Limits of The Body

Walking into the building he sees the burly instructor standing in front of the kids with his arms crossed, constantly yelling when he finds mistakes. Seeing Zitsu walks in a ghastly grin appears on his face.

"Well, well, well! The Genin finally decides to grace us with his presence." But his face soon sinks "But he didn't even bring his sword?!?"

"I lost my sword on my mission." Zitsu scratches the back of his head, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Then why are you still alive?" His brows shot up as he looks at Zitsu "The sword is your partner, never leave your sword!"

"I disagree, sometimes you have to let go, being unable to let go of the sword may get you killed." Zitsu recites some things he's heard in anime and novels, unsure if the instructor is testing him.

But this was no test.

His face turns beet red "Are you the instructor or am I?!?! GET OUT! GET OUT! You're unteachable!! Who are you to question me?" he spits into the water "Don't come back here unless you crawl in on your hands and knees begging me to teach you. Beg or you will amount to nothing."

Taisho, Chojuro, Emina, and Eminu stare in amazement, unsure what they should do.

Zitsu's mouth opens and closes for a bit, before he finally shrugs his shoulders. Walking outside he looks around the misty plateau.

"Well, I do need to train my body. My speed is to slow." Shaking his head he begins performing sprints.

The chakra in his body begins to flow faster as he trains more than he ever has before. Ever since he come to this world he never had a chance to seriously move his body. Even on Yami Island he was carried by Mei most of the time because he couldn't keep up with her. He cant train his body in the apartment, and he couldn't really move on the ship.

While his clones can help him get better chakra control, better at nature transformation, and better at shape manipulation it's all useless if his body can't keep up.

From that day onward he began training like a madman. Every day he would train from sunrise to sunset trying to increase his speed and power. At night he would use medical jutsu to heal his muscles. Besides spending time with his mom every day he did nothing else, because he knows things are only going to get worse in the land of water. Originally they are at war even during the first half of the series, so twelve more years of fighting.

Sixty clones continued to train in Yin release, water release, and shape manipulation every day. As they practice the harder it gets to improve, there's a reason most Jonin only master two natures in their lives. The more he practices the more he realizes how hard it is.

After the first week Mei brought him money, because they technically completed their mission. Instead of Taking the money he asked her for a new sword so he can practice. She offered to talk to the instructor but he turned her down. Mei brought the sword the next day and to tell him she was going on a mission back to the island with a team to root out the clans.

With the sword all he could do was improve on his basics and increase his speed. Just like that October passed. In November he wished Chojuro a happy birthday and continued to train. His clones improvement slowed even more as they couldn't advance passed the basics, as they couldn't use most jutsu in the apartment.

Learning the Rasengan wasn't hard, but it's an attack he can never use or risk being labeled as a spy. Being able to make the Rasengan marked the end of shape manipulation as being able to rotate and compact chakra like that is the best it gets.

As his water release and shape manipulation improved Zitsu was finally able to use jutsu to their full capability, but improving them was impossible because his clones can't come out to practice. Without people to practice Genjutsu on his Yin release could no longer improve as well. All the clones could do now was increase his spiritual chakra. With his control improved he was able to reduce the hand seals required for water dragon jutsu from forty-four to ten, any more than that will require more advanced practice that will eat up his time.

Everyone has a limit on the amount of chakra they can have, but maybe because of the system his chakra just kept increasing.

As his training continued he learned the limits of his dragon shout. Fus drains 100 stamina, Ro drains 200 stamina, and Dah drains 300 stamina. To figure that out he had to spend a few days unconscious.

Trying to improve Ninjutsu without clones was a waste of time, so he completely focused on Kenjutsu and Taijutsu because he could see immediate results. He trained with water clones every day, but was only able to get his Taijutsu level to rise from 20 to 23 by the beginning of December. Even with healing his muscles everyday his Ninjutsu only increased to 22. His level increased to 11 and he put his points into health as it's the only thing that hasn't risen with training since the forbidden jutsu increased it by ten. He put his perk point into [Increase Ninjutsu power by 2%].

This allowed him to increase his Ninjutsu power without training. To his surprise his water clones increased to 12% of his strength. Originally he thought the 2% increase would only happen to the 10% of the strength they already had.

Zitsu guessed that if he wanted to increase his levels faster he would have to fight and kill people. Even if his level couldn't improve much by fighting the clones, his swordplay still got better.

Even though he couldn't improve his jutsu like Sasuke did for Chidori, his chakra increased to an unbelievable level so he can just put more into his jutsu. He also found the limit for his chakra. When his chakra increased to 2,500 it stopped. His guess is that it can only increase by 500 per year of his life starting at zero instead of one. After his fifth birthday he will check if he can increase it by another 500. The only thing he's not sure about is how outside influence like Samehada absorbing chakra or a tailed beast would affect him.

On December 27th Zitsu sat on a rock while looking towards the sun setting in the west.

"Congratulations on being born, Hinata." Closing his eyes he looks at his stats from months of training.

Level 11

[Health 120/120]

[Chakra 1263/2500]

[Stamina 63/140]

[0 Points]

[PP 0]

[Taijutsu 23, Ninjutsu 22, Genjutsu 0]

[Ninjutsu cost reduced by 10%][Increase Ninjutsu power by 2%][Reduce stamina consumption by 5%][Increase melee damage by 15%]

Looking at his chakra a smile forms on his face. "This should be as much chakra as Naruto had in the beginning of Shippuden without using chakra from the Ninetails. If I count the Ninetails he probably has over 100,000 chakra."

Looking at his stamina he shakes his head "This tiny body is at its limits, I'll have to wait till I get bigger to increase my physique. Infusing my body with chakra can temporarily help, but it's limited. If I want to use all this chakra I'd have to begin training to open the eight gates. Now all I can focus on is Kenjutsu."

"Zitsu." A sweet voice calls out his name from behind.

Turning around he sees Mei walking over with a long face.

"We found the evidence of Fuguki treachery. Ao followed him for a while, just as he was going to give up he saw Fuguki meeting ninjas from Kumo." Mei shakes her head.

A small smile forms on his face "Saw?"

Mei hesitate for a moment before opening her mouth "He has the Byakugan."

"I know" Zitsu nods with a smile.

She stares at Zitsu for a while, trying to find the right words. "What now?"

"We wait! When you learn that the seven swords are going to the land of fire come get me, we will follow them."

"Why is it so important you come along?" Mei tilts her head.

Zitsu squints as he looks at her "Because It's important, make sure Ao comes as well."

Mei releases a breath of air "Fine."

Zitsu's face turns serious "How's the war with the clans?"

Mei shakes her head "A lot of the clans surrendered, but those with Kekkei Genkai are too proud, most of the resistance is lead by those clans." She shakes her head slowly "The body count just keeps adding up, it could take years to subdue them. Yami Island was a small and weak power compared to the other islands."

Listening to her words Zitsu begins counting on his fingers before nodding his head.

Seeing his actions Mei's eyes shine "Did you see something? Anything beneficial?" After being proven right so many times any doubts about his ability are mostly gone.

"Yes" Zitsu nods gravely "I turn five in four days, and I'm wondering if my wife is going to celebrate with me? As for a present I'd like a copy of every book and scroll dealing with medical jutsu you can get." Looking at Mei the corners of his lips rises.

Mei stumbles backward as she heard what he said. Smacking her lips she turns and walks away.

Turning towards the west again a smile forms on his face.