
As Zitsukani's consciousness returns his eyes begin to flutter. The last thing he remembers are those words being burned into his mind wanting to be unleashed. Then he remembers.

"Mei!" His eyes shoot open as he looks around. No longer is he in the middle of the sea, but some sort of cave.

"I'm here, don't worry. We aren't dead yet."

He hears a voice from behind him. Struggling to sit up he turns around, only to see Mei leaning against the wall with her disheveled hair covering half of her pale face. Her breathing is rough and small beads of sweat can be seen on what little of her forehead is exposed, looking at her shoulder he sees a bloody red bandage.

"Let me look at it." Struggling a bit he finds that he's unable to stand. Wondering why he checks his status.

Level 10

[Health 110/110]

[Chakra 388/388]

[Stamina 10/132]

[10 Points]

[PP 1]

[Taijutsu 20, Ninjutsu 21, Genjutsu 0]

[Ninjutsu cost reduced by 10%][Reduce stamina consumption by 5%][Increase melee damage by 10%]

Seeing his pitifully low stamina he realizes that he's exhausted. Biting his teeth he crawls over to Mei.

"The wound won't close, his kunai was hooked on the end. When he kicked me away he took a chunk of flesh and bone." Mei smiles weakly.

Arriving at her side he undoes the bandage on her collarbone, revealing a ghastly wound. A good chunk of flesh is missing, revealing the cracked bone underneath. Black and purple veins can be seen around the wound as the surrounding flesh turns black. Blood continues to pool in the wound and seep out.

Finding it unbearable to see her in this condition he makes hand seals as fast as his body will allow "Mystical Palm." As his hands glow green he begins to heal her wound. He first heals the bone by getting blood to fill the cracks and make collagen. With the soft callus surrounding the bone, the body will have to take care of the rest, because he doesn't know the specifics of what happens next. Moving on to the open wound, he begins to heal it.

Mei rests the back of her head against the stone wall, relieved at finally being healed.

"What happened?" Zitsu slowly opens his mouth.

Mei closes her eye as she tilts her head up, strings of her hair stick to her sweaty forehead as the rest falls, fully revealing her beautiful face. "Nothing much, after I got kicked away you saved me from death's door. Then I saw the clan ninja charging me, I thought for sure I was going to die this time, but you saved me again." A sweet smile appears on her face.

"I saw, I saw you collapsing. In my final moments, I looked at a Genin, a four-year-old child, thinking if he could save me again, but I saw you falling. As you fell so did my hope, because I knew I had nothing else as well."

Zitsu heals her wound in silence as she tells her story.

"But even as you fell, you refused to give up, refused to give up on me. We live together, or we die together. Those words rang in my head as I saw you slam your foot down. Originally I thought, what can he do? But then I saw, you showed me. With a roar, a blue shockwave was emitted from your mouth."

Mei opens her eyes and looks at Zitsu "I've never seen so much raw power generated in an instant. The shockwave expanded in size twice when it left your mouth. As it traveled forward it brought everything in its path with it. I almost got washed away by the waves it created." Her smile turns a little bitter.

But soon her eyes turn serious "The Jonin who was hit never stood a chance. It was like an unstoppable force crashed into his body, his limbs were broken and bones destroyed as his body became a ragdoll and flew away."

She shakes her head slowly "The shockwave traveled a distance away before it finally stopped, and I never saw the Jonin. Whether he's alive or dead, I'm not sure."

"You collapsed into the water so I gave everything I could to save you. I no longer had the chakra to walk on water so I had to swim with you on my back. Knowing there was no way for me to steal a boat in my condition I swam to shore and away from the clan." She slowly looks around the cave.

"I found this cave not too far away from the shore, and then I waited a few days for you to wake up." Finishing her story she smiles again.

Thinking for a moment he finally opens his mouth "What day is it?"

"It should be October 9th. Why?" her brows furrow a bit.

One more day, the fox attack happens tomorrow. Only after that can he know for sure the Mizukage will fall under Obito's control.

Seeing that he's staying silent Mei opens her mouth again "What was that shockwave?"

Zitsu looks into her eyes and thinks for a moment. From the way she's looking at him, he knows if he dodges this question the trust she has for him will all but vanish, and they will never be anything more.

"It's a Kekkei Genkai I awakened, I call it Dovahkiin. It's an ability that turns my voice into a weapon. But I guess I overused it, and it completely sapped my strength."

Mei's eyes flash for a moment as the smile on her face sweetens "Do you know if you got it from your mother or father?"

Zitsu shakes his head "I've never met my father and my mother is a normal person."

Mei pinches her chin with her good hand and thinks for a moment. "Well, it doesn't matter which side it's from. Some clans only have one person ever awaken the Kekkei Genkai."

Zitsu nods, knowing exactly what she's talking about.

"What's the plan, we can't wait on this island forever?" Zitsu looks around the small cave.

"Well, the defense of the Nakahara Clan will increase since we already infiltrated it once." She shakes her head "And the other clans will be even more impossible to attack."

"We've been gone for a few days now, three teams just vanished, will Kiri not send reinforcements?"

"No, we are stretched too thin. We will have to get out of this ourselves." She takes a deep breath as her head lowers.

Zitsu opens and closes his mouth a few times, before finally making his decision. "Do you know of the Shadow Clone Jutsu?"

Mei's eyes narrow "The secret jutsu of Konoha? Is that what you've been using? How do you even know that jutsu?"

"That's not important" he shakes his head, trying to change the subject "I discovered If you train with shadow clones, training speed will be multiplied."

Mei just looks at him and her brows continue to sink. "You can't be a spy, I've known you your whole life. So what are you hiding from me?"

Zitsu takes a deep breath "My Kekkei Genkai does more than affect my voice, it affects my soul. The voice attack is a projection of that, it also gives me slight visions. That's how I was able to learn things faster than other people." As he finishes speaking he holds his breath, waiting for her response.

"If that's true, then give me an example" her brows relax slightly, but her eyes are still narrowed.

Zitsu thinks for a moment before his eyes light up "How about this, you just trust me for now because nothing I say can be proven" as he speaks he can see her face contort "But! I can tell you something I know will happen tomorrow. There's no way I could know this would happen ahead of time unless I was telling you the truth, and when we get back you can verify it." His face turns series "If you don't trust me then you can cut me down!"

Mei closes her eyes for a moment "If you weren't on my side you wouldn't be healing me right now, so I trust you. As for learning things through visions, well, what information do you have to say?"

Zitsu narrows his eyes "I'm trusting you as well, Mei. I don't want you to tell anyone about my ability because it will make my life difficult." He sucks in a breath of air "Tomorrow night, on October 10th, Konohagakure will be attacked and the Fourth Hokage will die." He looks her in the eye's as he says every word.

Mei's eyes go wide and her mouth opens slightly, not saying a word.

[Chakra 247/388]

Zitsu pulls his hands back as he finishes healing her wound. Sitting on his butt he looks at her dazed face.

Blinking slowly she looks at Zitsu "That's a mighty big claim!"

Zitsu just shrugs "We will know when we get back."

Looking at his stamina he sees that he has recovered quite a bit, so he slowly rises to his feet.

"Now, I'd like to ask you to instruct me on the sword for a bit while you recover." Reaching for his katana he finds that it's not there.

Looking around the cave he doesn't see it anywhere. Suddenly his eyes go wide when he remembers he dropped it when he threw his clone.