
"What's wrong" seeing Zitsu's long face Mei perks her eyebrows. For someone who just said a Hokage will die, he looks way to down.

"I lost my sword" Zitsu slowly shakes his head. Sitting down he begins to regen his chakra. "How long do you think it will take before you can battle?"

"I'm just a bit tired from blood loss and keeping watch while you were unconscious. I should be ready in around two days." Mei looks at Zitsu "Do you have a plane?" A smirk forms on her face "Some sort of vision?"

"Yes, a specific jutsu can help us." Zitsu nods at her sarcastic claim.

Mei's eyes open a little wider "Oh, what's the plan little man?"

Zitsu just sits in silence, completely ignoring her.

Mei smacks her lips in satisfaction upon seeing his silence.

"Don't call me little man, you will be my wife, I've seen it. A wife is supposed to be supportive." Zitsu closes his eyes like a wise sage.

"Pufff" Mei covers her mouth with her hand to stop from laughing "I'm seventeen, you're four, that's a thirteen-year difference, do you even know what a wife is?" Her lips curl as she looks at Zitsu.

Zitsu opens his eyes and points at her "I've seen it so it must be true."

"Haha" No longer able to hold it in she laughs at him. "You've seen it? I don't even know if your visions are true, if they're not we have to investigate where you're learning jutsu! But now, you are trying to claim I'm your woman?" Her lips curl "You should worry about your little life, not your love life."

The corners of Zitsu's lips curl "And if what I said proves true?"

Mei's brows shoot up "If it's true? That Konoha is attacked and the Hokage dies? That would certainly prove you aren't a spy for them, if you knew this why wouldn't you tell them?" Her eyes narrow into slits as her smile deepens "So if what you say is true why wouldn't I believe you? Hmm, hmm then I guess I really will be your woman."

"My wife!" Zitsu corrects her.

"Ok, ok. If the Hokage dies I can't deny it and I'll be your wife." She nods her head in an exaggerated manner.

"Remember, you said it." closing his eyes he regenerates his chakra.

Looking at the words that are seared into his memory he wonders if he will get any more shouts. He doesn't even know what any other shouts from the game do, as he can't remember. Only time will tell, so, for now, he focuses on power he knows he can count on.

It takes him forty minutes to regen all his chakra. To be on the safe side he was constantly sending out radar pulses to scan for intruders.

Adjusting his mind as he thinks about what he wants to train, he crosses his fingers "Shadow Clone Jutsu."

[Chakra 12/388]

He divides his chakra into thirty-one parts and creates thirty clones.

Seeing the thirty clones appear Mei furrows her brow a bit. "So what is this plan of yours?"

As the clones begin to practice Yin release, Yang release, and shape transformation Zitsu glances at Mei. "Your greatest weakness is the fact that you are greatly weekend outdoors, which is a pretty big weakness. So I'll lock the area down for you, an area for you to shine." Closing his eyes he concentrates.

Mei just looks at him for a moment, not sure what he's up too.

After the first hour when all the clones regained some chakra they all made a clone each, bringing the total to sixty which is his limit before his concentration can no longer keep up the jutsu.

With sixty clones working in tandem, every hour was equal to sixty hours. Zitsu focused on regening chakra, replacing the clones who release, and organizing all their gains.

Yin Release can create form out of nothingness, Yang Release can breathe life into form, spiritual and physical chakra respectively. Combining them both you form Yin-Yang release, the basis for Ninjutsu. But some techniques require only Yin release like Genjutsu, and Taijutsu abilities for Yang release, but those are only basic examples.

To use a lot of the advanced techniques, control over Yin and Yang release are more important than nature transformation. Almost all Fuinjutsu, and space-time jutsu are based on Yin and Yang release.

In the two days Mei spent recovering no clan ninja found the cave, making Zitsu believe they aren't even looking, probably thinking they left, or they died in the water. With two days time Zitsu got one hundred and twenty days of practice between Yin release, Yang release, and shape manipulation allowing him to improve greatly.

With greater control over Yin release, he will be able to practice Genjutsu. Genjutsu is created when a ninja controls the chakra flow of a target's cerebral nervous system by using sight or sound. It can also be used to manipulate others through brainwashing.

Suddenly clones begin to disappear one after the other until only ten remain.

[Chakra 401/401]

With the training, Zitsu's chakra increased to the same level as an experienced Chunin, two hundred more and it will be at the beginner Jonin level.

The remaining clones perform hand seals at the same time.

[Transformation Jutsu]x10

All ten transform into shuriken and he puts all but three into his pocket and gives the last three to Mei.

"Are you sure this plan will work?" Mei rises to her feet, looking a lot better than two days ago.

"The jutsu won't fail, but it will rely on you after that." Zitsu shrugs his shoulders and walks out the cave.

The cave isn't that far from the shore. It was hidden between two large boulders along a rock face facing the sea, another possible reason the clan ninjas never found them. In her weakened state Mei couldn't get very far, and they probably never expected that.

"Let's try this again." Bending down onto one knee she lets Zitsu climb on her back.

Dashing out of the cave it only takes a moment before they reach the water. Running for a few minutes the clan grounds come into view.

"Don't run straight, I'm picking up chakra signatures in the water."

Listening to Zitsu she begins running towards the left.

"There!" Pointing the way Mei makes another turn.

As they arrive closer a siren goes off in the village.

Mei comes to a stop and takes a deep breath "I hope you don't let me down, little man."

Zitsu narrows his eyes and slaps her titty, causing her eyes to go wide. Before she can say anything he yells.

"They're coming!!"

Mei narrows her eyes and swallows her rage, now is not the time to mess around. Looking at the oncoming ninja she can tell there are at least three times as many ninjas as last time, obviously acquiring assistance from the other clans.

Taking a deep breath Mei runs towards the clan ninjas, two against the tide.

The clan ninjas begin making hand seals and soon fire, water, and wind begin flying in their direction.

Mei pulls the three clone shuriken and throws them in three different directions before making hand seals.

Zitsu jumps from her back as she finishes the seals.

"Water Style: Water Wall Jutsu" a water wall shoots from sea to intercept the jutsu.

The three clone shuriken are easily dodged by the ninja, soon they fall into the water, but surprisingly don't sink.

The position of Zitsu and the three shurikens form a large rectangle. The ninja learned from last time and spread out a lot more, and only ⅓ of the ninjas are in the rectangle.

Pulling out shuriken Zitsu begins throwing them as far as possible. To the clan ninjas, it looks like a simple child throwing stones.

Mei constantly forms water walls as jutsu bombard her location. Grinding her teeth she glances at zitsu, only to see his calm face.

After throwing the fourth shuriken zitsu can tell over 80% of the ninjas are within the two rectangles.

"Now!" The seven clone shurikens floating on the water releases the transformation.

Zitsu and the clones quickly make the snake hand seal and clap their palms together.

"Four Violet Flames Formation!"x8

[Chakra 301/401] 100 chakra is drained from Zitsu and each clone.

With Zitsu and three clones acting as the corners, purple flames extend between them and shoot into the sky before making a huge rectangular prism, trapping Mei and the clan ninjas inside with them. Another barrier of purple flames forms between Zitsu, Mei, and the clan ninjas completely isolating him from everyone else, leaving Mei and the clan ninjas alone.

Another barrier forms between the other four clones, trapping the clan ninjas inside.

"What is this?!"


Ninjas begin launching jutsu at the formation, each hit drains a bit of chakra but the formation holds.

The corners of Mei's lips rise into a smile as she quickly makes the horse hand seal.

"Boil Release: Skilled Mist Technique!"

Mei takes a deep breath before blowing a thick fog from her mouth.

"AhhhHh What it this!!" As the mist spreads through the formation screams fill the area as acidic mist begin to melt their bodies.

Because they are inside a closed area the acidic mist has nowhere to go and they can't blow it away. Because the acid mist is made from Mei's chakra it has no effect on her.

As the mist fills the entire formation Zitsu's chakra drops rapidly. One of the three clones in his pocket releases as the screams in the first formation intensifies.

Hearing what's going on in the first formation, ninjas in the second and those on the outside bombard the formation with more Jutsu. Releasing the second clone he continues to wait.