Just as Manu finished speaking, everyone turned towards the tablet with greed. Most of them here clearly witnessed how Manu used a single attack yesterday to take down millions of soldiers. As it is the complete inheritance and Knowledge of Emperor Manu regarding his sword style, it's value easily surpassed the primal grade treasure.

While Artifacts and Pills are powerful boosters for the cultivators, they only fall in the category of external strength, while one's own battle strength is the true strength of the cultivator. If they can meditate in front of this tablet and gain a part of Emperor Manu's inheritance, then their battle power will easily improve by leaps and bounds.

One of the Virtris family elder who was greedy for power, tried to scan the tablet with his soul sense to copy the sword moves engraved on it. But the moment his soul sense came into contact with the tablet, powerful sword intent was released from the tablet and severely damaged his soul. The elder lost his consciousness while screaming at the top of his voice.

"I clearly stretched the word 'meditation' before the tablet, to comprehend a part of my inheritance. If you are greedy or if your state mind is disturbed, you will suffer severe backlash from the tablet. At minimum you will suffer minor injuries to the soul and at maximum one's soul may be severely damaged while sending you into coma.

This elder was clearly greedy for power and tried to make his move in advance to gain the upper hand, but now he suffered serious soul damage, which will take a long time for him to recover."- Manu

Vaeril was clearly disappointed by the actions of the Elder as he made him lose his face in front of so many of them. As a patriarch, he clearly knew about the corruption running through his family, while most of the family members are split into peaceful and warring factions. This Elder clearly belonged to the warring faction and hence his lust for more power, which clouded his judgement and reasoning. If he waited till the end of explanation from Manu, he would have certainly gained some benefits.

"Looks like the family principles fell apart a lot after my absence. I never saw an Elf who lost his cool and acting without orders from the Patriarch or his host."- E'Lara

The Virtris family members could clearly sense the disappointment in their ancestor voice. They can't help but hang their heads low with shame, as she clearly pointed out the power struggle in Virtris family.

In the beginning all of them arrived on this world with a high momentum, but it kept dwindling with each second as the Uchiha's slowly started to reveal their power. Now they are even ashamed to look straight into their ancestor eyes.

"E'Lara sama, please punish me for failing to keep order in the family. Because of my negligence and partiality, I let the family divide into peaceful and warring factions. If I was a bit strict, we would have developed even more instead of fighting amongst ourselves."- Vaeril

Vaeril remained neutral in the past, which led to the current situation of the virtris family. He was caught between both the factions, as there are his close supporters on both the factions. So instead of completely agreeing with one faction, he only used his efforts to maintain the status quo and only interfering when the situation was out of control. But because of his neutral action, he slowly lost respect among his family members who started to become quite rowdy as time passed by.

"I left the Virtris family after fulfilling my duties towards the Elves, so I am in no position to punish the revered leader of Virtris family. Now it is entirely up to you as to where you lead the Virtris family, you can either help the family to prosper or lead it to complete annihilation."- E'Lara

All the Elves were taken aback by E'Lara words. They had small hope, she may be concerned with the Virtris family fate as it's descendant, but now she clearly showed her allegiance is with the Uchiha family.

Vaeril was clearly not ready to give up just like that, if he did, then the virtris family will only face annihilation. If there is one person who can save their family, then it is definitely his great grandmother E'Lara.

"E'Lara sama please show mercy towards your family, you can't stand on the sidelines while your own descendants slowly perish one by one right?"- Vaeril.

The moment he mentioned descendants, everyone from the Virtris family were assaulted by a strong suffocating pressure, forcing them to their knees. Even Vaeril and the 3 Elven Sovereigns had to use major part of their energy to resist against her and to stay on their feet. Only now did they understand how fearsome their ancestor is.

"When I fought in the past to free the Elves, I was forced by my father Belanor Virtris to wage continuous wars against my free will to occupy more territories. I refused his intentions in the beginning, but I was forced to accept his missions because of my mother.

At that time itself I realized, that the fate of our family will be the same as other families, so I decided to stay away after completely finishing all of my duties towards the family.

Even after finishing my missions my father was still not finished with me. He learnt from my mother about my motives to leave the family which clearly upset him. So he wanted to force me to stay in the family by marrying me to the second strongest member of my generation. In that way he can not only control me, but can also preserve the bloodline of the family.

This didn't sit well with me and confronted him for the first time. All he needs is someone to continue the Virtris family bloodline, so they can be the rulers of the fast expanding Elven race, he doesn't even have an ounce of love towards me.

So I made a decision to completely get rid of him. Since he only needs heirs to continue the bloodline, I spent more than 60% of my Life essence and blood energy to artificially create 3 babies and breathed life into them. After handing those babies to my father, I silently left the Virtris family with my mother.

Now don't tell me, as a patriarch you don't know about the origin of our family line. If you still insists me to help the family, then there will be no difference between you and my father, who are both opportunists."- E'Lara

E'Lara's words shocked everyone on the scene. Because of the isolation of the 3 Elven worlds from others, no one has any clear idea about the Virtris family. No wonder she disappeared after occupying the 3rd Elven world.

As for Vaeril and the Elders, they are completely at loss of words. As the core members of the Virtris family, they have complete access to the hidden files of their family lineage.

Belanor Virtris may not be a good father, but he made sure to write all the details of the Virtris family, so it can be passed down from one generation leaders to the other.

It was clearly explained in these records by the previous Patriarch's that Belanor Virtris completely regretted his decision to use his daughter like a tool to fuel his ambitions and to cement the Virtris family as a powerhouse. But by the time he regretted his decisions, it was already too late as E'Lara already left the family with her mother. So he left a will to his descendants asking them to search for E'Lara and to ask her for forgiveness in his place. This is also one of their reasons, as to why all the Elders and Patriarch personally arrived on this world to meet E'Lara.

Learning from Belanor mistakes, the previous patriarchs of the Virtris family continued the isolation of all the 3 Elven words, so as to avoid unnecessary conflicts with other Rulers. But fate is a complicated thing, even though they remained isolated, the number of people supporting the warring faction only increased with each passing day, leading them to the current corruption in the family.

Because of the strong aggressive behaviour from E'Lara, none of them dared to move forward and to reveal her about the will of Belanor Virtris. As time ticked by Phelorna steeled her heart and stepped forward to carry out the task. Even as a Sovereign Ruler, she can't help but feel fear towards E'Lara because of her earlier outburst.

"E'Lara sama, everything you mentioned is clearly recorded by Belanor sama in the family records. During the last stages of his life, he completely regretted his decisions for not treating you well and left his will with us. According to his will, we have been searching for you all this time, so we can ask for forgiveness in his place.

No matter you accept it or not, we are still your family members. At the moment there is no need for you to acknowledge us, but all we ask is to give us a single chance to prove our sincerity. We are also completely ready to give up everything we hold under Virtris family name."- Phelorna

Even though Phelorna negotiated the terms on her own, Vaeril and the others clearly agreed to it in their hearts. Given their current predicament, they are completely clueless on how to pacify E'Lara's anger. Even if E'Lara doesn't return to the Virtris family, it is ok as long as she still connected to their family.

Everyone kept silent for the next few minutes, waiting for E'Lara decision. Ichika also completely went through numerous possibilities on how to make use of these Virtris family members. It is clear that their attitude is sincere towards E'Lara, but she doesn't want to exploit them using this as a chance. She really needs them to form a strong alliance, but an alliance which is built against one's wishes will not last long, at the same time she has to be the main decision maker in this alliance.

If only Ichika knew about the thoughts of Virtris family, she would have saved time instead of wasting her brain cells. From the beginning the Virtris family also has clear intentions to form an alliance with the Uchiha family.


Author's Note: Hello everyone. Today is a sad day for all the comic readers as Spider Man, Iron Man, Fantastic Four and Hulk creator Stan lee passed away. Spider Man is my first comic and cartoon, which hooked me up to this fantastic imaginary marvel world. It is only because of his creations, that I started to explore other superhero comics, manga, novels and anime. This chapter is my small tribute to his hard work for all these years entertaining us. He will live on as long as Marvel world exists. R.I.P STAN LEE.