
With Zitsu's weight bearing down on the kunai the Genin has to jump back, or risk being crushed. As the Genin jumps back Zitsu lands in the water and lunges forward with a horizontal slash.

He blocks it again but this time his hand is knocked away. His eyes go wide as the power of that slash was at least three times as strong as the overhead slash.

Now that Zitsu has a surface to stand on he can transfer even more power into his sword. While he might not be a master swordsman, he can perform basic slashes well.

His sword begins to flash faster and faster as his confidence grows, growing more confident in his first real battle.

The Genin gets slower and slower as his hand begins to tremble.

"This is it, this is the feeling!" The grip on his sword tightens as his right foot slams forward.

"HAAA!" His sword turns into a silver blur as it travels toward the Genin's waist.

With everything he has the Genin tries to move his kunai in front of the blade, his face warps as he can tell he won't make it in time.

Suddenly Zitsu's eyes go wide as a burning pain travels from his chest, at the same time memories fill his head.

His clones were battling the Chunin when suddenly he found an opening and stabs one in the chest. As soon as the clone was stabbed it released the jutsu to stop the pain as soon as possible.

With one less clone, the pressure on the Chunin will lessen greatly.

The pain was like a sudden slap in the face, almost completely breaking his concentration. Biting his tongue the slash continues. As it makes contact with the Genins waist he can feel every bit of his sword as it begins slicing through his body, like sticking your hand in mud.

It only took a moment, but it felt like forever. Blood flies out in a splatter as the sword exits his body. The only good thing about the clones defeat is when the clone was destroyed, combined with the experience from killing the Genin his Taijutsu levels from 13 to 15.

Looking over he sees his three clones being pushed back by the Chunin, totally on the defensive compared to before. It's only a matter of time till another clone is destroyed.

The other Chunin is obviously worse at Taijutsu as he does his best to defend.

Mei and the Jonin are still locked in battle with Mei at a disadvantage due to her dwindling chakra. If they don't hurry even more people who are alive will surface from the water, or reinforcements may arrive.

After taking a moment to think Zitsu rushes toward the Chunin having a hard time with four clones.

Joining the other clones he launches a vertical slash behind the Chunin's back.

After trying his best to not let any of his attackers behind him, he ended up letting Zitsu get behind him. Quickly turning around he blocks the sword, but before he can recover three swords stab him in the back and another cuts off one of his legs.

As the Chunin's blocking kunai loses all its power Zitsukani brings his sword down like a bolt of lightning. His sword makes contact with the Chunin's shoulder and pauses for a moment as it begins slicing through bones.

"HA!" Zitsu's shoulders roll forward to add more power into his sword. Bringing it down he slices through the Chunin's shoulder blade and straight through his heart before exiting at the waist, completely chopping the left side of his torso off. The chunin's body falls to the side as his heart still beats in both halves.

His Taijutsu increases to 16 as all five of them rush towards the last Chunin.

"Taijutsu is important. If your bad at Taijutsu and get locked in melee combat you won't even have time to make hand seals, and you will be screwed." Zitsu mumbles to himself as he rushes forward.

Seeing five more people rushing towards him the Chunin sneers. As if he heard Zitsu's earlier words he jumps back and tosses up his kunai as he begins performing hand seals and takes a breath.

"Fire Style: Fire Fan Jutsu" He makes a fist in front of his mouth and blows chakra into his palm. Lifting his pinky a fan of flames spreads from his hand towards the three clones.

Two of the of the clones stop supplying chakra to their feet and drop into the water. One clone wasn't fast enough causing it to be engulfed by the flames.

The clone releases, but not before a searing pain envelopes his entire body. Zitsu's eyes turn crimson as the pain is transferred to him, but a smile still creeps on his face. When the clone released all the battle experience was transferred to Zitsu, increasing his Taijutsu to 17. The reason Shadow Clone Jutsu is forbidden is that the experience of death will be transferred back to the caster. Someone like Naruto who has experienced mental pain from loneliness his entire life couldn't be broken by the experience of death. While Zitsu is someone who has actually died before. As long as he bears through the pain, this jutsu is perfect for him.

Zitsu and the clones reach the Chunin and begin their attack. Their swords gleam as they leave silver light in their wake. It's not only Zitsu, every time a clone releases every other clone gets better at swordplay. A life and death battle with a stronger opponent is the best way to grow faster.

This Chunin is a lot better at Taijutsu than the other. Catching his kunai he deflects all their swords. His speed is so fast it takes Zitsu and his four clones just to keep up with him. The other two clones rise from the water and rush over joining the fray.

The sound of metal Clashing rhythmically rings as swords and kunai clash.

"Ah!" Suddenly a loud scream is heard.

Glancing over he sees Mei with a Kunai in her right shoulder. The Jonin kicks her in the stomach, sending her flying across the water. Her body skips across the sea like a throwing stone.

The Jonin moves his hands to make seals.

Zitsu's eyes glow as he drops his sword and grabs the nearest clone. Spinning around he throws his clone towards the path between Mei and the Jonin.

Seeing an opening the Chunin stabs towards Zitsu, but before he can make contact another clone steps in front of the strike. The kunai enters the clones chest, but it doesn't release. The kunai travels all the way to the grip in the clones chest.

Feeling the pain from the clone is like taking a hammer to the chest, biting his teeth he throws the clone with all his power.

At the same time, the Jonin finishes his jutsu.

"Wind Style: Blade Wind Waltz" The Jonin waves his hand in front of his body, sending out two constantly rotating blades of wind.

The stabbed clone coughs up a mouthful of blood as he stabs his sword through the Chunin's arm in front of him, locking him in place.

The blades of wind travel towards Mei in a straight line, while the clone comes in from an angle. Seeing that it won't make it in time the clone makes a decision.

Sending out a radar pulse it locks onto Mei's position as she bounces atop the water. Making a hang seal chakra builds up inside the clones body, it doesn't have much but it is enough. Suddenly the chakra in its body explodes in the direction locked on his radar.

"Body Flicker"

The world turns into a series of lines for the clone as his body suddenly appears beside Mei. From Zitsu's point of view, the clone just teleported.

Four clones stand on each corner of the Chunin as they all perform an upward diagonal slash. The Chunin tries to pull away but the clone locks him in place with the sword.

All of this happened at once, the moment the Jonin performed his jutsu Zitsu already threw the clone and the kunai pierced his defending clone's chest. As the clone appears next to Mei the other clones make their attack on the Chunin.

As their blades cut into the Chunin's body, the other clone stretches out his hand and pushes Mei with all its strength.

Mei's course is altered, pushing her out the way as the blades of wind cut the clone into four parts.

At the same time, the blades of the four clones travel through the Chunin body before the swords clash in his chest, ending his life.

The pain hits Zitsu all at once, overbearing pain, more than being stabbed, more than being burnt. His concentration completely breaks and all the clones disperse.

The experiences of the two clones who were just attacked hits Zitsu, one mortality wounded and the other fatally wounded hit him at the same time. His eyes begin to roll back as the information overloads his brain. As the experience comes in his Taijutsu levels to 20, bringing his total level to 10. His mind explodes with more information as he reaches lvl 10. Clarity returns to his eyes for a moment, his eyes flash as he looks at the Jonin. As his body falls forward he slams his right foot down, refusing to fall.

Looking at the Jonin running towards Mei as she slowly crawls out the water he opens his mouth.

[Stamina -498/132]

"FUS-RO-DAH!!!" As the words leave his mouth, his world turns black.