
Running through the forest Zitsu uses his radar to dodge the places where ninjas are keeping guard. Every once in a while he comes upon an area with faint chakra signatures on the grounds or trees, assuming they are traps he goes around them. As he gets closer and closer to the walls of the clan he's surprised to find even less security.

A large wall surrounds the town with the sea as its back. Getting further from Mei he finds cover under a tree. Taking a kunai from his inventory he puts it into his pocket and crosses his fingers.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu"

[Chakra 10/306]

He divides his chakra into twenty-nine parts To create twenty-eight clones.

"You guys know the plan, make sure you regen as much chakra as possible" Zitsu's eyes travel across all the clones. The clones nod and begin performing hand seals.

"Transformation Jutsu."

All the clones transform into pebbles and Zitsu puts them into his pocket. Continuing forward he runs towards a section of the outer wall of the clan. As he was scanning the wall he noticed this area had the biggest distance without guards. Seeing nothing physically wrong with the wall he molds chakra onto his feet and easily runs over the wall and dives to the other side.

He ends up in the back of some sort of building. Unsure if they have a sensor ninja he begins to move, running towards the street. Emerging from behind the house he sees people walking about.

"Soon we will become an independent nation."

"They can barely defend themselves, and they want to rule over us?!?"


As he moves around almost everyone is having the same conversation, like they are breaking away from some sort of great oppressor. As he walks through the streets he begins throwing pebbles everywhere.

Looking around he's surprised at how carefree all these civilians are. The houses and buildings here are built in a traditional Japanese architecture, while the buildings in Kiri are designed for pure defense.

A lot of people give him strange looks as he moves around, assumable because he looks so young, but no one bothers him. He hasn't seen a single person who looks like a ninja, so he continues to move.

There are too many normal people with chakra so his radar is useless as he is picking up too many signals. Until it can filter out people with chakra below Genin level it will be useless in a crowd, so all he can do is walk around blind. After walking around for thirty minutes he figures any one of them could have infiltrated this clan, but stealing the boat without damaging it would have been hard. After spreading all his clones out a smile forms on his face.

Looking around he begins moving towards the dock. After another twenty minutes of walking the dock comes into sight. At the entrance of the dock, two ninjas stand guard, seeing this he ducks behind a building and waits.

Zitsu's eyes narrowed into slits as a smile creeps on his face. "Soon, soon."

Mei, Shigeaki, and the Chunins are currently waiting in the water, only their heads above the waves.

"We have been waiting for a while, do you think he fail?"

Mei just continues to look at the distant town.

"He has to be ok right, he sounded pretty confident." Hidetora frowns.

"Let's wait a bit more." Mei finally opens her mouth.

After sitting for twenty minutes Zitsu opens his eyes. "Security here is way too lax for people going to war with Kiri, did they believe no one would attack them? Well, it should be about time."

After waiting for a while a lot of his chakra has regenerated, when it hit 250 total ever clone moved at the same time.

Twenty-eight clones release their transformations at the same time.

Zitsu smiles as he looks towards the sky. "I know now that my jutsu is weak, but if I use twenty-eight of them at the same time?"

As the clones transform they draw attention of a lot of people on the street. Ignoring the stares the clones begin making seals at the same time.

"Boar, Dog, Bird, Monkey, ram" all the clones take a deep breath.

"Water Style: Furious Current Jutsu!"x28

Almost all the chakra is drained from their bodies as water begins shooting from their mouths. The clones spin in place as they spit out water, creating a whirlpool at their location. Water continues to flood in all directions with the whirlpool at the center.

"Enemy attack!" It was unknown who said it, but it rang out across the city.

As the whirlpool spreads anyone in the area is sucked into the water and pulled towards the center of the whirlpool by the currents of water.

He spread the clones as far as possible to cause as much mayhem as possible.

Hearing the attack siren, Mei and crew jump out the water and begin running towards a ship.

Zitsu looks over and sees the two ninjas guarding the docks running towards the town. Rising to his feet he runs towards a ship.

The clones are flooding everyone and every building in the area. Soon ninjas appear on the rooftops and begin casting jutsu.

"Earth Style: Earth Pillar" clapping their hands, earth pillars rise from the ground and disrupt the jutsu of the clone, revealing a pile of dead bodies at his feet. Similar scenes are happening all across the town at the location of every clone.

As soon as the jutsu is disrupted the clone releases, to avoid taking damage. Some launched full-on attacks at the whirlpools causing the clone to release before the jutsu is even disrupted.

As he nears the boat he sees Mei's group jumping aboard. Smiling he jumps aboard as well.

"Let's go!"

Mei makes a few hand seals and begins blowing wind against the sails.

The ship begins to move, and Zitsu smiles at the experience coming in. If he told his plan to the others, any of them could have pulled it off. He doesn't know if the way people in this world think is different because they grew up with different common sense, but no one thought to use clones to make a diversion. The main reason he wanted to do it was for the experience. While he can't exhibit the full power of the A-Rank jutsu, only exhibiting the power of a C-Rank jutsu, but it was enough when used by Twenty eight clones.

Looking at his Ninjutsu, it has increased from 17 to 21. While he feels it was a little wrong to kill the civilians, this is war. From gaining four skill levels he was able to level up to 9. He puts his perk point into melee weapon damage, bringing it to a 10% increase.

The last of his clones dissipate as they pull farther from the docks. After witnessing the true power of jutsu he decided to work on nature and shape transformation when they get back.

"Good job kid" Shigeaki pats his head before collapsing onto the deck.

"He's been dealing with the pain of the burns all this time, I don't know how he did it." Hidetora leans against the rails of the ship.

Mei walks up to Zitsu with a smile, extending her hands she gives him his sword and forehead protector back.

"Thanks for looking after them for me." Taking them from her he puts them both back on.

"Tsk, you couldn't just die peacefully?!?"

Zitsu looks at the source of the voice, just in time to see him finishing his hand seals.

"Wind Release: Vacuum Wave" The chunin blows out sharp gusts of wind as he begins to rotate. Hidetora, who is closest to him, is the first to be hit by the jutsu. His body is sliced to pieces as the many blades of wind pass through him.

Shigeaki is the next target as he's laying on the ground and had no time to dodge.

The ship is sliced in many places as the winds blades spread out in every direction.

Because Zitsu is right in front of Mei, she grabs him as she jumps back, just in time to get out of range for the attack.

"Traitor!" Capillaries begin to burst in her eyes as they turn crimson from the blood.

"HAHAHAH one will let their guard down the moment they think they succeed!"

The boat took series damage from the attack, seeing that it's not destroyed the Chunin begins to make more hand seals.

"Throw me!" Zitsu yells.

Not wasting any time Mei throws Zitsu towards the Chunin.

Drawing his sword he performs a quick horizontal slash at the Chunin's chest.

The Chunin jumps back to dodge the attack, a smug look on his face as he completes the seals. Taking a deep breath he gets ready to launch his next attack.

Zitsu's free hand flashes forward as a black line is drawn through the air. While Ninjutsu may not have been real on Earth, there was one ninja technique he could practice to his heart's content, throwing kunai and shuriken. While he may not be able to do any fancy tricks, throwing them in a straight line is not a problem.

Before he can deploy his jutsu a kunai is pierced into his chest, completely interrupting him.

Mei lands on the deck and burst forward at tremendous speed with a kunai in hand. Arriving next to the injured Chunin she instantly finishes him off with a stab to the neck.

The ship was not completely destroyed, but the sails were damaged beyond repair. If they use jutsu they can still make it move.

Zitsu looks towards the clan area and he dies a little on the inside. They didn't get far, but they weren't close either.

"Incoming!" Zitsu yells as he points at the numerous clansmen running towards them.

Mei jumps to the back of the boat and begins making seals.

"Boil Release: Skilled Mist Technique" She blows thick mist behind them to stop the oncoming shinobi.

Seeing the mist they use wind jutsu to blow it away before continuing the chase, not even slowing down.

"We're doomed, that traitor really got us. By destroying the sail he's cut off all paths for us. If we run back we have to fight our way through, but if we run into the sea, monsters will kill us." Mei shakes her head.

Zitsu looks at Mei, feeling helpless as well. He did everything he could but still failed in the end.

His head drops as he begins to accept his fate, this is as far as he can go, he should have picked Konoha.