To The Land Of Fire

Leaving his apartment he heads towards the third floor. As he arrives in front of the door he knocks.

After waiting for a few seconds an old lady opens the door.

"Well well well, what brings you here today youngster?" An old decrepit voice escapes her mouth.

Zitsu frowns and pushes her aside as he walks into the room. "Cut the crap, you'll have work to do." waving his hand causes the air in the room to twist as the once empty room is filled with clones of Zitsu sitting on the ground.

Closing the door, the old lady transforms into Zitsu with a puff of smoke.

"Ok guys I got work for you, I'm leaving in six days." As he holds out his hand a scroll appears. With a flick of the wrist, the scroll unrolls and he lays it on the ground, revealing a bunch of complicated symbols in the form of a circle. In the middle of the circle is a picture of a pile of books and scrolls

"Enclosing Technique" looking at the scroll Zitsu is instantly able to recognize the symbols. He had to have drawn at least a few thousand of these for cosplay purposes.

"Kai!" Holding up two fingers he forces chakra into the scroll to undo the seal.

In a puff of smoke, a few hundred books and scrolls appear. Looking at this Zitsu frowns for a moment.

Looking around at his clones he releases a long breath. "It's time, to study."

Even though they could all guess what he was going to say, the clones faces turn dark.

On Earth, Zitsu could be classified as a Genius of studying. Anything he wanted to learn he could learn with enough effort, but he only used his ability to study when it came to anime. If he put in effort becoming a scientist or engineer wouldn't have been impossible, but he never cared.

"Cough, cough" coughing a few times Zitsu turns around "Sixty clones won't cut it, you can make an extra forty to bring it to one hundred, but any more than that will affect my Kenjutsu training. Godspeed gentlemen."

Not giving them a chance to speak he quickly leaves the room. As he leaves the room he shutters for a moment. Studying is the thing he hates most in this world. Dusting off his shoulders he walks down the stairs and out of the apartment.

Resuming his training the days began to go by. He quickly learned that he was right about his chakra, he was once again able to increase it, but due to all the clones currently improving their medical knowledge, he didn't have a chance to increase it by much.

As he trained information about medical ninjutsu came in, and what he learned made him simple appalled! The things you can do with chakra is simply ridiculous. Hole in your stomach? Use chakra to move cells from your fat or even hair to fill it. Different ways for herbs and animal parts to be turned into poison, a lot of books about poison.

The human anatomy quickly fills his head, the more he learns the more amazed he is. At the same time, he also realizes the lack of technology hindered them from learning how things work on an even deeper level. They can't see things on a molecular level, they can just tell that some people's blood and body are special.

Why were Hashirama's cells able to heal so rapidly? Probably from extreme mitosis! Why did kimimaro die? Calcium from overusing his Kekkei Genkai poisoned his blood! These are theories a lot of fans had but lacked information to back them up.

The more he thinks about it the more excited he becomes. If he can force blood to produce more collagen, why can't he force his cells to undergo Mitosis to regenerate injuries? This must be the secret of Tsunade's Creation Rebirth, but did she know the specifics of it? Everyone who's gone through a biology class knows what mitosis is, so it shouldn't be hard to follow the steps.

On the day of departure, he dissipated all his clones. If Ao was coming here then hiding his shadow clones from his sensory skill, let alone his byakugan will be impossible. Returning the Medical books and scrolls using the enclosing seal. With one hundred clones learning everything in the books over five days, it equaled over five hundred days of study. While it may not be a lot, it was enough for now.

He didn't have to wait long, after seeing the kids off towards the academy he sat on a rock. Not long after, Mei showed up with Ao. Ao looked to be in his early thirties with a blue mohawk, wearing green robes with a brown shirt, and the most noticeable feature is the black eyepatch over his right eye and tags hanging from his ears.

Jumping to his feet he walks to them.

Mei steps out to stand between them "Zitsu, Ao, Ao, Zitsu." She introduces them to each other but notices they are just staring each other down.

Ao stands there with his arms crossed as he stares down at Zitsu, a stern look on his face. Zitsu stands there with his left arm resting on his sheath and right arm on his hilt.

Mei's brows scrunch together as she looks at the both of them.

Suddenly Zitsu's right-hand shoots out, finger fully extended. Seeing this Ao extends his right hand and grabs Zitsu's small hand before shaking it.

"Thank you for taking care of my wife all this time!" Zitsu looks him dead in the eye.

"Not a problem, heard this operation is your idea?" Ao's stern voice fills the area as he nods.

Mei's mouth twitches as she listens to these two, can you please act like he's five?

"Right, we better get moving. I asked you to come along so we don't lose them."

Ao nods before turning around and walking away.

"Have you two met before?" Mei squints as she looks at Zitsu.

"Wife, that was just a meeting between men." Zitsu answers as he follows after Ao.

Mei stands there trembling as she watches him walk away. "Men?!?" Stomping on the ground she follows after them.

Walking to the dock they take a boat and set out to sea. This time the boat is a lot smaller than the last one, as only the three of them are going out on this secret operation.

Ao stands at the front of the boat, holding up two fingers he focuses chakra into his right eye.

"Byakugan!" Veins bulge on the side of his face as his vision goes far beyond what one can normally see.

"I see them, they are about half a day's journey ahead of us." The veins on his face recede as he turns around. "So, what's the plan?"

Mei looks at Zitsu as this is what she wanted to know the most, he said she could control the seven swords??

Feeling their gazes he clears his throat before opening his mouth "We just need to follow them for now, when it's time to act, you will know. We won't even have to do much, let's just wait."

On the ship ahead a man with a braided beard looks out to see "Why is Yagura sending us to Konoha to play?!? He said we can destroy as much as we want, that they are weak right now."

"Hehehehehe fool! When have we needed a reason to kill, Jinpachi?? He said kill so just shut your trap and kill!" a tall lanky man wearing an Anbu mask and scarecrow-like hair walks towards him.

"How about I just blow you up right now!" reaching behind him he grabs the handle attached to a large scroll.

"Jinpachi, Kushimaru, shut up! I won't listen to you two argue this whole trip!" A giant, burly man with orange hair walks over.

"Friends, how about this, why don't we have a competition to see who can kill the most people?" A tall man with a large nose walks over, a large hammer and axe hanging from his neck by a chain.

"This I can get behind." A tall man with a cross-shaped scar on his face eyes light up when he hears about the competition.

"Morons" shaking his head a man with green hair and dual swords at his waist walks to a different part of the ship.

The voyage to the land of fire took two entire weeks. During the trip Zitsu got Ao to teach him everything he knows about sensory techniques. Because the ship was so small he couldn't practice the sword, but he could get Mei to help him with his Jutsu as he fired them out to sea.

Ao actually got along very well with Zitsu, even though he was five, he seemed very manly and confident.

Mei was very baffled seeing the two get along, she thought Ao would give her a hard time about a five-year-old calling her his wife.

They traveled a bit south of the land of waves and landed near the peninsula of the land of fire. What they saw when they landed was a port city filled with blood.

"I think we landed in the right place." Ao steps off the ship and looks around.

"Are they just going to kill anyone they see, won't this just bring retaliation upon Kiri?" Mei frowns as she sees the bodies of over twenty children sewn onto a wall.

"Maybe that's what someone wants? We need to stay close on their trail, or we may lose our opportunity." Zitsu shakes his head "We aren't strong enough to stop them but we will have a chance."

Ao nods his head as he holds up two fingers "Byakugan!" His veins bulge as he looks around. "They are heading in the direction of another town, they must have a map."

"They don't have a sensor ninja so we can stay pretty close." Mei begins walking, no longer wanting to stay in this place.

Looking around at all the bodies killed in different ways Zitsu takes a deep breath before following.