I'm The Teacher Now

Arriving at the apartment they all split up to go to their rooms. As he stands in front of his door he has a sudden idea, turning around he heads for the stairs. Walking up the stairs he heads for the third floor.

Arriving in front of room 3-B he reaches out his hand to open the door, and to his surprise, it actually opens.

"Hello?! Anyone here?" Walking inside he notices that it looks just like his apartment, except its missing all the paintings.

After making sure that the place was empty a smile surfaces on his face. "Shadow Clone Jutsu" crossing his fingers he begins to divide his chakra into 13 parts.

[Chakra 20/265]

Twelve clones appear around him. They all size each other up for a moment as they notice the sword was copied.

"Ok clones, no rush today. I want you all to regen all your chakra and make three more clones each, bringing the total to forty-eight."

All the clones nod as if they are listening to important information.

"Then I want twenty of you practicing the sensory technique, another twenty practicing the sword, and the last eight to practice shape manipulation to increase spiritual chakra and practice. Your job will also be to make more clones when one of the forty get inspiration and releases." His eyes travel over his twelve copies.

A single clone steps forward "No need for all the explanation, we know what to do." as his words fall the remaining eleven nod.

"I knew I can trust myself." The corners of his lip twitch as he turns around and leaves. As he walks out the door he can hear it lock behind him.

Walking down the stairs he arrives in front of his room. Holding out his hand a key appears in his palm, when he was watching his mom paint yesterday she gave it to him. Unlocking the door he heads inside, as he does the key vanishes. Inside he sees his mom painting with a smile.

"Mom, I'm going to become a Genin soon!"

His mother's paintbrush falls to the floor as her eyes go wide. She turns her head slowly to look her son up and down. "Are you sure that's what they said? Aren't you too young?"

Looking at his mom's surprised face he tilts his head to the side "I'm sure my teacher said Genin."

"Your father didn't become a Genin until he was thirteen years old" a smile forms on her face "That means all your talent comes from me, maybe your mom should have been a ninja too."

Zitsu smiles as he nods as head lightly "Mom definitely would have been the best. I'm getting up at the same time tomorrow mom so I'm going to head into my room!"

Picking up her brush she waves her hand "Ok, rest well. You don't want to let your teacher down."

Flashing a grin he goes into his room, his face becoming series. "Clones can help me increase spiritual chakra, but it's up to me to increase physical. I'll start with 100 push-ups, 100 situps, and a 10k run when I wake up. Smiling to himself he begins to exercise."

Because of his high stamina for his age, he could complete a lot of repetitions. Whenever his muscles became sore he used Mystical Palm to heal them, which he discovered to be a cheat. The torn muscles that should have taken time to heal and strengthen could be done almost immediately. As he discovered this he began to wonder if this is how Tsunade and Sakura got so strong.

As he was training he could feel the stress on his mind increasing as all the clones were made. The more clones the harder it is to concentrate on all the links to keep the technique from breaking. After while he could feel information from the sensory technique and Kenjutsu flow into his head. He noticed he gained no Taijutsu experience so they must not be practicing with each other to avoid the noise.

As he trained, he begins to think about everything. The nine tails attack will be in nine days, there's nothing he can do to gain anything from it but it's sort of a countdown for him. Once the attack happens everything in Konoha will be set in motion. The only thing he can do from Kiri to weaken Naruto is stopping Zabuza. If Zabuza and Haku never show up in the land of waves, stopping Gato will be a piece of cake for them then. Without Zabuza and Haku, Naruto and Sasuke won't mature and stay irresponsible.

But he doesn't know if he himself can stop Zabuza, all he knows is that he will appear in two years to wreck the academy graduation exam. Frowning, he remembers he has to Kill someone to become a Genin.

"Can I do it? I knew to be a ninja you had to kill, but can I do it?" As he does squats he closes his eyes, his face constantly moving in strange directions. Taking a deep breath he opens his eyes.

"This is the path I must walk, I can't just be a side character."

Like that, the night passed slowly. He doesn't know if it's because of his Skyrim stats, but as long as he rests for a bit his stamina completely recover, and with the amount of stamina he has, it takes hours to run out. Feeling that it's time, he leaves his room.

After eating a home cooked breakfast he grabs his sword and heads towards the entrance to the apartment, but today Chojuro, Taisho, Emina, and Eminu are all waiting for him.

"Let's go." As he walks past them they begin to follow, causing a smile to creep on his face. As he nears the training facility he closes his eyes to check last nights efforts.

Level 4

[Health 110]

[Chakra 272/272]

[Stamina 125/128]

[30 Points]

From his clones constantly releasing, his chakra remained almost full all the time, causing him to believe the Shadow Clone Jutsu is the greatest jutsu in the world. He saw Naruto use this technique for Sage chakra, but he never thought It could be abused like this. Even now his clones are still practicing in the room.

Arriving inside the training facility he notices the absence of Mangetsu. Walking into the water a few steps he turns around and sits down.

"I will be training you in water walking today."

As the words leave his mouth it causes the other kids eyes to light up.

"The key is to be flexible, don't try and use the same amount of chakra on all the parts of your body. Picture this, instead of trying to make a brick of chakra to float on, make a cloth that moves with the waves."

"What do you mean a cloth?" Emina, the long-haired twin opens her mouth.

Looking at everyone's confused faces he thinks for a moment. "If you put something hard in the water it will constantly flip over, cloth is soft so it will form and take on the shape of the water surface until it sinks. But chakra won't sink, what I mean is don't make your chakra hard and firm, let the water shape the chakra and you just keep supplying it."

Nodding their heads they begin to practice.

"Taisho your putting in too much chakra causing the water to be disturbed."

Taisho looks up and nods

"Emina your chakra supply is unstable and its causing your hand to sink, look at Eminu she's almost got it."

One sister frowns while the other smiles, a complete contrast.

Looking at Chojuro he smiles

"Cho you basically got it down, try walking on water now."

"Ok! Here I go!" He puts his first foot into the water and then the next foot. After taking three careful steps a smile blooms on his face as he looks to Zitsu, but as he does he sinks into the water.

Shaking his head Zitsu pulls him up.

"Fool, don't break your concentration."

After two more hours, all four of the kids are walking carefully in the water. In two more hours, they are running. With Zitsu pointing out their mistakes the technique was not hard for them to learn.

Zitsu paces back and forth, looking at the four kids before him. "Choosing a sword is about choosing what's best for you, not what's cool. Some swords look strange but it might be a better fit for you." Pointing at the wall of swords he looks at the smiles on their faces.

"Remember, these are not toys and can kill you or someone else. Go pick a sword."


The first to pick a sword was Taisho. After looking around for a bit he grabs a curved scimitar.

Seeing this Zitsu nods. With his long arms he can use them like a whip, emphasizing the speed needed for that sword.

Emina grabs a long sword and Eminu grabs a cleaver.

Seeing the cleaver in a young girls hand causes him to shutter, getting flashbacks to some of the anime he's seen.

The last to pick was Chojuro. In the end, he picked a broadsword.

"Now everyone spread out and swing your swords!"

Everyone moves away with smiles on their faces.

Watching them leave his face becomes series. "I need to get real combat practice before tomorrow." He begins to make hand seals "Water Clone Jutsu!"

[Chakra 232/272]

Five clones of himself rise out of the water and draw their swords.