
Mei takes a deep breath before snatching Zitsu and jumping off the left side of the boat, making a mad dash to try and shake them off.

"Zitsu, get yourself together. Even though things don't look good you gotta keep trying."

Zitsu looks over at the clan shinobi curving as they run to swarm them. Soon a barrage of different jutsu flies in their direction.

Mei throws Zitsu into the water as she turns to face the oncoming jutsus.

As Zitsu lands in the water, the cold sensation wakes him from his stupor.

"Tiger, Snake, Rat, Snake, Tiger" performing the hand seals a massive amount of chakra seeps from her body.

"Water Style: Water Wall Jutsu!" Slapping her palms together a huge amount of water surges up from the ocean as it begins intercepting the attacks.

"Using jutsu and being good at jutsu are two different things." Zitsu shakes his head

Mei turns around and grabs Zitsu from the water before continuing to run.

The wall of water falls apart, showing the shinobi closer than ever.

"Get on my back!" Mei screams before swinging Zitsu behind her.

As Zitsu grabs her back she holds up two fingers next to her mouth. "Hidden Mist Jutsu" she begins blowing a thick mist in front of her and runs inside.

Entering the mist zitsu's eyes light up as he makes a hand seal. "Water Clone Jutsu!" thirty water clones appear around them, but he doesn't stop there and makes a few more hand seals.

"Transformation Jutsu!" Suddenly all 30 water clones turn into Mei with Zitsu on her back. Not wasting any time they all begin running in different directions.

[Chakra 130/306]

"Nice Zitsu, but don't underestimate me kid" A smile creeps on her face.

Hearing her words Zitsu's brows wrinkle, unsure of what she meant.

Soon, strong gust of wind blows over the area, completely dispersing the mist, revealing all the clones running in different directions.

Jutsu begins raining down in every direction as they hit the clones. Seeing this Zitsu feels like he's in the middle of the apocalypse as his clones are destroyed rapidly.

Mei exquisitely dodges the incoming jutsu as the clones are completely wiped out.

Looking around Zitsu finds that they are almost surrounded.

"Nice distraction, they should be close enough. Witness the power of an elite ninja of Kirigakure." Mei begins making more hand seals "Secret Technique: Mist Rain!"

Once again she blows a thick mist from her mouth that quickly envelops everyone.

"How many times do we have to disperse this mist?!?"

"Everyone together! Disperse this mist!"

Over fifty ninja, ranging from Jonin to Genin begin performing hand seals to blow away the mist, but before they can even complete the seals, the chakra covering their feet is completely absorbed as they fall into the water.

"Zitsu learn from this, when facing a stronger opponent you will die, but if they underestimate you because you're weak or because they outnumber you, you have to find a way to win. Instead of spreading out to cut off all paths of retreat they were overconfident and came as a group. Remember, no matter who you face, always go at maximum power."

With the ninjas falling into the water and no way to climb out due to the mist, they try to swim away.

Mei's hands move like lightning as she performs over thirty hand seals "Lava Release: Rapid Land Creation!" She squats down, slapping both hands against the water. As chakra seeps from her hands in turns into molten mud, as it makes contact with the water steam erupts and the mud turns black as it hardens. The molten mud continues to spread all around with Mei as the center. The mass in the ocean gets bigger and bigger, any ninja not killed directly by the molten mud finds themselves trapped underneath as it quickly spreads over two miles. Suddenly the black rock begins to sink and water flows on top of it, but that too is quickly turned into more land by the molten earth as the land mass gets bigger and bigger. The ninjas below find themselves being pushed down towards the ocean floor by this rock, unable to escape.

On Mei's back Zitsu is safe from the jutsu. Using the mist to rob them of their jutsu, then creating a new landmass to bury them in the ocean. He would never have thought of such a thing, the more he's with Mei the more he realized how much he underestimated being a ninja.

"I can't kill them all, I don't have enough chakra to bury them at the bottom of the sea." Taking a breath she stops her jutsu and begins to run back towards the clan headquarters.

No longer supplying chakra to make more land the water quickly begins to rage as it tries to sink the huge rock. Because it is no longer getting heavier and wider the ninjas below who are still alive will be able to get around it eventually if they can swim fast enough before it collides with the seafloor.

The mist dissipates as she no longer has excess chakra to supply. As it clears Zitsu can only see five ninjas who managed to avoid the calamity. Quickly standing on the water they begin to give chase.

Watching them give chase Zitsu feels completely helpless, during this whole mission everything he's done has turned out to be pointless. When he thinks he's helping he finds out Mei had it under control the whole time, the people he healed are dead, and the distraction he made to steal the boat was pointless because the boat got destroyed.

"You have to go get a ship, I don't have enough chakra for more jutsu. Just standing on water is already my limit, so I'll have to battle them with Taijutsu." Mei grabs Zitsu's collar, ready to throw him ahead.

But before she can move Zitsu grabs her wrist. "We are in this together, we either live together or we will die together. If you're going into battle, let me help you this time. I may be inexperienced, but you are not alone."

"Ox, Snake, Ram" Zitsu takes a deep breath "Hidden Mist Jutsu!" Zitsu bellows mist from his mouth. It's not nearly as fast as Mei's version, but it gets the job done.

[Chakra 115/306]

As the mist hides their body Mei smiles. "Okay, in this together."

Zitsu jumps from Mei's back and she disappears into the mist.

With his sensory technique, he can tell that all five ninjas are sticking together. Because the mist was created from his chakra it doesn't show up in his scans. Of the five ninjas, two have Jonin level chakra, two with Chunin, and one with Genin. He can sense Mei running around towards them as they move carefully.

"Wind Style: Dispersing Mist!" One of the jonin bellows out a breath of wind to disperse the mist.

Before the mist can completely disappear Mei strikes out with her kunai and stabs him in the neck before jumping back.

Losing the cover of the Mist Mei is exposed. The other Jonin lunges at her with a Kunai in hand. Clangs ring out as their kunai clash over five times in a instant.

The other three ninjas begin making hand seals now that they have a target. Seeing this Zitsu runs forward.

"No you don't!" Zitsu furiously waves his arms in front of him. Over twenty Kunai appear from nowhere as they fly towards the ninja.

Not wanting to get stabbed they jump into the air to dodge, but he successfully interrupts their jutsu.

"Now is not the time to plan for the future." Zitsu briefly closes his eyes. The points he was saving for later in case his stats got harder to increase begins to disappear at rapid speed.

[Chakra 195/386]

Opening his eyes he crosses his fingers "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

[Chakra 22/386]

His chakra divides into nine parts as eight clones appear around him.

They all pull out their sword at the same time and they rush the clan ninjas.

Zitsu rushes towards the Genin while four clones rush towards a Chunin each.

As he closes in the Genin pulls out his kunai. Compared to the Chunin he doesn't look nearly as composed, but facing a four-year-old child he's not worried.

The Genin looks around twelve years old and has shoulder length black hair. He's wearing a green shirt with a black vest, brown shorts that barely cover his knees with a black bag tied to his thigh. Seeing the child running towards him he charges forward.

One of the Chunin was a bit faster in arriving in front of the clones and slashes down with his kunai. Two clones side by side performs a diagonal upward slash from different directions to intercept it. Even with two clones, the power discrepancy can still be felt. The other two clones rush from the sides as they perform a horizontal slash at the Chunin's waist. As he jumps back to dodge the blade the four clones pursue.

Zitsu arrives in front of the Genin and jumps into the air as he performs an overhead slash.

Quickly rising his Kunai the Genin blocks the slash, but his face turns pale as his arm begins to shake.

While the Chunin could deal with the 10% increase to melee damage, the Genin finds it harder to resist.