
Zitsukani's eyes flutter as his conciseness returns. The sphere he's in burst open as he drops to the ground. Struggling to open his eyes his vision is blurred, as he tries to move his limbs they feel foreign to him. His entire body is bigger and limbs longer, making it difficult to suddenly control.

Closing his eyes he sees that his levels are still the same, but his stats have changed.

[Health 110] [Chakra 255] [Stamina 120]

[20 Points]

His chakra saw the biggest impact, increasing by over 100. Now the other four have about as much chakra as he had before. Opening his eyes his vision begins to clear up.

Looking around he sees Chojuro and the other four still in the orbs. Their appearances have completely changed from before. Before they all had fairly chubby faces so they all looked the same to him, himself included. But now they look like individual humans.

Chojuro's rectangular eyes are more pronounced with his plane looking face. If it wasn't for his spiky blue hair he'd look like a normal person with his thin brows, thin nose, and thin lips.

Taisho has become very lanky on top of being very pale. His arms are overly long and his grin hair has grown down to his shoulders, if he didn't know better he would think he was a pale monkey.

The girls look more similar now than they did before. One has red hair down her back and the other to her shoulders. They have round eyes, a small nose, and small lips.

Looking at them he wonders if he looks more like the character he created. Wiggling for a bit he slowly gains a bit of control of his body. Pushing off the ground, he rises to his feet.

Looking around he sees no one else. "It would probably take longer If I wasn't used to having a bigger body."

Shaking a bit he looks at the orbs one more time before heading to the exit. The more he walks the broader his smile gets.

"Being a more suitable size is definitely better" reaching the exit he opens the door. Seeing the familiar stairs he realizes it's only been a week for him, but three years for everyone else. Thinking up to here his brows furrow.

"I wonder how my mom is doing." Not wanting to waste more time he begins to ascend the stairs. Soon he breaks out into a full sprint up the stairs.

What took an eternity before only took a couple of minutes now. Arriving at the top he looks around, seeing no one at the desk he walks out of the academy.

As he arrives outside the mist hits him like a ton of bricks. Looking around he sees a huge crowd gathering towards the Mizukage building.

"Did something happen?" Thinking for a moment he heads towards the crowd.

Walking further and further, the crowd gets bigger and bigger. Pushing through, Zitsu makes his way closer to the front.

"Lord Sandaime Mizukage died valiantly in battle to secure the three tails from falling into Kumo's hands. To solidify his new position as Raikage, A and his brother Killer B led a team and charge into the land of water. When the three tails was revived after it was stolen from us, it was almost stolen again."

Finally pushing his way to the front of the crowd he is shocked at what he sees. His eyes tremble and his body begins to shake, he is probably the only fan to ever see this scene.

On the stage, ten people stand. Mei in her classic blue dress but with less cleavage. To her right stands a young Utakata, the six tails jinchuriki wearing black clothing and a blue flak vest, his headband tied securely to his head. The most shocking is the seven people in the back, seven eye-catching swordsmen.

The fat man Fuguki Suikazan stands in the center with his long orange hair and Kiri forehead protector, wearing a large white coat with black sleeves, black pants with ninja shoes. His white pupils, green face stripes, and shark teeth give him an oppressive feeling. On his back, the legendary sword Samehada wrapped in cloth.

To his right is Jinin Akebino, who appears rather short compared to those at his side. His brown hair is tied in a topknot, held in place by his Kiri head cap. His large nose and goatee cover half of his angular shaped face. Most of his body is covered by a purple poncho, he is also wearing pinstriped arm and leg warmers. In his hands are a large axe and hammer connected by a string, the legendary sword Kabutowari.

Next to him is a tall and lanky man, Kushimaru Kuriarare. On his face is an Anbu mask. On the mask, there is a triangle at the mouth area and slits for eyes, and a Kiri symbol at the top. He's wearing a sleeveless black shirt and blank pants with ninja boots, he is also wearing the same arm and leg warmers. Strapped to his back is a long needle-like object with a long wire wrapping around his arm, the sword Nuibari.

The person to the far right is Raiga Kurosuki. He too is wearing an Anbu mask. His mask has short curved eye-holes, a mischievous smile and two red wave designs on the top and bottom on the left side. He's wearing a black long sleeve shirt with a blue flak jacket, black pants, and ninja shows. At his waist hangs the twin lightning blades Kiba.

To the left of Fuguki is Juzo Biwa, a tall and slender man. His hair and eyes are dark gray, and his hair is short and spiky. He has a cross shaped scar on his right cheek and a red grid-shaped marking covering his jaw. He's wearing a black tight-fitting sleeveless shirt with two light, thin stripes on his chest, a striped cloth belt, and light pants along with black arm covers extending from his hands to his biceps. Bandages covers his neck, chin, and the side of his face and ears. In his right hand is the executioner blade Kubikiribocho which he is resting on his shoulder.

Next to him is a man he doesn't recognize, besides the fact that he is one of the people who should die in around two years to Duy. He's wearing a dark blue striped shirt and pants with camo leg warmers. His face is rather plain but his dark blue mohawk gathers all the attention. On his back wrapped in cloth is the twin handled sword Hiramekarei.

On the far left is Jinpachi Munashi. He has long brown hair and a long beard, all of which and tied into locks and decorated with beads. The top of his head is wrapped in bandages and his forehead protector. His left eye is covered with an eye patch that's tucked under the headband. He's wearing an extremely loose long-sleeved pin-striped shirt, on his legs are black pants and leg warmers with ninja boots. On his back hangs the blastsword Shibuki.

Looking at the seven swordsmen of the mist alive and in one place causes his heart to beat rapidly. Looking at Samehada the corners of his lips curl into a broad smile, 40% of the reason he came to this village was to acquire that sword. And the window he has to acquire it before Kisame is short, maybe four years or so, but he has to little information to go on so he can't be sure.

Looking at the speaker he sees it is Madame Yan.

"Lord Third Mizukage sacrificed himself to push back the enemy, buying enough time for Yagura to ack. Seeing the disadvantaged situation he made a bold move, because the three tails just revived and was in a weekend state he decided to risk his life and seal the three tails into his own body!" The old lady's voice raises as she scans the crowd.

"Together with members of the Mei, Utakata, the seven swordsmen, and the Anbu they fought the entire way back to the village, losing many men." Madame Yan closes her eyes and raises her hands.

"But with great disaster comes a great blessing. Because the three tails was in a weekend state, and an impeccable match, Yagura was able to completely suppress the three tails and control his power making him a perfect jinchuriki! The second one in the whole world!" She clenches her fist in the air.

The crowd goes wild with cheers and screaming, looking around Zitsu is stunned.

"Kumo is considered unbreachable because of their perfect jinchuriki Killer B! But now we have one too!" She sweeps her hand forward "As the only surviving elder I nominate Yagura Karatachi as Yondaime Mizukage! Does anyone dare object?"


The entire area erupts with cheers, the sound so loud he can feel his body vibrating. His hands tremble and become clammy as he knows what comes next.

Madame Yan pulls out a blue kage hat and hands it to Yagura.

Taking the hat he looks at it for a moment, his grip tightening around the rim. Taking a deep breath he puts it on. Taking a step forward he opens his mouth.

"One will never understand the weight of this simple hat until one puts it on." His eyes scan the crowd "The Mizukage is supposed to protect his people, and Lord third died to do that." His hands begin to tremble "The Third's death was because he loved his people and was too nice, but I will do what I must." He takes another step forward.

"The reason Kuma was able to pressure us so is that they outnumber us three to one. Half the ninja in the land of water are hiding in their clans and fighting for their own interest and not Kiri. The bloodline clans that refused to join Kiri have already been wiped out by other clans in fear of their power, crippling our potential power." he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

Slowly opening his eyes he scans the crowd.

"I will extend that same option to them, no more individual clans, those who refuse to join shall be purged by the full might of Kiri, how can we deal with the dragons at our gate with snakes in our yard?" his eyes turn vicious as a red chakra cloak begins to form around him.