weakening from the poison.

"Uncle"- Auron

Sam gave a quick look at the pale green face of Auro

"How long can you hold onto the poison?"- Sam

"3 to 4 minutes at most, Uncle"- Auron

"This barrier is definitely strong and easily blocking even peak paragon attacks. So let me try one final move"- Sam

With an order from Sam 3 more sovereigns appeared beside him. They started to channel the energy inside their bodies into Sam body, creating a suffocating aura around him. Kin also immediately noticed this scene and ordered all the soldiers to activate the armored body talismans on their body, just in case. He flew up high into the sky and quickly went through hundreds of seals, before unleashing his complete strength.

Even though he is a peak high god, with his unique thunder physique, he can easily fight low level paragons. He quickly merged his soul energy with that of the barrier formation, thereby becoming a part of it.

Dense amount of spiritual energy started to gather around the barrier, taking an imaginary shape of a 100 ft Kin.

After gathering up enough energy, Sam ordered all of his soldiers to move to a far away safe place. Then he picked up his sword, channeled all the energy he gathered into it and slashed it at the barrier formation. The imaginary Kin also quickly materialized 100 ft spear in his hand. As the slash was just above his head, the imaginary Kin blocked it up with his spear, much to the shock of Sam.

He followed the slash attack with a simple but powerful vertical chop, Imaginary Kin also used his spear to block the attack with the tip of his spear. The 2 continued to trade blows for 20 to 30 moves, before both of them ran out of energy.

Sam was completely exhausted after using the borrowed energy, whereas Kin was completely spent of Spiritual energy, trying to completely control the imaginary Kin. By this time, Auron didn't even care about the result of the battle, as he desperately needed the antidote.

"We will accept our defeat and retreat from this place. Give me the antidote for the poison"- Auron

When the soldiers heard that the enemies will retreat, they all gave loud cheers, which can be heard even in the capital city. But all the clan leaders, Kuro, Kin, Itachi and Shisui, didn't even believe his words. How could one shamelessly retreat after suffering such huge losses. But they also can't attack the enemies outside the city walls, as they are out of range. They all turned towards Kin expecting his answer. But he didn't even glance at Auron and started talking with Shisui and Itachi, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Uncle, why does it seem like that the loser party is ordering the winning team?"- Kin

"Now that you mentioned it, I also feel the same."- Itachi

"Why did he go and poisoned himself in the first place? If he want the antidote, he can ask nicely"- Shisui

Wu Yi, Kuro and the soldiers turned towards Shisui as if telling 'you didn't stop General Kin, when he wanted to use poison attack".

Auron was completely furious of the 3 Uchiha's conversation.

"It's you bastards, who used shameless cowardly tactics like poison in the first place"- Auron

"Huh. Why are you raising your voice at us like some lackeys, at this time you should speak to us like we are your ancestors. Moreover we are not cowards. Before becoming cultivators we are ninjas. We always strike from the shadows and only resort to open attacks, when we are out of options."- Kin

Kuro, Itachi and Shisui completely agreed with Kin, whereas Auron,Sam, Wu Yi and all the soldiers had same thoughts ' just how thick is your skin, to boast about your shamelessness?'

Auron gritted his teeth and tightly clenched his fists, until they started bleeding.

"I apologise for my rude behaviour earlier. Now, can you please pass the antidote to me"- Auron

"Since you gave an sincere apology, I have no problem with giving you the antidote. But what about the war reparations?"- Kin

"Reparations? I said we are retreating from this place, right? What else do you want apart from that?"- Auron

Before stepping on this world, Auron was only at the other end of receiving gifts, so he never expected Kin to bring the topic about reparations.

"Who do you think, you are? Do you think this world is your own backyard, where you can come and go as you please?"- Kin

Auron and Sam were both furious at Kin's words. As members of Boda family, this is the first time, they are receiving this kind of treatment. But for the antidote, they have to digest the humiliation.

"What do you need in exchange for the antidote?"- Sam

"Now we are both on track. I have 2 demands. Why did you people arrive on this world? What were you searching so tirelessly for the last 30 years? Also I need all of you to leave behind your spatial rings, weapons, armors and spiritual boats. Even then, I don't think it is enough to pay for my soldiers injuries?"- Kin

*Boom* Fury erupted completely with in Sam's mind and was about to attack, when Auron started coughing up blood. He can't face his sister, if anything were to happen to Auron. So he quickly tossed a jade slip towards Kin.

Whereas General Wu Yi and his soldiers were thinking,"when did we get hurt, General Kin. Don't drag us into the middle, when you simply wanted to rob them'.

Kin received the jade slip and went over the details. There are only 2 sentences in it. They are here to search for the long last sovereign core of Rasia world and not to reveal the information to others for their own safety sake. Kin passed the jade slip to Itachi and Shisui.

Sam also ordered all of his soldiers to completely leave behind their spatial rings, weapons, armors and spiritual boats. The soldiers were reluctant at first, but had to agree after seeing the fury in Sam's eyes. Sam collected all these things in his own Spatial ring, before tossing it to Kin. Kin also passed the antidote to Auron.

After receiving the antidote, Auron quickly used it. In just mere moments he was back to complete life. Following Sam's orders, the soldiers started to retreat towards their headquarters. It truly was a sorry sight. They all came here in sparkling red armor like heroes, but now they are retreating like beggars.

Even though all of their soldiers retreated, Sam and Auron stayed back to have a chat with Kin.


Author's Note: I know the fight is quick, but I really felt it right to finish it all in a single chapter, instead of dragging it for more chapters. Remember they are only retreating to the headquarters and not leaving this world. There will be more fights with them. Also leave behind more positive and constructive reviews for more bonus chapters.