
As Mangetsu walks away his brows begin to furrow, even he a Genin doesn't have enough chakra to make six water dragons. So how does a four-year-old kid have enough? Glancing over his shoulder at Zitsukani he shakes his head. Gripping his sword he begins practicing more seriously than before.

It takes an hour and a half for Zitsu to regain his chakra. As he opens his eyes he sees the other four kids still trying to practice water walking, without even the basic of wall walking it will take them some time. Drawing his sword he rises to his feet.

Thinking about how Mangetsu's sword was able to plunge him into the water he begins to swing his sword. After a few swings, he realizes that his sword has no power, and unless he's aiming for death by a thousand cuts his sword is useless. But trying to add strength to his sword wrecks his chakra flow and form.

As he swings his sword he glances at Mangetsu and copies his movements. After a few swings, he feels something move in his body. Performing the same movements again he focuses on his body, suddenly as he swings his sword he can feel chakra begin to travel from his core, up his chest, into his shoulder, down his arm, and finally into his sword as he completes the swing.

His eyes open wide at his new discovery. As the chakra travels along that pathway every bit of his bodies power is transferred into the sword. What he was doing before was just swinging the sword, but this is putting all your body into the sword. Using just your arms to transmit power is a joke!

A broad smile forms on his face, of all the moves he copied from Mangetsu only this diagonal slash gave him this feeling. On earth, the only thing he was good at was being a fan of Naruto, but that took him to incredible places. If the only thing you can do is be a Naruto fan then be the best Naruto fan there is, and if the only thing he can do is a diagonal slash then he will become the best at it.

Taking a breath he begins repeating the move over and over. As he does he realizes the more chakra he puts in the stronger it will become, but if he puts in too much right now he loses control and breaks his form. As his strength increases in the future, so will this swing.

Mangetsu finds it hard to hide his shock, he noticed the kid copying his moves but never thought he would learn it. This kid is a freak! Glancing at the other four kids he calms down. Looking at the kid he decides that he needs to talk to his trainer, this kid is too talented.

After five hours of resting and practice, Zitsu sits in the water with a smile on his face. Closing his eyes he looks at his stats.

Level 4

[Health 110]

[Chakra 252/265]

[Stamina 106/125]

[30 Points]

[Taijutsu 4, Ninjutsu 6, Genjutsu 0]

[Ninjutsu cost reduced by 6%]

Satisfied he rises to his feet to continue practicing, but suddenly three people walk in. Looking over he sees Unkei, Dayu, and Mei.

"Everyone time for Ninjutsu training, step outside" Mei's voice rings throughout the building.

The three then turn around and leave.

Sheathing his Katana he begins walking towards the door. Because he was the furthest, he was the last to exit. Arriving outside he stands next to the kids.

Seeing Zitsu arrive, Mei opens her mouth. "The Mizukage can't come here and teach you personally, so Dayu will fill in."

"Hey" Dayu waves his hand, his face a little downcast.

Mei claps her hands "Ok break into your groups and do your own thing." Looking at Cho and Zitsu she walks off.

Following after her, they walk a good distance away from everyone else. As the only thing on this big plateau is is the training ground and apartment there is a lot of space.

"Hows training been for you guys?" Mei looks at the two.

"Zitsu is awesome! His sword goes zoom zoom! He makes monsters out of the water and makes them go swoosh!" Cho's arms start swinging everywhere as he tries his best to explain.

Mei's brows rise in confusion. She saw him standing in the water, but she expected that since she saw him spinning the card. But she has no idea what else he is talking about. With a pleading look, she turns towards Zitsu.

Feeling her gaze Zitsu shrugs "I know Water Dragon Jutsu."

Hearing this Mei freezes for a second. "You just happen to know a B-ranked jutsu?" She squints her eyes at him "What else do you know?"

Zitsu thinks for a second before making a tiger hand seal "Water Clone Jutsu" as he finishes his words he spits water from his mouth and it turns into a clone of himself, sword and all.

[Chakra 244/265]

Seeing this Mei smacks her lips "That's it?"

"Yes, that's it" Zitsu nods his head, as he does the water clone collapses into a puddle.

She stares at him for a second before shaking her head. "In two days it will be time for a graduation at the academy, all who pass will become Genin and receive their Jonin instructors."

Zitsu instantly frowns "If you're trying to get rid of me I'd rather stay here."

"Stupid, why would I get rid of someone I'm training, but If you become a Genin I can take you on my missions." A smile forms on her face as she finishes her words.

"Zitsu's eyes light up as he hears her words "Ok I'll go!"

"Good, but for now sit down, I have things to teach you both."


Before she can speak Mangetsu walks over. Standing right next to Zitsu he points at his head "This kid is talented, being trapped here is a waste of his future."

Mei looks at him and raises her brows. For a genius of the sword to say someone is talented, how good must he be? Nodding her head for a second she opens her mouth. "You did an excellent job Mangetsu, I'll see if I can get your punishment lifted and find a replacement for this project."

"Thanks a lot, Mei sensei!" he bows slightly and turns to leave the plateau, even though he's smiling his shark teeth make him look sinister.

Mei follows him with her eyes before turning back to Cho and Zitsu.

"Ok, where was I, Right. Chakra is the energy inside you, its broken down into two parts. Physical and spiritual, the spiritual part can be trained through using jutsu or chakra control. Physical, as the name suggests, is increased by strengthening your body. You both understand?" she glances between them.

Both nod their head, Cho with sparkling eyes.

"Good, to perform jutsu you have to perform hand seals, hand seals help you mold chakra to perform the corresponding jutsu." She pauses and looks at Zitsu "But hand seals aren't important, all they do is help you. If you are good at nature transformation and shape control, a jutsu that requires forty-four hand seals can be reduced down to one." A smile forms on her face as she looks back towards Cho. "But that's too advanced for now."

"What I'm going to show you now is the seals for the transformation jutsu." her hands begin to form seals "Dog Boar Ram, Transformation jutsu."

As she finishes she surrounded in a puff of smoke and turns into Mangetsu. Holding up two fingers she reverts back.

"As you can see, it's simple. You guys give it a try."

Cho jump to his feet and forms the seals "Transformation Jutsu!" He's surrounded in a puff of smoke and turns into a strange version of Zitsu, all of the body parts are rectangular.

"A good first attempt" nodding her head she turns to Zitsu.

Smacking his lips he makes the hand seals "Transformation Jutsu" After the smoke clears the figure of Kisame stands there.

Mei's eyes narrow "Only know two jutsu?"

Kisame shrugs his shoulders "It's my first time using Transformation Jutsu I swear." Zitsu's voice comes from Kisame's body.

Mei waves her hand "Whatever. To release the jutsu you just have to stop supplying chakra"

Both of them hold up two fingers and are surrounded in a puff of smoke as they turn back.

"Now practice the Transformation Jutsu to increase your chakra control"

Nodding their heads they begin to practice. After a few hours, the sun begins to set.

Mei nods her head, Zitsu's transformations are almost perfect so the last hour he spent his time training by rotating his chakra. Looking at the setting sun she opens her mouth.

"I see you guys are already learning water walking, keep it up as it's good practice. I mostly came here to check your progress today and explain the basics." She stops and looks at Zitsu "I'll be back in two days to take you for the test." She looks at Chojuro "Keep it up, you are making steady progress." Nodding her head she holds up two fingers and disappears.

Cho and Zitsu look at each other for a moment.

"Let's go home" Zitsu begins walking back to the apartments, his left arm resting on the sheath. Because he's short the sheath sticks out pretty far to the left.

Seeing him walk away Cho follows with his spirits high from doing his first jutsu.

As they start walking everyone else finishes too, and they form a small gang of five with Zitsu in the middle as they approach the apartments.