The plan

The closer he gets to the apartments the happier he gets to be back. From this trip, he learned how arrogant he was from being better than the rest of the kids. If he was on a team with anyone other than Mei he would have died a thousand times.

Walking into the familiar apartment building he does a radar scan. Judging by the lack of chakra signatures the others must still be in the training hall, as only a few signatures are in each room. The first thing he does is go towards the third floor.

Walking into the familiar room he takes a deep breath and the earthy smell penetrates his nose. Thinking for a second, he crosses his fingers.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu"

[Chakra 14/423]

Dividing his chakra into thirty-one parts he makes thirty clones.

"Same training as the ship right?" One of the clones steps forward before Zitsu can say anything.

"Just remember to constantly scan to make sure you don't get caught." Zitsu nods his head and leaves.

Arriving in front of his door a key appears in his hand. Sliding it into the lock, he opens the door.

Laying on the couch indoors he sees his mother laying on the couch reading a book.

"Mom!" Stepping inside with a smile, Zitsu closes the door.

"Zitsu?!?" Sitting up with shining eyes she looks towards Zitsu. Dropping the book she rushes over and scoops him up, planting dozens of kisses on his face.

"Mom, mom, stop, stop, I'm a Ninja" While complaining a bright smile is present on his face, not even trying to resist.

Yura caries him to the couch and sits down, placing Zitsu on her lap. "Come, tell me how your trip was."

For the next three hours, he told his mom how he single-handedly talked the clan leaders into peace, the time they encountered rogue ninjas and he convinced them to change their ways, and when they decided to build a monument on the Island and name it after him.

His mother was giddy as he talked in a grand manner, swinging his arms around and making sound effects.

Finally arriving back into his room he begins to practice the things he's learned from his clones as the hours pass by.

As the sun begins to rise he eats breakfast with his mother and leaves towards the entrance of the apartment.

"Zitsu!" Seeing Zitsu walk around the corner Chojuro yells at the site of him. Rushing forward he gives him a hug.

"Stop, stop" pushing him aside he looks him up and down.

Chojuro is now wearing his trademark glasses, the instructor probably figured out his eyesight was bad. His sword is hanging on his back with its grip showing signs of use.

Looking over he sees Taisho, Emina, and Eminu.

"How was the mission, did you get to fight a lot?!" Taisho's eyes light up as he scans Zitsu's body.

"I almost died plenty of times."

As he nods his head Taisho's eyes light up. "Can you tell us about it?"

"No! It was a very traumatic experience." Zitsu shakes his head, not wanting to waste his time telling stories again.

Emina and Eminu now have the same bob cut with long bangs, making them look almost the same. The only difference is the longsword on Emina's back and the cleaver at Eminu's waist.

"Hehehe, I bet I'm stronger than you now! I want to fight!" Emina points at his face with a devilish grin as she looks down at Zitsu.

While Zitsu and Cho will be turning five soon, Taisho, Emina, and Eminu are already or turning six making them much taller.

Zitsu smiles as he looks at this girl, he only left for a while and her head has already gotten big, forgetting who taught her to walk on water. "I'll take you on any time." waving his hand he begins to walks away. As he passes by Eminu the corners of her lips rise a bit as she nods her head.

The others fall in behind him, just like they did before as they walk towards the training center.

Before they can reach the center a tall figure with long auburn hair in a blue dress walks over from the side.

Seeing her walk over a smile creeps on his face. "You guys go ahead."

After waving his hand he begins to walk towards Mei.

She watches the other kids walk away with her eyes before looking at Zitsu.

"Wife, why the long face." Looking at her solemn face causes his eye to twitch.

Hearing his form of address causes her eyes go blank for a moment.

"Wife?" Raising an eyebrow he looks Mei up and down.

Releasing a long breath she shakes her head lightly. "What else do you know?" Her eyes turn serious as she looks at Zitsu.

"Whos asking? You?" Zitsu narrows his eyes.

"Just me, I haven't told anyone, yet. As long as you have Kiri's best interest in heart I won't go against you."

"Wrong! You need to have my best interest in heart because you are my wife!" Zitsu points at her face.

Mei pouts her lips as she looks at him, thinking for a moment. After five minutes she finally nods her head "Ok little husband, if I'm going to believe your words then I will have to believe this too. But I hope your interest doesn't go against my beliefs."

The smile returns to Zitsu's face as he holds his arms up while curling his fingers.

A small smile forms on her face as she picks him up. His legs wrap around her waist and an arm goes behind her neck as he hangs on like a koala. "Now, do you know anything else important little husband?"

Zitsu thinks for a moment before his eyes shine as a brilliant idea forms in his head. "I do, but I need your help! I want Samehada, it's my destiny!"

Mei shakes her head "Kiri has no right to take the seven swords from their owners, only if they die in battle or defeated in a contest can the sword be taken and given to someone else who's worthy. So I can't take the sword from Fuguki, plus we have the same amount of power in Kiri. I'm only an Elite Jonin, not an advisor."

Zitsu smiles "Do you have any connections in Anbu?"

Mei squints "I do, but if you want me to assassinate him, I won't."

Zitsu takes a deep breath "Is it Ao?"

Hearing the name Mei's mouth drops and her eyes go wide as she looks at Zitsu, believing more than ever that he really does have visions. Members of Anbu don't use their real names, so the fact he could name her contact in Anbu should have been simply impossible.

"Listen to me, I won't ask you to trust me blindly yet because I don't want to force things between us. But one day I hope you will trust me unconditionally. I'll give you information that will benefit Kiri, but I want you to promise me something." Zitsu looks her in the eye, trying to catch any change in her emotion.

"What do you want?" Her brows begin to wrinkle.


"I can't?! Are you even listening to what I'm saying?" A frown begins to develop on her face.

Using his small hand he covers her dainty mouth "Of course I'm listening to you my wife, but hear the details first. Everything I've said so far is interlinked."

Removing his hand he sees that shes calmed down. "The reason I asked about Anbu is that I need you to get someone you trust to investigate Fuguki! He needs to look at the fact that he is selling information about Kiri to other villages, he is a traitor!"

Mei's body trembles as she looks at Zitsu, looking for any detail that he is lying. After looking at him for a bit she nods. "Ok, I'll have him look into it. Anything else?"

Zitsu smiles "What do you think of the seven swordsmen?"

"They are powerful individuals, some of the strongest in the village."

"I mean their character!" Zitsu narrows his eyes

Mei frowns "Most are drunk on power and kill anyone whos a threat to their position so they never give up their swords."

Zitsu nods "The mist isn't in a good place right now, what If I told you, you can get the seven swords under your control soon?" His eyebrows shoot up as he finishes his sentence.

"Explain" Mei answers after seeing he's serious.

"Ask Ao to find the information fast, but don't act on it yet. You keep a lookout as well, around the beginning of next year the seven swordsmen will be sent on a mission into the land of fire. If you find the information that Fuguki is a traitor we will have an opportunity to act then, but you must bring me along!" Zitsu looks into her eyes, if she doesn't accept his plan, a lot of options for him will be gone.

"Look for information, then follow them out onto a mission? If Fuguki is a traitor we should tell the Mizukage and Madame Yan."

"NO!" Zitsu panics "Please do this quietly."

"Fine! I'll ask Ao to see what he can find with his resources. If he knows he's looking for Fuguki selling information specifically, it won't takes long." Mei nods after seeing his face.

Zitsu's face brightens as he quickly pecks her on the cheek and jumps away. "I'm counting on you, wife!"

Watching his small back running towards the training center she smiles "Don't let me down, little husband."