Ichika turned towards Hao Zexi, the Supreme Elder of Shadow order. She can identify and understand the presence of Virtris family and Ajin in her palace, but she has no idea as to why an Elder from a business organisation is doing here. But she can tell he is a very influential figure, just based on his cultivation and the way Ajin and Vaeril are treating him, like he is their equal.

Hao Zexi also noticed Ichika's gaze and directly revealed his primary reason for arriving on this world.

"Empress Ichika, My name is Hao Zexi. I am one of the 3 Supreme Elders of the Shadow Order organisation. Our organisation is involved in all kinds of trade and information exchange. As long as we are paid, we can get information of any individual, monsters, places, martial and cultivation techniques.

But yesterday, our organisation received almost infinite number of requests to find more information about your ancestor Emperor Manu and verify the authenticity of your claims.

Because of our field of work, we explored a lot of ancient ruins on various worlds and found detailed description about Emperor Manu and his exploits. From what we found out, we could clearly tell that Emperor Manu is indeed the first recognized Sovereign Ruler.

We especially found 2 priceless relics in these ancient ruins, which are said to be personal created by Emperor Manu. Our team of archaeologists and blacksmiths tried their best in trying to identify the use of these relics, but failed to understand the language and the metals they are made up of. "- Hao Zexi

Ichika was clearly impressed by Hao Zexi conversation abilities, no wonder he was the Supreme Elder. First he clearly introduced himself and then indirectly advertised about the advantages of his organisation. Then he accepted the existence of Emperor Manu indirectly and want to check his true origins with the help of these 2 ancient relics. In this way, he can confirm his identity and can also get to know about the functions of these relics. If these relics are truly made by Emperor Manu, then ignore their functions, just based on their history alone will make them priceless artifacts.

Hao Zexi took out 2 worn out relics from his spatial ring and handed them to Emperor Manu. First relic is a Square shaped green tablet. The top of the tablet is engraved with a paragraph in ancient language, while the bottom is ruined by various cut marks.The second is a first sized Golden coloured Chariot pulled by 4 lifelike metal horses.

When Hao Zexi and his team found them in the ruins, they treated them as trash as they didn't found any signs of importance in them. As they are the only intact pieces found in these ruins, Hao Zexi consulted many archaeologists and blacksmith to identify these relics. But the only result he got was, that the metal used to make this Chariot is Ul'cron metal, which is easily the top 3 ranking metal in existence. So he kept these relics with himself as a token in hope of figuring out their uses in the future. Now that he had the perfect opportunity, he will try to learn about them from the creator itself.

Ichika can't hide her excitement after seeing these two worn out relics, especially the Golden chariot, as she already has all the memories of Emperor Manu.

"Hao Zexi right? You are very clever, trying to learn about these relics directly from me, using my identity as a ruse. Even though they belonged to me in the past, currently they are in your care, so I am not gonna reveal anything about them, as long as they are in your hand.

They will only remain as trash as long as you hold them, so why don't we make an exchange. Since you are a businessman, you don't want to suffer any loss right? So why don't you give me a price and I will buy them from you."- Manu

Now Hao Zexi is in a bind. He never expected such blatant refusal from Emperor Manu. At the same time, he can't keep these relics from the original owner as he was clearly interested in buying them back. As it is already announced to the whole world, that the Uchiha's are going to conquer more Sovereign State World's in the future, it will be foolish of him to refuse the offer from Emperor Manu.

Since the influence of the Uchiha's is only going to increase in the future, many people will try to get on their good side, this includes their rival merchant organisations. If he let go of this chance and the news reaches the patriarch and other Supreme Elders, he will definitely face criticism and may even face demotion. So it is better for him to take the initiative and offer them to Emperor Manu and gaining some favor towards their organisation.

"Your Majesty, please forgive my initial rude behaviour. Since these relics originally belonged to you, accept them as a gift of appreciation from our organisation."- Hao Zexi

Ichika was clearly happy after gaining possession of these relics. But she don't want to be in the debt of anyone, so she tossed him a jade bottle similar to Ajins.

Hao Zexi was happy with the transaction as he can now auction these pills at an astronomical prize to the old monsters. At the same time, he realized that the value of these relics easily surpassed these pills.

"Your Majesty, as these relics are now back in your care, can you please reveal their functions, to answer my curiosity."- Hao Zexi

Ajin Farhelm and Vaeril Virtris, who are observing the conversation from the beginning were also interested to know more about these relics.

"The Golden Chariot is called Helios Chariot. It can be used for both travelling and in wars. It will move in the direction according to your thoughts. The chariot will work by absorbing energy from the surroundings and can move through air, land, water and space.

There is always enough space for one more person in the chariot and will shrink and expand according to the user's wish.

If by chance you are injured or lose consciousness it will be covered in a strong defensive formation and will warn the user about the possibility of ambushes ahead."- Manu

Manu explained the uses of the Helios chariot in simple terms, even then Hao Zexi felt like he lost on something big. There are other powerful chariots and spiritual vehicles used by cultivators, but they are majorly powered by Spirit stones or the energy from the User. It is ok if they are using these spiritual vehicles for travelling, but during fights these vehicles will be a huge hindrance as they keep draining your energy. So comparing to them, this Helios chariot is a huge asset, as it can absorb energy from the surroundings negating the drawback from other spiritual vehicles.

Also most spiritual vehicles lack consciousness and will fail to protect or warn their owners, once they are injured or lose consciousness.

As if to prove his words, Emperor Manu used 3 drops of his blood on the chariot. As soon as his blood hit the core of the chariot, the chariot started to radiate powerful energy and slowly recovered from its worn out state and turned into a dazzling brand new chariot.

With just a thought from Manu, it slowly expanded from fist size to a standard size, while the 4 horses started to neigh in joy as if they are ready to take Emperor Manu for a ride.

Ajin, Vaeril and the others could only stare foolishly at the chariot, while Hao Zexi was clearly confused by the current situation. It is basic knowledge among cultivators to use blood to bind any artifacts. So he also tried using his own blood to bind these artifacts in the beginning when he found them, but failed to get any response from them.

So he came to 2 conclusions. One, these relics became dummy after the long passage of time and two, the owner of these artifacts are still alive. You can't bound a previously bound artifact, unless its previous user is dead or relinquishes the artifacts on his own.

Since he found these artifacts from ancient ruins from forgotten age, he ruled out the possibility of their previous user remaining alive. Then he found Emperor Manu is still alive and is at the peak of his health. But what puzzled him is, why did Emperor Manu had to use his blood again to activate this chariot?if one's blood is core to activate these artifacts, then why didn't his blood work on them?

Seemingly understanding his confusion, Emperor Manu cleared his doubt by saying that these artifacts can only be used by his descendants.Then he took out the square jade tablet and ordered all of those present in the palace to follow him to an empty place, to know about the true purpose of the jade tablet.

Once outside, he added few more drops of his blood onto the tablet and tossed it high into the air. As soon as the blood drops hit the core of the tablet, the tablet extended to 100 meters tall and 10 meters wide and started to float in the air.

The ancient words engraved on the tablet started to glow in golden colour, while the cut marks on it became even more distinct.

"This jade tablet is the inheritance I left for my followers. It contains all of my knowledge in swordsmanship and all the basic 72 sword moves of my sword style. As long as one meditates in front of it and can comprehend one move, their battle power will raise exponentially."- Manu


Author's Note: Hello everyone. Second chapter of the week. Friends there was some mistake on my part regarding the function of time chamber, seems like I forgot the main point I mentioned in it. One of my friends who is new to the story started to binge read all the chapters and found my mistake and pointed it at me.

According to the explanation I gave in chapter 6, the time compression in the chamber will increase by 10 times after Ichika reaches Paragon level. So Ichika is now a sovereign cultivator, which means the time compression rate in time chamber is currently at 1: 100000 times. I will once again go through the previous chapters and correct these mistakes. Sorry for giving wrong calculations, without going through the actual details once.

Enjoy the read and also please try to vote regularly as they help me motivate to write more.