But Can You Do This?

The crowds yell cause the ground itself to tremble. Just being in the crowd causes Zitsu to become excited. It's like he's getting to watch the history of Kirigakure in the making, but he knows the longer he's alive and the stronger he gets the Naruto world he loves will change.

But this is his story now, and he's going to go a far as he can get. Clenching his fist he looks at the stage, a burning passion in his eyes.

"I won't be afraid to change the future" the corners of his lips curl as he steels his resolve.

As he looks at the stage he notices Mei staring at him with a smile.

She is no longer a thirteen-year-old girl, but a sixteen-year-old who is begging to come into her charm. At 16 most people in the Naruto world have already found the love of their life, mostly someone from their team or academy days. The fact someone as nice as Mei stayed single for all those years is probably the biggest mystery in the Naruto world, she's not like Tsunade who has issues.

Returning her smile he nods her head.

Suddenly Yagura turns around and walks away. Madame Yan follows after him, but before they can get far Mei whispers something to them that causes them to stop in their tracks.

Turning around they both stare at Zitsu. Feeling their gazes he can't figure out what to do with his hands, so he just clasps them behind his back to look profound.

Mei says something else and they nod their heads before continuing to walk off. The rest of the people on stage disperse in different directions while Mei walks towards him.

"You've really gotten big." Mei looks down at him with a smile.

"Well, it's been three years. What month is it by the way?"

Mei's brows shift a bit "It's August 30th, why?"

Zitsu flinches a bit. Obito attacks in eleven days? If I tell them about it in advance and we attack right after the fourth dies, can't we cause some serious damage?

Zitsu begins counting on his fingers, weighing the pros and cons. Shaking his head he looks at Mei "Nothing, just wondering what's next?"

Mei looks at him suspiciously a bit. "Well, normally you would start the academy at your age, but it was decided back then that they wanted to use the forbidden jutsu to enhance young children so they have an early start. Sending you guys to the academy would be a waste, so you five are going straight to the class for those who are chosen to be seven swordsmen candidates. At the same time, you will learn Ninjutsu from your instructors."

Zitsu nods, this explains how someone as timid as Chojuro became a swordsman.

"Where's my mother?"

Mei smiles "Don't worry, she's ok. She often came to see you over the three years." She looks around for a moment. "I guess the others aren't up yet, but there should be someone to greet them now that the gathering is over."

She begins to walk away and waves her hand "Come with me."

Looking at her swaying hips for a moment, he follows after her. The crowd begins dispersing as they walk closer and closer to the central building.

As he nears the sheer size of the building is overwhelming. The giant blue water symbol at the top gives off an imposing feeling. It feels like thousands of eyes are watching him, just waiting for him to make one false move.

His brows furrow as he begins to think, is Yagura already under Obito's control? But if that was the case Ao should have noticed, unless it takes him a few years to figure out the Byakugan?

As he thinks up to there he smiles. Maybe he should get him a pair of eyes? Itachi is only five so all the Uchiha's are still alive.

As he is thinking to himself they reach the building.

"The candidates train in here, most candidates are the best of the best from the graduating class. But because talent has been on the decline we got you guys." She raises her brows and looks back.

"Ok, I'm ready."

"Good, I'll take you to meet your mom later. For now, let's meet your sword instructor."

Walking into the building dozens of shinobi can be seen moving about in a hurry. This area looks like some sort of lobby, a lot of older looking men behind a desk are handing out scrolls.

Assuming this must be some sort of mission hub he continues to follow Mei. Walking for a bit they reach a long corridor, mist seeps in from the windows on the wall. Realizing that this leads to a large plateau he assumes the camp is outside.

Exiting, he sees a large square building. It really stands out to him because so far all the buildings have been cylinders.

"This is where you will train." Pointing to a cylinder building far off to the side "That is an apartment complex for cadets so they don't waste time on travel, your mom has already been moved to your room."

Waiting for a few seconds she continues "The person you will learn the sword from is in there, after you are done I will come to get you to teach you jutsu. Things have gotten really busy, so If I can't make it don't hold it against me."

Looking at the apartment, then towards the square building he nods. "Ok, no problems."

Mei flashes a radiant smile "Ok I'll see you later, maybe." She holds up two fingers and just vanishes right before his eyes.

"Body Flicker Jutsu" seeing that Zitsu smiles.

Looking at the square building he walks towards it. Standing outside for a moment he takes a deep breath, then steps inside. Opening the door the first thing he hears is the clashing of metal.

Walking inside he sees a giant pool the size of a football field. The pool is surrounded by a stone border on all sides, along the walls are hundreds of swords of different types.

In the middle of the pool two people are gliding across the water clashing swords. As they move not even a ripple can be seen, but when they clash tsunamis spread in all directions. Their swords move so fast they leave trails of silver light. The rhythmic sounds of their swords clashing fill the room.

Zitsu is dazed for a moment because he recognizes both of these people, one big and one small.

Noticing someone has entered they both stop.

"Looks like it's time for you to babysit kid."

"I'm getting used to it, my brother was born last year."

Both of them begin walking towards Zitsu.

"To think the genius swordsman became a nanny, will you ever become one of the seven now?"

"A mission is a mission."

"Right. I'm getting assigned to cypher division under Fuguki so you have to train yourself now."

Looking at the blue-skinned shark like human in front of him he doesn't know how to feel. Kisame Hoshigaki, he's not wearing his black Akatsuki robes, but normal hidden mist ninja attire. The person next to him, a young child is more of a mystery. Mangetsu Hozuki, he only looks around eight or nine years old but he can already train with Kisame. He has shoulder length white hair and deep purple eyes. He has a very handsome angular face with thin lips hiding his shark like teeth. He's wearing a simple sleeveless black shirt, purple pants, and ninja shoes. Instead of a bag attached to his waist, he has a water bottle. As they approach they both sheath their swords on their backs.

Kisame doesn't even speak to him and just walks right past him. Mangetsu stops right in front of him and looks him up and down.

"You don't look any different from a normal kid."

"I don't think I'm that special" Zitsu shakes his head. This guy is one of the strongest, how can he not be humble?

"Good, before you can walk on this water I won't be showing you anything." Gripping his katana he strides back into the water.

Watching till he walks far enough away, he decides to give it a shot. Focusing chakra into the bottom of his feet he steps on the water with one foot. His foot doesn't sink, but because he has no weight on it he can't tell. Leaning forward he puts some weight on the foot and immediately sinks into the water.

Water rushes over him like a full body embrace. A normal one-year-old turned four would probably panic, but by this point, he's almost a mentally thirty-year-old man.

Seeing him fall into the water Mangetsu shakes his head. "What are the higher ups even thinking?"

Staying underwater for a moment he notices how natural it feels. Because his chakra nature is water, he feels extremely comfortable. Kicking his legs he rises to the surface. Pulling himself up he sits on the ledge with his feet in the water.

Now that he's soaked he finally looks at his clothes, noticing these aren't the ones he went into the sphere with. He's currently wearing blue ninja shoes with brown diagonal striped paths and his shirt has different color blue camo.

Thinking for a moment he comes up with an idea. Putting chakra into his hand he presses down into the water. As he presses down he notices that the water moves, causing the amount of chakra needed different on certain parts of his palm.

Figuring out the trick, and actually doing it are two different things. Using different amounts of chakra on the same body part is quite difficult.

As he presses his palm on the water, hours go by.