
Looking at the beautiful girl standing in front of him Zitsukani feels a wide range of emotions. Looking into the eyes of a person you know will die is a strange feeling, especially someone whose death was as tragic, and noble as hers.

Zitsu takes a deep breath, determined now more than ever to turn Kiri into a superpower. He will do whatever it takes, even after the fourth war ended Kiri was still far behind.

Seeing Zitsu's actions causes Suiren to tilt her head to the side "Are you ok little guy, you're not hurt anywhere right?"

Zitsu shakes his head "No, I'm fine. I'm Zitsukani, Genin, Nice to meet you."

"Right! I'm one of the Chunin on this team." She gestures to the men behind her "This is Ganryu, he's the head Chunin, this goofy looking guy is Junsai, the one with the bandages on his face is Nakazo, and lastly Bokkai."

Looking at the men he recognizes two. Ganryu has short black hair and stern dark eyes. His face is very rigged but doesn't look nearly as bad as it does after his teammates die. When they die six years from now his cheeks will become sunken and eyes hollow, so, for now, his face isn't bad. On his back is a large cleaver-like blade, like most Kiri shinobi he primarily uses Kenjutsu. On his wrist are the same jade green wristbands.

Junsai, the last Chunin he recognizes has long wavy brown hair tied into a ponytail in the back. He has dark eyes, a big nose, and a strong jaw. He too is wearing the jade green wristbands.

Six years from now Junsai and Suiren will die, later becoming the Tragedy of Yosuga Pass. This event leads to the deep hatred between Iwa and Kiri.

Looking at Nakazo all he can see are his amber colored eyes, as the rest of his head is wrapped with white bandages with a Kiri forehead protector. He's dressed in standard long sleeve Kiri attire and gloves, allowing no other part of his flesh to be visible.

Bokkai is a rather slender man. His black hair is tied into a bun and has dark eyes. The lines of his face are extremely sharp and has thin lips. He's wearing the standard Kiri attire with a longsword at his waist.

After she finishes speaking Bokkai sneers. "I don't know why you're wasting your time Suiren, notice your the only one who bothered? Because we roll through Genin on this island like tissue paper!" He looks at Zitsu with a smile "What are you five? Six? Let me give you a piece of advice."

He points towards three of the Genin "Besides these three, the rest of these Genin arrived after our last mission. When you survive your first mission, then you can call yourself apart of Team 13, but don't get me wrong. Even if you survive your first doesn't mean you will survive your second." As he finishes speaking he sits back down next to the fire and closes his eyes.

Zitsu looks around, no one refutes his words. Suiren hangs her head in defeat and slowly shakes her head. Looking closely you can see tears in the corner of her eyes and fist trembling. Seeing this Zitsu is positive this is the same woman who will die to block a blow for her teammate.

Zitsu is able to recognize two of the three Genin he pointed to, they are Tokutomi and Aeko who he took the graduation exam with. Besides these three, the other four have their heads down.

Everyone returns to sitting by the fire in silence, so Zitsu joins them. Closing his eyes he looks at his stats.

Level 11

[Health 120/120]

[Chakra 1736/2513]

[Stamina 131/142]

[0 Points]

[PP 0]

[Taijutsu 24, Ninjutsu 23, Genjutsu 0]

[Ninjutsu cost reduced by 10%][Increase Ninjutsu power by 2%][Reduce stamina consumption by 5%][Increase melee damage by 15%]

Unless he can feed Samehada with others chakra, his will never be full again. And because of his constant travels, he hasn't had time to increase his stats.

Kill Stealing a top-level Jonin only got him a few levels in Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, and even though he killed fish during the trip his experience bar hardly moved for the two.

But now he is on the battlefield. Looking at his level 0 Genjutsu he can't help but smile. He doesn't know if it's because fish brains are just too small, but Genjutsu didn't work on them. But he is now in a place where he can put the years worth of time his clones spent practicing Yin release, along with his new understanding of human anatomy to use.

Zitsu begins counting on his fingers. "I need to become stronger to take advantage of the opportunity in two years." He mumbles to himself as he sits around and waits.

He notices Tokutomi and Aeko glancing at him every once in a while, but ignores them for now. If he doesn't recover as much as possible, Samehada might drain him dry.

As the sun goes down, Fumio, Settan, and Yaeko return from a tent. Settan steps forward, glancing at those by the fire.

"We are setting out, the objective is total annihilation and acquisition of any documents." He pauses for a moment "Initial reports show this is a rather large base."

The three of them begin to walk away as Yaeko's voice rings "Let's move out."

Everyone rises to their feet and begins to follow. Zitsu is towards the back of the group with the Genin. Looking at them he notices most of them are trembling as they walk towards the wall.

Due to the nature of their team, they're located fairly close to the wall. As they walk up to the wall a ninja standing above makes a few hand seals before slamming his hands down.

An outline of a large door appears on the wall and slides into the earth.

"Let's go!" Settan gives the order and they all begin to follow.

As Zitsu exits from behind the wall he notices that the immediate area has been cleared of all trees and large stones. As they exit they break into a full sprint, heading towards a mountainous area in the distance.

Zitsu follows in silence, not sure of their destination at all. The elevation began to rise the further they go, running through small patches of forest and over rivers. Eventually, they began running on the top side of a deep gorge as a river cuts a mountain in two. It took them three hours to get to this location before they finally stop.

Everyone stops and looks below. At the bottom of the gorge two ninja stand beside a plain looking rock wall.

Yaeko walks to the edge as she grabs the handle of her sword. Bending her knees she jumps from the cliff.

Zitsu furrows his brows, this was not a shallow drop, falling from this height will definitely lead to death.

Her ponytail flops in the air as she falls at rapid speed towards the unaware ninja. As she gets right above them they finally notice her presence, but at that time she draws her sword.

As she draws her sword two black flashes of light sever their heads. Thrusting her sword forward she stabs it into the ground to break her fall. The impact he was expecting doesn't happen, instead, the sword sank into the ground like going into butter. Using the force of the fall she spun around the handle of her sword, throwing herself to the ground. With a few rolls, her momentum is completely gone.

Seeing the speed she can swing that large sword has completely impressed Zitsu. If he can move Samehada like that in the future he will be content.

"Let's go!" Settan waves his hand before running down the rock wall.

Following him down they all end up in front of the wall the two ninjas seemed to be guarding. Settan takes off one of his gloves, revealing a hand covered in tattoos. He places his hand on the wall, as he does the tattoos on his hand and face begin to move.

The tattoos flow from his body and onto the rock wall, soon over a thousand symbols fill the wall. The symbols glow slightly before the wall begins to warp, revealing a large steel door.

As the symbols return to his body Settan looks visibly tired. Taking a deep breath he looks at Fumio "The barrier is down, they don't know we're here."

Fumio nods before looking at Bokkai.

Bokkai steps forward and makes a few hand seals before closing his eyes. "There are over three hundred people inside, broken up into different groups."

Fumio's eyes narrow as he looks at the door. The area is quiet for a moment, most of the Genin not even daring to breathe. Suddenly he nods his head.

Settan steps forward again and places his hand on the door. A few of his tattoos flow onto the door and forms a large rectangle. As the tattoos glow, the inside of the rectangle becomes transparent, then disappears altogether.

"Go!" Settan whispers before rushing inside.

Zitsu scans the area before rushing inside with the rest, the results cause him to suck in a long breath of air.

As soon as they enter the opening they find themselves in a large hall. The ceiling is five meters high and held up with pillars placed around the room. The room has ten doors, five on the right and five on the left. In the back of the room is a long hallway leading to another area.

From the initial scan, Zitsu can tell that each of these doors has at least ten people each behind them, of various levels.

"Chunin, one door each on the right, Genin, two to each door on left." As Yaeko's voice falls the Jonin begin running towards the hallway.

Hearing the order Zitsu immediately dashes towards a door on the left with the weakest chakra levels, not even waiting to see who would come with him. Opening the door he sees ten people sitting on the floor in the room, their clothes are in tatters and look as though they were resting after some sort of battle.

As he enters the room they all look towards him. Not wasting any time he quickly forms hand seals as they rise to their feet.

"Original Genjutsu: Welcome To My World!" Zitsu's voice echoes in the room as his every word and action is filled with Yin chakra.

[Chakra 1215/2513]