Even though all of their soldiers retreated, Sam and Auron stayed back to have a chat with Kin. Kin was also puzzled at their behaviour.

"Child relax. Since the fighting is already over we will not initiate any attacks on you or the city."- Sam

"Why don't you get straight to the point?"- Kin

"Good. I also don't like going in circles. But before that let me properly introduce ourselves..

My name is Sam Boda and this is my nephew Auron Greene. My father is one of the 12 sovereign rulers Victor Boda. But before that let me ask you, what do you know about higher state worlds?"- Sam

Everyone who heard Sam's words were shocked. Even though this world doesn't have any sovereign, they are at least clear that Sovereigns are stronger than Paragons.

As for Kin, he has clear about the higher level worlds, as he was completely tutored by his mother Ichika.

"There are a total of 84 sovereign state worlds in existence. Of that 12 were occupied by Sovereign Rulers, while the remaining 72 were still largely inhabited by powerful sovereign level monsters.

Below sovereign state worlds are Paragon state worlds. There are a total of 1024 paragon state worlds. Your nephew Auron is from paragon state world Vulcan. The military strength and reputation of a Sovereign Ruler is dependent on the number of Paragon states under his control. If you are from Boda family, then they are like 80 Paragon state worlds under your family.

Below each Paragon state world are numerous Higher state worlds and Mid state worlds.From what I can see, this monster world is also a High tier higher state world and is a free world that doesn't come under any family influence"- Kin

Now this is a crucial information, not only to the inhabitants of this monster world but also to Sam. They knew there are wild sovereign state worlds out there, but they don't have clear number on them. But how could someone from backwater place like this could known such accurate information?

"Then do you consider today's battle a victory? You must have a clear idea about our military strength by now, right?"- Sam

Even fools could understand the might behind these guys by now, then how could Kin not understand it.

"These soldiers are not even a part of Vulcan world's military. You must have only gathered enough military strength to occupy this world. But if you gather your entire military from all the 80 paragon state worlds under your family control, including the sovereigns under your father, then it is like comparing a large ocean and a drop of water."- Kin

Panic can be clearly seen on everyone's faces. Such large number of elite soldiers and they are not even part of single paragon world.Then what will happen to this world, if they gather their entire military strength. Annihilation and destruction are the only words that came to their minds.

"Clever child. Even when you know about us, you still dare to fight us? Don't you fear retaliation from us?"- Sam

Most of the Soldiers can clearly note the fury in Sam's words. They fought such a huge behemoth without even knowing they are ants. Now they have to spend their time cowering in fear, waiting for the behemoth fury.

"Huh, are you an idiot? What do you expect of us then? Do you want all of us to simply surrender to you guys without putting up a fight?then become slaves under your family and leave our lives at your mercy? Isn't it totally going against our belief as a cultivator?"- Kin

The clan heads, Kuro, Itachi, Shisui, Luke, Astarte and Tianlong all have disbelieving looks at Kin, but they have to completely agree with his words. If they don't fight today, then they will end up as slaves tomorrow.

Sam was furious at being called an idiot. But somewhere deep within his heart he started to have some respect towards Kin. It is not an everyday occurrence to come across, such foolhardy and mentally strong people.

"What does fighting against my family had to with cultivator's beliefs?"- Sam

"Answer my question first, is your family greater than the creation itself?"- Kin

Not only Sam, even sovereign rulers will not consider themselves as greater than the creation. But why is he asking this weird question?

"Nope. neither me nor our family consider ourselves greater than creation"-Sam

"Your family is a strong cultivators family, if we want to fight you, we also have to become strong cultivators. Then who is a cultivator? Cultivator is someone who defies the laws of creation and risks his/her life during each and every lightning tribulation to move forward.

If a cultivator is brave enough to defy the creation itself, then what is your mere family considered as? If anyone is afraid of your family, then they can stop being a cultivator. With a coward's mentality they will never ever make significant breakthroughs in their lives."- Kin

Everyone around Kin and those are watching Kin had a newfound respect towards him. He is absolutely correct. They all tread the path of cultivation by defying the laws of creation itself, then why should they be afraid of a mere sovereign family? With such a cowardly attitude, how will they move forward on their path. Unknown to Kin, most of the cultivators hearts around the world, strengthened a lot because of his words. Because of him, there will be a significant growth of powerful cultivators on this world in the future, who will be free, unrestrained and rebellious in nature.

Sam was shaken for the first time in his life. As a sovereign he can clearly sense the aura of those around Kin. What appeared to be a gloomy aura just a few minutes ago, is replaced by a fiery burning aura of determination. His senses are screaming at him, that this kid must be definitely killed. Unknown to him, he has a unique gift of leading people. If he was left alive, then they will have huge troubles and headaches in the future.

"Child.I am a sovereign, I can clearly sense few fluctuations in your soul. So what does this mean?"- Sam

"Excitement. Before coming to this world, as a kid, I heard a lot of stories about Paragons and sovereigns from my mother. When I started my cultivation path, I was always afraid that I may not reach my mother's expectations. But she never lost her belief in me and encouraged me to move forward.

Because of my mother's encouragement and teachings, I reached today's cultivation level. Now I am having a conversation with a sovereign as an equal. I just can't wait to breakthrough another level and have few exchanges against sovereigns like you. I am sure it will be more fun than searching for some treasures."- Kin

Crazy. That's the only word came to Sam's mind. He could clearly sense the increasing fighting intent in Kin. Just what kind of mother could train a freak like him? He decided to fight Kin by himself and finish him. Otherwise he will become his heart demon and he will never make any significant breakthroughs in his life.

"Child. I challenge you to one on one fight. Don't think of me as a shameless guy. I will completely restrict my strength around your level. So, do you accept my challenge?"- Sam

Everyone was surprised at Sam's unexpected challenge. Just why is a sovereign like him want to fight someone like Kin? He definitely has no good intentions.

Itachi and Shisui also arrived by Kin's side and told him to not accept the challenge. But by now, Kin's fighting intent had reached it's peak. He really want to exchange few moves with Sam. Just as he was about to accept the duel, a thundering roar reverberated across the whole world, even surprising the monsters and its ruler Dragon King. The roar was followed by an equally frightening pressure, forcing all the cultivators and monsters on monster world to their knees.

Even Sam, who is a sovereign was taken by surprise because of this pressure. He only felt this type of suffocating pressure in front of his father, who is a sovereign ruler. Don't tell me someone is breaking through to sovereign ruler on this world?

He used all of his willpower and strength to look towards where the sound came from. From the direction, he could tell it is from the capital city Eden. Pitch dark clouds covered the skies of entire capital city. When he tried to use his soul sense, he found to his surprise, that his soul sense was blocked by some kind of natural barrier formation. Natural barrier formations are formed by the creation itself instead of the artificial barrier formations by cultivators. The natural barriers are only formed to protect when someone around sovereign level or above is preparing for their breakthroughs.

Soon the pitch black clouds in the skies revealed seven openings in it, through which lightning, fire, earth, water,wind, Ying-yang and space-time principles started to descend at the same time.

Sam was scared almost to death after watching this scene. As a sovereign he has enough experience to know what is happening.But even for him, it is first time to witness 7 laws descend at the same time.

One can only reach God level, when he/she completely comprehends the basic essence of the 7 nature elements, like essence of wind, essence of fire etc.

One can only reach High god level, when he/she completely comprehends the entire principles of at least one elements. Every elements has a set number of principles according to their nature. Water has 5 principles to its nature. Essence of water, cold, stream, soft and circular softness.

Fire has 4 principles. Essence of fire, explosive, flame body and heat.

One can reach paragon level after combining all the principles of a single element into one.

But those who are talented enough to reach paragon level have high attunement to at least 4 to 5 elements. They may begin their cultivation path by comprehending at least basic principles of all their attuned elements. But as time goes on, they only focus on a single element.

But to reach sovereign level, you should at least completely combine the entire principles of 2 elements. The more elemental principles you combine, the higher your battle efficiency.

As for sovereign rulers, they are strong enough to combine at least 4 elements. Even the current strongest known Sovereign ruler was only able to combine 5 elements.

When a cultivator reaches Paragon level, it is followed by the descent of the element he completely comprehended. Similarly, when a cultivator reaches Sovereign, it is followed by the descent of the number of elements he combined. But at the moment he is seeing the descent of all the 7 elements at once. What does it mean? It means that a cultivator was able to succeed in combining all the 7 elements of nature. A new sovereign, who can easily crush these so called sovereign rulers is born.

What's wrong with this world? Did they name it Monster world on purpose? He never expected to come across so many setbacks and surprises in his life, on this world alone. He need to escape from this world of monsters. He need to report this to his father. They need to take care of this new threat, before he/she reaches full potential, otherwise none of the sovereign rulers will have a better future.


Authors Note: The principles of elemental laws is taken from Coiling Dragon. It is the first story I read and so it had a strong influence on me. This is an advance chapter for today, as I am going out with my family. The release schedule will be the same from tomorrow. I am looking for an editor, if anyone is interested, they can drop a message on the discord server.