
Three minutes, it only takes three minutes for Mei to turn everyone in the formation into a puddle on the ground, finally showing what she is truly capable of.

As the mist clears Zitsu releases the formation and the three clones who helped him form it, supplying their chakra to the other clones and Zitsu.

"Hidden Mist Jutsu!" As the formation falls mist fills the area to block the few people outside the formation from attacking them.

Zitsu begins running towards the other formation, but soon he finds himself being scooped up.

"Little man you were right, you really pointed out my weakness well. Guess I'll have to practice a few earth jutsu or formations." Mei's eyes shine as she thinks about the possibilities.

Arriving in front of the formation a small door opens in the first layer and they step in. Dropping Zitsu she holds up two fingers.

"Hidden Mist Jutsu"

Mist fills the area with Zitsu, Mei, and his clones and hides them from view.

Mei runs to another location and another door opens in the second layer and Mei enters alone.

"Get her fast!"


Seeing Mei enter the clan ninjas begin to panic. They saw the outcome of the other formation, puddles floating in the sea.

Before they can even attack Mei makes her move.

"Boil Release: Skilled Mist Technique"

As the door in the formation closes Mei begins filling it with acidic mist.

Because the formation is completely closed no powerful earth jutsu can be deployed for defense, and the other natures can't block the mist. Wind jutsus are useless because you can't blow it away.

Screams fill the area, the pain from your skin, eyes, and even bones melting was so unbearable most chose to directly commit suicide. Why suffer when they aren't even able to find her in the mist?

Zitsu takes a deep breath as he hears the screams. This jutsu is the perfect offense and defense in an enclosed area, not even Susanoo can block this mist.

Zitsu had to release the last clone in his pocket to keep the formation up for the duration of two minutes it took Mei to kill them all.

Over a hundred Ninja dead just like that, trapped in a formation and melted to death.

Outside the formation only nineteen ninjas remain. Seeing the formation fall they begin to panic. Looking at the girl without a single wound on her body they slowly back up a little in fear. Of the nineteen ninjas only one has early stage Jonin level chakra, the rest are all Chunin and Genin. The four clones release, leaving only Mei and zitsu.

Holding up two fingers Mei takes another deep breath.

Seeing this the ninjas turn and flee.

Mei is a little stunned at the scene, unsure of what to do, when suddenly Zitsu jumps on her back.

"Chase!" Pointing forward Zitsu screams in her ear.

A wry smile creeps onto her face as she runs after them while making hand seals.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" Completing the seals eight water dragons rise from the water. Giving a roar they begin to slither atop the water at rapid speed. As they near the ninja they swallow them whole, causing their body to twist and turn violently inside the dragon's body as the current whips them around.

Soon the dragons plunge into the water, taking the ninjas with them

Seeing no more ninjas Mei makes a break for the boat at the fastest speed she can, wanting to leave this awful island.

Zitsu sends out a radar pulse as he nears the ships to check for chakra signatures. "It seems ok!"

In response to Zitsu's voice Mei holds up two fingers. "Body Flicker."

They disappear and reappear on top of the boat. Not wasting any time Mei cuts the ropes tying the boat to the dock. Performing hand seals she blows a gust of wind towards the sails to move the boat.

As they begin to move Zitsu looks at the island with a long face. This was just supposed to be a mission to meet a clan, yet they had multiple life or death battles and six ninjas were lost. Learning from his mistakes last time Zitsu stays on guard.

Mei on the other hand plops down onto her butt.

Looking at her he realizes how hard this trip has been on her. Her clothes are ripped in multiple places exposing new white skin that he helped her regrow, her hair is completely disheveled, and small black rings around her eyes proving she hasn't slept in a few days. She's probably blaming herself for the first ship being destroyed.

"Mei, I have a question. Why don't ninjas use body flicker in battle?" Zitsu thinks back to when he used it to push her and when she used it just now.

Mei shakes her head "It's a double edge sword, unless you have a Dojutsu that can keep up with the movements you are just at likely to move into your enemies blade. It's only used if you know exactly where you're going, or you might end up in a trap."

Pondering her answer he realizes almost no one uses it in the series, probably for this reason. Looking around another question comes to mind. "Do you know how to steer a boat?"

Mei smacks her lips "Of course, we should arrive at the Kiri docks in two days since we are leaving from the other side of the island."

"We've been gone a week." Zitsu looks into the distance. Taking a deep breath Zitsu sits down to recover chakra.

"I'll warn you now, never let anyone know you can perform secret jutsu from other villages, you will die before you know it. Not all people are as nice as me." Mei looks at him with a serious look.

Zitsu realizes how careless he has been with the Shadow clone jutsu.

After regaining his chakra Zitsu once again made sixty clones. He won't be able to use his shadow clones in fights anymore, Obito will definitely control the Mizukage soon, if he's not already, and If anyone finds out he will be doomed.

With his clones twenty practiced Yin release by trying to use genjutsu to change the color and shapes of things on deck to fool people's perception, twenty practiced water release by taking off their shirts and trying to use nothing but chakra to soak the shirt, and the last twenty perform shape transformation by trying to form a shield with chakra as dense as possible.

By practicing those three he is getting closer to Genjutsu and his Ninjutsu will be easier to perform. Seeing that his stats are still raising at around the same speed he put his 10 points into chakra and his perk point into melee damage to bring it to 15%, finishing the perk off.

During the two days Mei periodically helped him train, giving him pointers with everything, making his training very fruitful. She also got to rest for a while and restore her pristine looks, even though her clothes are still damaged.

When they got close to Kiri Zitsu released his clones to be safe. Looking at his stats he was fairly satisfied.

Level 10

[Health 110/110]

[Chakra 423/423]

[Stamina 132/132]

[10 Points]

[PP 0]

[Taijutsu 20, Ninjutsu 21, Genjutsu 0]

[Ninjutsu cost reduced by 10%][Reduce stamina consumption by 5%][Increase melee damage by 15%]

"We're back" Arriving just after sunset Zitsu can see the Docks beginning to light up. Returning after so long he isn't sure how to feel. Things will only get worse from here, but at the same time, he's home.

"Nervous you are about to be proven a liar?" Mei's lips curl up.

Zitsu just shakes his head.

The boat slowly pulls up to the dock as civilian workers throw hooks onto the boat to anchor it to port.

Leaving the boat Zitsu looks at it one last time before walking away.

Following Mei they walk on the same long path they took to get here, one step at a time.

After walking for a few minutes they find themselves in the central building of the Mizukage. As soon as they walk in three ninjas run towards Mei.

"Mei where have you been?!?"

"Did you hear?"

They began rambling off with an exciting light in their eyes.

"Calm down guys, what? I just got back from a terrible mission." Mei holds up her hands to quiet them down.

One of the ninjas sucks in a breath "The yellow flash, Minato, the Fourth Hokage is dead, and Konoha took massive damage."

Hearing this Mei's eyes go wide as a smile creeps on Zitsu's face.

Mei glances down at Zitsu as he begins walking towards the training grounds where he lives.

Her eyes follow his small back that seems to be carrying a heavy weight, as he slowly disappears into the tunnel.

"So it begins" Zitsu takes a deep breath.

This year ends in a few months, and next year will be his only chance to acquire Samehada. He doesn't know the exact date, but the seven ninja swordsmen will go to the land of fire soon and encounter's Guy's team. His father Duy will kill all but three of the swordsmen.

Thinking up to here a frown appears on his face, he needs to drastically improve his swordsmanship in the coming months. His fifth birthday marks the beginning of the new year, and the beginning of his plans.