Might Duy

"What?!?" Ao stumbles back in surprise.

Mei looks at him in confusion, to startle Ao this much something serious must have happened.

He slowly opens his mouth "Jinin is dead."

Mei's eyes go wide and a smile creeps on Zitsu's face.

"We need to get closer, we can't miss this chance and risk losing the swords." Zitsu's teeth begin to show as his smile gets wider and wider, all this planning is finally bearing fruit.

Jinin's body falls to the ground lifeless as Duy's arm flops to his side.

The rest of the swordsmen are in shock for a moment before someone makes their move.

Jinpachi circles around towards his back and swings his Shibuki. The blade fills with paper bombs, and just before it makes contact with Duy's back, he disappears from the spot.

Missing his target causes Jinpachi's eyes to go wide. From behind him, he hears a scream.

"Second step!" Duy's left fist smashes into Jinpachi's back, causing shrapnel of bones and blood to fly from his chest as a head size hole bursts open.

From the impact of the punch, the bones in his arm turn into a fine powder. Biting his teeth Duy fights through the pain, wanting to buy as much time for the kids to escape.

"Jinpachi!!" Kushimaru flashes forward in a wild rage, while Jinpachi and he argued a lot, they were best friends. The needle longsword, Nuibari pierces towards Duy's right eye.

The same time Kushimaru makes his move, the other four launch their attacks.

Juzo launches into the air and chops down with his large butcher's knife Kubikiribocho.

Fuguki shoots forward like a cannonball, the scales of Samehada flaring up as he stabs it forward.

Raiga comes from behind, performing dual downward diagonal slashes as the twin swords Kiba flashes with violet bolts of lightning.

A young man with a blue mohawk, the wielder of the dual handle sword Hiramekarei, pours in all his chakra and forms a hammer of pure chakra as he smashes it down from his left side.

Duy's skin begins to crack, instead of blood flowing, the red vapor around him increases as the blood is instantly vaporized. Seeing the ninjas attacking him from all sides a smile creep on his face.

"Guy, you have to rely on yourself for now on" the vapor around him erupts into the form of a blazing sun.

"BRIGHT DUY!" He slams his feet into the ground causing the entire ground to splinter. Chakra fills the cracks causing pure light made of chakra to erupt from the ground.

Seeing this, some of the swordsmen try to shift from attack to defense, but it only takes a moment for the entire area to erupt into a shining explosion.

As the smoke clears Duy's body lays in the middle of a blast zone, a mile around him looks like a hydrogen bomb exploded. A smile still present on his face as his body slowly crumbles to ash.

Fuguki, Juzo, and Raiga slowly rise from the ground holding their swords. Their bodies filled with wounds and dirt.

Looking at the Genin who caused them so much trouble dying without them even landing a blow causes their eyes to burn with rage.

"Who do you think I am?!?" Fuguki rushes over to Duy before he can die and lifts Samehada high above his head. Samehada squirms around in his hand, upset at Fuguki for using it to block some of the explosion.

"Body Flicker." Suddenly a young child appears behind his back, Katana in hand. As Samehada is swing down, his water wrapped katana pierces towards Fuguki's back.

As Fuguki was blinded by rage, and thinking his opponent was already down, he was unguarded.

Seeing the actions of the boy, Juzo grips his broken Kubikiribocho and rushes at the child.

Fuguki's hair begins to rise, wanting to pierce the child behind him. But before he can launch the attack a small voice enters his ears.

"Kenjutsu: Enuma Elish!"

[Chakra 2236/2508]

A twister of blue water rips through his back and the inside of Fuguki's body before exiting his gut, blood red.

Seeing this scene Duy collapses into a pile of ash, in total peace.

Before Juzo can reach Zitsu he hears a familiar voice.

"Lava Release: Melting Apparition Technique!"

A river of molten mud cuts off his path, confused, he whips his head around to see Mei spitting mud from her mouth.

"Raiga help me!" In his normal condition fighting Mei would be no problem, but as it stands now he's already on his last leg.

"Tsk" Raiga spits out a mouthful of blood before running forward.

Fuguki drops to the ground, dead. Samehada squirms to free itself from his grasp.

Seeing this Zitsu's eyes light up. Sheathing his blade he grabs Samehada's handle.

Raiga focuses his chakra into his blades. As they begin to spark, a kunai stabs him in the back.

"Raiga, as fellow Anbu you should know to watch your back in battle." Ao's face is blank as he twists the kunai in his back.

Juzo stares down Mei, oblivious to Raiga's death. Blood pools on the ground from all his open wounds.

"Mei, why are you doing this. We are on the same team!"

"Juzo you don't look so good?" A smile forms on her face as she grabs a kunai and charges forward.

Juzo faces her down, completely unaware of Ao approaching from behind.

As he grabs the handle of the blade spike instantly pierce through his flesh and bones.

[Health 106/120]

It doesn't cause much damage to his health, but the pain from having spikes pierce through his hands was intense. If he had not experienced being chopped to pieces or stabbed in the chest, he would have screamed in pain.

As his blood flows onto the handle Samehada begins to rapidly drain his chakra.

"Listen Samehada I know about your love of chakra, you see how much I have now? I'm only five, I'll have a lot more in the future."

[Chakra 1983/2508]

His chakra Rapidly drops as Samehada begins squirming on the ground. Its scaly body bends backward as a giant mouth with sharp teeth reveals itself from the tip of the blade.

"We can be partners, I know you don't like fire, and I know you have your own feelings. What do you say?" Zitsu tries to plead his case, if things don't work out he'll have to use his back up plan.

[Chakra 1627/2508]

The mouth opens, revealing its pink tongue as the blade gets bigger.

"We can accomplish great things together, no reason to be enemies, we both have nothing to lose!" He tries one last time.

Suddenly the spikes in the handle recede, only leaving the holes in his hands behind. The mouth turns back to normal and the blade shrinks to its normal size.

Seeing this Zitsu releases a long breath. Looking at the Scaly blade almost three times his size he can't help but smile.

Focusing chakra into his hands they emit a green light as they begin to heal. It's not on the level of instant regeneration, but it doesn't require hand seals.

Grabbing the handle of the blade he hoists it into the air, causing it to tower high above him as his hands slowly recover. The sword continues to drain a small amount of chakra to keep itself fed, but not enough to trigger its transformation.

"I feel like I'm holding a grown man by the legs, I greatly underestimated the size of this sword." Shaking his head he looks at Mei and Ao.

The battle has already finished and they are currently digging the swords up from the ground.

"This is the last one." Placing Nuibari on the ground he turns to Mei.

Mei's eyes light up as she looks at the swords. "Besides Kubikiribocho that's broken, the other swords are ok."

Holding Samehada in front of him he walks to their side.

"You look ridiculous." Mei shakes her head with a brilliant smile as she sees him approach.

"We really got all seven swords, now what?" Ao furrows his brows as he looks at the blades on the ground.

Hiramekarei, a double-handled sword that is capable of storing and emitting the user's chakra which can then take on various forms.

Kabutowari, a sword consisting of a single sided axe and a hammer joined by a length of chain. Said to be capable of crushing any and all defenses.

Kiba, twin swords that are imbued with lightning which increases their cutting power. They are said to be the sharpest swords ever forged.

Kubikiribocho, a giant sword with a butcher-knife-like appearance, the wielder can use the semi-circle on the blade to decapitate an opponent's head, hence the name. The sword has an ability to regenerate using the iron absorbed from the blood of those it cuts down.

Nuibari, a sword in the shape of a needle with a long thin wire that resembles thread attached to it, which can be used to pierce enemies and 'sew' them together in human bundles.

Shibuki, a sword that has a scroll full of explosive tags incorporated into it, lined up behind the blade, combining swordsmanship and explosions.

Looking at the small kid holding the last of the seven blades he releases a short breath.

Samehada, the most terrifying of the seven blades, it has the appearance of a greatsword covered in shark scales. It's a sentient, living weapon and has the ability to 'eat' chakra.

Hearing Ao's words Mei glances at Zitsu.

Feeling their looks he pulls a long strand of cloth from his sleeve. He brought it just in case he got Samehada. Placing the blade on the ground he begins to wrap the scales.

"Well, you should place the blades away first. We also need to get back to Kiri, alive, now, as those ninjas will definitely report to Konoha that the seven swords were here." As he finishes he lifts the blade and rest it on his shoulder to make it easier to carry. Due to the blade being sentient, he can't put it in his inventory.

Because the blade is so large, he will have to carry it in his hand the whole time. Resting the blade on his shoulder is all he can do to help, but because his shoulder is so small the blade is resting on his face, cutting off his vision to the right completely.

"That's it? We just leave? Nothing else?" Mei's eyes go wide.

Seeing this Zitsu instantly becomes confused. "What else would we do? We are in the middle of enemy territory."

"I agree, we should leave fast, Konoha is not so weak that we can just do what we want now that they know something is going on." Ao crosses his arms and nods his head.

Taking out a scroll to store the swords Mei frowns "Don't act like you don't know what I mean, I'm sure there's buried treasure somewhere." Mei mumbles as she unrolls the scroll.

Looking at her pouting face Zitsu can't help but smile. As he sees her storing the swords in the scroll, he gets an idea and looks at Samehada.

Sitting on the ground he places Samehada on his lap. "Work with me buddy" And he makes a couple hand seals "Transformation Jutsu!"

A puff of smoke surrounds Zitsu as he completes the jutsu.