
Leaving the room Zitsu sees the four Chunin and three Genin standing in the center of the room, covered in wounds.

Ganryu steps forward when he sees Zitsu leave the room. "I heard you are the one who killed most of the ninjas?"

"Right, I guess I got lucky." Zitsu shrugs, not sure what he wants.

"Well, good job kid. We're lucky there were no Jonin here, guess that means they are deeper inside. Let's go." Gripping his cleaver he runs into the tunnel.

Suiren flashes him a thumbs up before following after Ganryu.

As Zitsu gets ready to follow everyone, Nakazo blocks his path. "Clan ninja aren't as strong as ninjas from hidden villages, they focus on numbers more than skill. Remember not to get ahead of yourself, because not all ninja are this week." As he finishes speaking he runs down the hall.

Thinking about his advice he feels that he's right. Mei was able to fight dozens of these guys and the jutsu they use are basic. His brows furrow as he comes to a conclusion.

"This war is being maintained by the Kekkei Genkai clans, the rest is fodder." shaking his head he runs down the hall.

The hallway splits into two directions. Because the sensory ninja is dead, they don't know which way to go. With a scan Zitsu is able to tell that more chakra signatures are coming from the left than the right, and the ones to the right are all barely Genin level.

"Ganryu, they appear to have gone left." Zitsu decides to gamble.

Ganryu looks at Zitsu, his expression never changing.

"I'm a sensory ninja" he decides to add on "To the right are a few Genin, I'll go take care of them."

Ganryu only thinks for a moment "The mission is annihilation, try to catch up with us. Let's go." Waving his hand he runs to the left.

Zitsu watches them all leave towards the left for a few seconds before running right.

Running for a few seconds he comes upon another door. Opening it he sees a little over a hundred kids huddled against the wall, ranging from three to ten years old.

Stepping inside Zitsu closes the door and takes a deep breath.

"Hey kids!" Zitsu yells to get their attention first before making hand seals.

"Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique"

[Chakra 1934/2522]

After casting the Genjutsu all the kids begin screaming and rolling on the ground as their worst nightmares come true. Because of their poor chakra reserves and control they will never be able to break the jutsu.

Zitsu leans on the wall and slowly slides to the ground as screams ring in his ears.

"What have I become? I just wanted to live in my favorite world, now I'm a mass murderer." He slowly shakes his head "As the series follows Naruto you never see the real life of a ninja, only with the backstories of the older characters like Kakashi and his time in Anbu do we get a glimpse." as he talks to himself he releases a long sigh.

As he watches his Genjutsu level slowly rise, his face twists into a frown "Will I lose my humanity at this point? Will I even be able to go through with my plan in two years?"

He takes a deep breath, the smile returns to his face as he imagines the scent of her hair. "She was alone, alone for her entire life." His eyes turn serious "I won't let her suffer at the hands of Madara, I need to become stronger."

As his Genjutsu hits level 10 the speed it was leveling slows down by a lot, indicating this level of Genjutsu is no longer enough. With his Genjutsu leveling up by five points, it brought his level to 14. Putting the 10 points into HP, it increases to 150. Looking at the three perk points he decides to put them into stamina reduction. Needing 600 stamina for the full shout is a ridiculous amount, and his current 5% reduction is already helping a lot. With three more points the reduction rises to 20%.

Looking at the screaming kids he shakes his head. "You are still useful to me, I might not have this chance again." Zitsu begins making more hand seal.

"Demonic Illusion: Descending Hell Technique"

[Chakra 1162/2522]

Because they are already under his Genjutsu, putting them under another was fairly simple. In the heads of the kids a giant fireball is slowly descending from the sky, causing them to burn to a crisp as their skin bubbles and they are cooked alive. The ball will never land and the burning pain is eternal.

"If I stay here too long it will be suspicious." Rising to his feet he holds out his right hand.

"Release" In a puff of smoke Samehada appears in his right hand. Gripping the huge sword with both hands, he begins reaping the kids.

By the time he finished his Genjutsu leveled to 13, bringing his total level to 15. Using his points he increases his HP to 160 and stamina reduction to the max of 25%. Returning Samehada to a bracer, he leaves the room.

His hands slightly tremble for a moment, but calmness soon returns to his eyes. Releasing a long breath he begins running towards the left.

Eventually he enters a large room. The first thing he notices are the dozens of bodies littering the floor. The entire room is partially destroyed and the walls filled with holes, roof collapsing, and craters in the floor. Fumio, Settan, and Yaeko are locked in battle with a dozen ninjas each. The others are fighting their way through a group of ninjas as well.

Drawing his sword he rushes in. Taking advantage of his size he hides behind the back of a Chunin, and when they would block or deflect an attack hed pop out and stab the opponent.

Every once in a while he'd glace over at Fumio, only to see his mouth move slightly before hed drive a kunai into the opponent's skull. Seeing this he assumes his Kekkei Genkai uses a lot of chakra, otherwise why not put them all under Genjutsu?

In a place where you could lose your life at any moment no one complained when Zitsu secured the kills, if anything they were grateful for having him act as their shadow.

The battle was intense, and carried on for over twenty minutes. After a few minutes, they caught onto Zitsu's tactics so he had to enter direct combat. But to their surprise he began casting Jutsu after Jutsu, dwelling their numbers with shark bullets.

As the battle ended everyone began searching for any documents that could lead towards another location. Zitsu used that time to absorb as much chakra as he could from the bodies. When others saw him searching bodies they already checked, they would become slightly irritated, but seeing him running around to every single one just made them shake their heads.

They were able to find a few scrolls, but Zitsu had no idea what they were. They gathered outside the entrance before setting the inside on fire.

"We lost one Chunin and four Genin this time." Settan shakes his head "Let's head back and report a successful mission."

Fumio nods before running up the cliff face. Everyone begins to follow one by one. As Zitsu runs up the cliff Suiren runs next to him.

"I'm glad you could survive." Her eyes drop as she speaks. "This is the first time we lost a Chunin on a mission in a while."

Zitsu glances at her. All he really knows about Suiren is she is a kind person, and specializes in speed.

"How many people have been on this team before me? And what does one have to do to return to Kiri?"

As they reach the top they begin following the route back to camp. Suiren thinks about his question for a while.

"The amount of Genin dead should be in the upper thirties, Chunin around seven, and only one Jonin. The Jonin that died was the previous Captain, then Fumio came and took over." She pauses for a moment "As for leaving? You need at least two years before you can request to leave."

Zitsu begins counting on his fingers. Fuguki is dead, so he has no idea when Kisame will join Akatsuki. They must have been watching him for a while, and he was going to kill Fuguki as soon as he returned from the land of fire. Just because he doesn't have Samehada, that shouldn't stop them from recruiting him.

But will Kisame even be as powerful without Samehada to build up his massive chakra reserves over the years? Thinking about this makes him unsettled, that's one more variable out of his control. If Kisame doesn't join Akatsuki then great, but if not him then who?

The more he thinks about the future the more worried he becomes.

"Two years, in two years everything will change."