Towering buildings pierce into the sky. Black paved roads with huge metal constructs rushing by. Large flying objects soar through the sky and pierce the clouds, leaving a trail of white in their wake. Thousands of people walk along the street with their cell phones and friends.

*Honk!!!* Hooooonk!!* "Get out the middle of the street!" A man leans out the window of his truck, yelling at the strange person in the middle of the road.

Each of the ten ninjas is trapped in the same jutsu, each transported to their own Earth. As they stand in the middle of the road the deafening noise of the city, all the technology and lights, and the thousands of people leave them stunned.

Each ninja is stunned by the site of these magnificent buildings. Soon the sound of sirens blares as a helicopter flies over their heads. Dozens of ropes drop down as heavily armed men in military fatigues drop down.

"We have encountered the Alien! Permission to engage?!?" hoisting up their M4 carbines they take aim at the ninjas.

"Whats this?! You dare fight me?" The ninja snarls as he begins making hand seals.

As he finishes he takes a deep breath "Fire Style: Furious Fire Jutsu!" Breathing out violently his face turns beat red and he begins to choke, but no fire appears.

"Order received, open fire." The muzzle of their guns blaze as bullets fly through the air, filling the ninja with holes.

Similar scenes are happening to most of the ninjas, but some were able to break free.

As Zitsu cast the jutsu he sees the eyes of the ninjas turn dull. Moving fast he pulls out his Katana with his left hand and lifts his right arm, causing his sleeve to fall down and reveal the Samehada bracer.

His first target is the one with weak Chunin chakra, as he can feel him breaking from his jutsu. His katana pierces forward, stabbing straight through his chest. As the light fully returns to his eyes from being stabbed, Zitsu presses his right arm against his throat and drags it forward.

With no resistance whatsoever, his throat completely disappears, scraped off by the bracer. The ninja drops down to the ground dead.

Feeling the chakra pouring into him from Samehada he feels euphoric. Not even bothering to use his sword he begins throwing right hooks at the ninjas, not punching them but letting Samehada drag across their throats.

[Chakra 2278/2513]

The scales on the bracer begins to shift about in excitement. Even though Samehada took a majority of the chakra, his is rapidly filling as well. It only took him a few seconds to finish the ninjas, as he picked the room with the weakest chakra.

Hearing the sounds of battle he switches his katana to his right hand. He never saw the Genin that was supposed to room with him, so he guessed they abandoned him due to his age. Looking around the room for a moment he only sees a few beds and a table. Seeing nothing important he rushes to the next room.

As he enters inside he sees five people each teaming up against the two Genin, their bodies full of wounds.

Suddenly a ninja thrust his kunai forward and stabs a Genin in the chest.

Seeing this Zitsu drops his sword and begins making hand seals.

"Original Kenjutsu: Last Minute Rain!" As he's making seals, he kicks the hilt of his falling sword, sending the blade flying into the chest of a ninja.

At the same time, he finishes his seals.

[Chakra 1831/2513]

"Water Style: Water Shark Bullet!" Opening his mouth he begins spitting out torrents of water in the shape of sharks.

"Earth Style: Mud Wall!" One of the ninjas slams his hands on the ground, protecting six of his allies as shark bullets crash into the wall. The other four, including the one with the katana in his chest, are bitten by the shark bullets.

Screams fill the room as the sharks shake their heads, ripping into the flesh of the ninjas, turning their blue bodies red. As the ninjas die the sharks collapse into puddles of water.

One Genin is already dead, and the other is hidden behind the wall.

Zitsu quickly makes more hand seals before the wall can come down.

"Transformation Jutsu" Zitsu dashes forward before the wall is down completely. His right hand is now covered by a gauntlet of blue scales. In his palm is a mouth with sharp teeth and a pink tongue.

Zitsu slams his palm onto a dead body to drain their chakra. As the wall begins to recede he grabs his katana with his left hand and waits.

"Wind Style: Furious Gale!"x4 Blades of wind cut towards Zitsu as the wall comes down.

His eyes flicker towards the Genin corps on the ground. Looking at the oncoming blades of wind he thrusts out his right palm.

Samehada sticks out its tongue before sucking the chakra from the wind blades as they collide against his palm, turning them into a harmless breeze.

[Chakra 2518/2518]

As chakra fills his body it can no longer hold it all, causing most to return to Samehada, but some of the chakra is kept in his body increasing his maximum.

Not waiting for them to make their next move he holds up two fingers with his gauntlet.

"Body Flicker" Zitsu disappears from the spot and reappears in the center of the main hall. Looking at the doors he can see enemy ninjas pouring from three of the five rooms, twenty-five ninjas in total.

Zitsu performs more hand seals as he sheaths his sword. "Transformation Jutsu" returning Samehada into a bracer and takes a breath.

Of the twenty-five ninjas, the six he was previously facing along with ten more rush him and the others go into the room where sounds of battle can be heard. The ninjas rushing him all beginning to make hand seals.

Zitsu clasps his palms together and locks his finger, making the snake hand seal. The chakra in his body immediately erupts as a smile creeps on his face.

[Chakra 518/2518]

"Water Style: Exploding Water Colliding Wave!" Water explodes from his mouth as half the room is instantly filled with water. Crushing waves destroy the pillars as they rage towards the ninjas.

Seeing the water they try to complete their seals, but the water crashes into their bodies. Before the water crashes into the wall he stops the jutsu, greatly reducing its power. The ninjas crash into the wall as the remainder of the water pours into the rooms.

"Hope I didn't affect the rest of them." Looking at the ninjas struggling to stand Zitsu rushes over and begins shredding their bodies with his bracer.

From the moment they entered the hideout until now, only a few minutes have passed. Sounds of battle ring out from the front and the back as he takes a second to contemplate his choices. As he rakes the neck of the last ninja he decides to run into the last room. He sees Tokutomi, Aeko, and the other Genin who survived till now standing in a battle formation.

They are surrounded by a curtain of water as blades of wind and breaths of fire berate them from all sides. Zitsu draws his sword and covers the blade with highly compressed water.

Seeing the small child walk in some of the ninjas are confused, how did he get in here? What happened to the ninjas outside?

[Chakra 1337/2518]

Zitsu swings his sword horizontally, as he does a blade of water is launched at the ninjas.

"Original Kenjutsu: Getsuga Tenshou!"

He aims low with the blade of water, sending the water blade flying at the ninja's waist area. Most are able to dodge, but some are slashed in half.

After launching his attack he jumps out of the room, leaving the other Genin to fend for themselves.

"Tsk, my Ninjutsu has no problem, but my hand to hand combat is terrible still." Rushing from the room he decides to head to the side with the Chunin. Gripping his sword he dashes inside a room.

Inside ninjas as sprawled out on the floor. Currently, Junsai is gripping the last two ninjas by the neck, choking the life from them.

Seeing this causes Zitsu's eyes flash as he rushes forward with his sword.

"I'm here to help!" He slashes out diagonally twice, severing both their spines from behind.

Dropping the bodies Junsai looks at Zitsu strangely "Uhhhh, thanks?" Junsai scratches the side if his head, unsure if he actually helped.

"Quick! The Genin need your help!" Zitsu points towards the door, his eyes pleading.

"Right!" Junsai nods and rushes from the room.

Seeing this Zitsu smiles as he reveals his bracer. Placing it on the bodies he begins draining chakra. As he drains the chakra from the bodies he checks his stats.

Level 13

[Health 120/120]

[Chakra 1442/2518]

[Stamina 89/141]

[20 Points]

[PP 2]

[Taijutsu 25, Ninjutsu 26, Genjutsu 5]

[Ninjutsu cost reduced by 10%][Increase Ninjutsu power by 2%][Reduce stamina consumption by 5%][Increase melee damage by 15%]

"Two levels already." His smile turns sinister "War was the right choice." But quickly morphs into a frown "But I need to get better with the sword, real life isn't like the series where everyone launched fancy jutsu. Most ninjas only have enough chakra to launch three to five jutsu at Chunin level. So hand to hand combat is important." He immediately puts all twenty points into health. "I don't have that problem, but to use Samehada to its fullest I need to improve."

After draining all the chakra he rushes from the room. As he walks out he notices most of the Chunin are rushing towards the room with the Genin. The only one that's missing is Bokkai.

While no one is paying attention to him he enters the room the Chunins left from and begins draining chakra. If anyone sees him he will just say he's searching the bodies, which is true. It only takes a few seconds of constant contact to rob them of all their chakra, and while he's doing that he puts all the shuriken and kunai into his inventory.

As he enters one of the rooms he notices Bokkai's body along with the clan ninjas. Shaking his head he robs his chakra too.