Forbidden Jutsu

As the chakra and experiences flow into him he feels almost euphoric. Gently closing his eyes he tries to digest his experience gain from Mystical Palm. Before what he was doing was very crude, but with the experience from the others, it's like he's been practicing for over a month. The best part is looking at his levels. Taijutsu leveled up to 3 with ⅛ of the bar filled, and Ninjutsu leveled up to 4 with ⅔ of the bar filled. His total level is now 3 and he gained 10 more points and a perk point. His total level bar is 2/4 filled, so two more levels to fill it.

After thinking for a bit he adds the point into Ninjutsu again, bringing the reduction to 4%.

Over the week he and the clones ate all the fruit, there were bottles of water in the fridge but he decided not to take them. If he puts all these things in his inventory and the trash disappears it will look suspicious.

Looking at his stats he decides to mold chakra till they come to get him.

[Health 100] [Chakra 53/145] [Stamina 12/105] 20 points

The system is a bit different from Skyrim, in Skyrim you cannot distribute points how you want, but the downside is he doesn't completely heal when he levels up.

He knows Chakra gets harder to increase later so he's saving his points while it's still easy to increase.

Sitting on the bed he makes the seal of confrontation to mold and regen his chakra.

A few hours later the seal to the door is undone, revealing Mei's figure standing there with a smile.

"I'm back, was your training fruitful?"

Zitsu rises to his feet with a smile "Yes."

Mei claps her hands "Good, let's get the last one." turning on her heels she walks towards another door.

Looking around he sees Bunrakuken standing there with a smug smile on his face. Following behind Mei they reach another door. She performs a series of hand seals and slaps the door causing the seal to disappear. As the door opens it reveals Chojuro sitting on the bed.

Cho opens his eyes, seeing other people a smile blooms on his face and his eyes go wide. Jumping off the bed he runs over.

"You're back!"

Mei smiles sweetly and rubs his head. "Let's go, we're the last ones so we got a late start."

"Mmh" Chojuro nods.

As they walk back to the big room Cho walks next to Zitsu.

Looking at each other they smile and follow behind Mei. As they exit the dorm room they see the other four teens and the other eight kids.

Standing off on their own Mei turns to look at the three kids. "This week was your test, to see if you could begin molding your chakra." Reaching into a bag tied to her hip she takes out three playing cards.

"The objective of the exercise is simple, focus all your chakra into a finger to hold the card up. If you can't do it by the end of the day we will have to ask you to leave." Holding out a finger the card sticks to her fingertip without falling. After demonstrating the technique she passes out the cards.

Bunrakuken immediately sits down and begins practicing. Seeing this Chojuro becomes flustered before he sits down to practice as well.

Looking at the card in his hand Zitsu frowns slightly. He knows he's only one year old right now, but can he really afford to waste his time like this?

Looking at Zitsu standing there in a daze Mei furrows her brows. "Is there a problem? Something you don't understand?"

Zitsu looks up into her emerald green eyes for a moment and takes a deep breath as he makes his decision. Holding out his finger he focuses all his chakra and sticks the card on it.

Seeing this Mei's mouth opens slightly like she wants to say something, but before she can even speak she notices the card starts to turn ever so slightly. So slight that if you weren't looking you'd probably miss it.

Moving in a flash she rushes down and pulls him into her embrace, pushing his head into her bosom so he doesn't make a sound. "Shhh"

The millions of times he imagined being in Mei's embrace, he never thought it would hurt so much. His face is pressing against her shirt which is laced with wire mesh, if she pressed harder shed slice his face.

Looking around she doesn't see Yagura, Unkei, or Dayu looking over. Releasing Zitsu she looks at him with tender eyes and a radiant smile. Holding up a finger she puts it to her lips.

Bunrakuken and Chojuro look over with strange expressions, not sure what's going on.

Not sure what Mei wants he sits down and continues to practice molding his chakra control. Seeing him practice Bunrakuken and Chojuro does the same.

Seeing this Mei nods slightly, afraid the kid would alert the others.

After four hours Chojuro actual gets the card to stick for a few seconds.

"I did it! I did it!" Chojuro jumps to his feet, his face beat red from excitement.

Seeing this Bunrakuken grits his teeth.

Zitsu looks at him and frowns, what's this kids deal?

Feeling his stare Bunrakuken glares at Zitsu before trying to stick the card.

"Good job Cho, keep practicing" Mie smiles at him "If you keep up this up you will become an excellent ninja."

Cho nods his head furiously before sitting back down.

In the next few hours, a couple other kids also succeed. Zitsu spends his time watching everyone else.

Soon another two hours pass and all the trainers clap their hands.

"Ok times up" Mei shows a bitter smile to Bunrakuken.

"No, I can do it! I know I can!" He begins yelling and pointing his finger, his face beet red.

Mei shakes her head.

Suddenly the door opens and Taketa walks into the room, a stern look on his face. "All unqualified students come with me, we don't have resources to waste on failures."

Bunrakuken clenches his fist and begins to tremble.

"This isn't the end for you, you can still join the academy when you are five." Mei tries to comfort him.

Hearing this he takes a breath, turning to look at Chojuro he glares. "Don't think you're better than me!" eyes trembling he holds his look for a few seconds before stomping off.

As Taketa shuffles the kids out only a few remain. Only Tashio remain from Yagura's group, from Unkei both girls actually remained.

Now that he's actually looking at the girls they look like twins. One has long red hair down to her shoulders and the other has a pixie cut. They appear to be around two years old and have bright brown eyes.

From Dayu's group, no one remained, causing him to just shrug his shoulders and leaves the room. Including Chojuro and himself, only five people.

Everyone gathered together in a group again. Yagura once again steps forward.

"How much you will understand I'm not sure, but you all have been selected for an experiment. You will be sealed into a training device for the next three years. Your body and chakra will be enhanced, making you stronger." His eyes scan the kids, seeing their confused faces he shakes his head.

Zitsukani has his head down, counting on his fingers, trying to figure out what he will miss in three years. Nothing big happens for the rest of this year, next year Haku and Kimimaro will be born and that's about it. During the second year is when the bridge is destroyed leading to Kakashi getting the Sharingan. Later in that same year, Madara will seal the three tails in Rin leading to her death. Neji, Lee, Tenten, and even Suigetsu will be born. The Third Mizukage somehow dies and the Third Hokage steps down for the forth. For the third year, Obito will attack Konoha and the three tails will be sealed into Yagura.

He clenches his fist hard, a little frustrated. He can't affect any of those situations, but after three years I'll be four and able to do more things.

Mei watches Zitsukani's actions, a little confused as she sees him clench his fist.

Thinking things over he relaxes, if he can't affect anything why worry? And he knows Chojuro survives so why worry? Raising his head he catches Mei smiling at him, his lips curl and he smiles back.

The door to the room opens again, this time Madame Yan, two old men, and the Third Mizukage walks into the room.

Zitsu's eyes go wide as he never thought he'd get to see him. His eyes are closed and has a few wrinkles on his face. He's wearing his blue and white Mizukage hat with long blue and white robes. His black hair hangs slightly in his face.

"These are the kids?" A cold and detached voice comes from his mouth.

"Yes Lord Mizukage" Madame Yan walks forward.

"Let's start the jutsu"

Yagura, Mei, and Unkei step back. The three elders and the Mizukage stand in a square around the kids. "Now!"

All four people begin rapidly making hand signs, their hands turning into blurs.

"Grand Incubation Jutsu!"x4

They slap their hands on the ground causing the air to quiver, the moisture in the air starts to condense into spheres and surround each of the four kids. The four elders walk up to the orbs and make a few more hand seals before slapping the orbs. As they do black writings and symbols form along the orbs.

As they finish Zitsu can feel chakra pumping into the sphere and into his body.

"You will be Jonin within the year and when they get out you will resume their training, how good they become is up to you."

"Yes Lord Mizukage"

Zitsu watches everyone leave the room as his eyes finally close.