
Leaving the tent Zitsu heads for the wall. As he arrives the ninja above nods as he opens a door. During his time here Zitsu has become quite famous, able to be recognized by most people.

As he leaves the wall he disappears from the spot, and reappears on the branch of a tree a kilometer away. Rushing through the forest he begins to head East. As he moves his scan encompasses over 30 kilometers, picking up all chakra signatures.

As he runs he checks his status.

Level 21

[Health 220/220]

[Chakra 3247/3823]

[Stamina 194/207]

[0 Points]

[PP 0]

[Taijutsu 32, Ninjutsu 34, Genjutsu 31]

[Ninjutsu cost reduced by 10%][Increase Ninjutsu power by 2%][Reduce stamina consumption by 25%][Increase melee damage by 15%][Increase Physical Defence By 25%][Lightning Release]

Shaking his head he picks up his speed. When the skills hit level 30, leveling them became extremely slow.

Crossing his fingers he focuses his chakra "Shadow Clone Jutsu"

[Chakra 812/3823]

Dividing his chakra into four parts, he creates three clones.

"Spread out, you know the mission." Not even glancing at the clones he holds up two fingers and disappears.

Seeing Zitsu using Body Flicker the clones do the same, spreading out to cover a wider area.

Arriving in Yongu forest Zitsu sits on a tree branch as he begins to wait. If he moved further he'd enter the siege area.

"Soon, I'll be back." Closing his eyes he focuses on his scan and regening chakra. A small smile creeping on his face. The friends he made here are gone or dead, and the benefits are no longer worth the risk.

The days pass and mid-December arrives. One day, one of his clones release after sensing people rushing through the forest.

Opening his eyes he begins charging in the direction.

"I won't catch up to them like this." As he runs the chakra in his body begins to seep out, forming a visible blue cloak. Soon sparks of lightning shoot from his body as the cloak of chakra transforms. The electricity supercharges his nervous system, causing his brain synapses to fire off rapidly.

His messy auburn hair rises to a point as the lightning rolls on his skin.

[Original Lightning Style: Super Saiyan]

[Chakra 3357/3823]

"Body Flicker!" His body transforms into a bolt of lightning as he shoots into the distance. The trees around him turn into blurs as he body flickers from tree to tree.

Body flicker only allows you to travel to places you can see or know, and with increased reaction time his speed has increased drastically.

As his speed picks up he catches five people at the edge of his radar. Four have Chunin level chakra and one has Jonin level chakra. Grabbing his katana his face hardens as he kicks his speed to the limit.

Getting closer and closer he finally sees the five people jumping from tree to tree. They are wearing green pinstripe shirts with brown shorts. Giant red sashes are tied around their waist and sandals on their feet.

Gripping his sword he smiles. Because of the flickering lightning they notice him as well.

"Let's do this!" Zitsu charges forward leaving a trail of lighting behind him.

The Jounin quickly makes hand seals.

"Wind Style: Wind Stream!" Holding up his hand he blows out a solid stream of air.

Not even slowing down, he holds up his right arm. The stream of air slams into his arm, but scatters upon impact.

[Body Flicker]

With a flash of electricity he appears in the middle of their formation. His katana chops down, instantly cutting a Chunin in half.

The other three Chunin jumps to the side, but with his increased reaction time the tip of his blade is already piercing towards one of their chest.

But before it can make contact the Jonin blocks the blade with his kunai.

Zitsu smiles as he points two of his left fingers at a Chunin.

"Chidori Spear" A beam of lightning shoots from his fingers.

[Chakra 3016/3823]

Taken by surprise the Jonin could not block the attack and the Chunin's chest is pierced through.

Disengaging from the Jonin he jumps back.

"Go! You must deliver the message, I'll hold him off!"

The Jonin charges Zitsu with his kunai, due to his lightning increasing his speed he is able to keep up with the attacks,but the Chunin begin to run away.

The Jonin's stabes come at quick speed, deflecting them with his sword becomes harder and harder as he's pushed back.

"You forced me!" Biting his teeth, the lightning around his body increases by over ten times. Lightning begins to arc from his body, striking the branches of nearby trees.

"Super Saiyan 2!"

[Chakra 2505/3823]

[Health 160/220]

His entire body is electrocuted as the power goes way beyond his control. A second, the length of time he can use this form is one second.

His blade pierces forward as he transforms into a stream of lightning.

Sensing something the Jonin steps towards the side. As Zitsu passes by him his sword rips through the side of the Jonin's gut, causing an arc of blood to splatter.

Because he stepped to the side the Jonin was able to avoid a death blow.

Missing the kill Zitsu doesn't stop, as the lightning fades for his body he shoots forward towards the Chunins.

His sword slashes out horizontally, cutting a Chunin in half, at the same time he waves his left hand. Over thirty shuriken appear as he waves his hand, filling the body of the last Chunin.

As a smile surfaces on his face a burning pain transmits from his back.

[Health 130/220]

Two kunai pierce his lower back and shoulder blade, causing him to fall from the tree. The lightning fades from his body as he falls. The Raikage's lightning chakra mode has different levels, using the second level is well beyond his control for now and severely damaged his nerves. Due to his nerves being damaged he can't even use the first level for now.

Rolling in the air he lands on the ground. Looking behind him he sees the Jonin closing in rapidly. Gripping his sword a smile forms on his face.

"Mada mada dane." Since he can't focus his chakra to increase his speed anymore, the amount of things he can do has increased.

[Chakra 482/3623]

Copious amounts of lightning begin to arc around his sword, striking the ground, trees, and even shooting into the air. In the next moment less lightning shoots off from the blade as the power becomes contained, causing the blade to glow in a blue light.

The property of lightning nature transformation is vibration. With intense vibrations the cutting power is increased dramatically.

Seeing the sword glow the Jonin lands in front of him. "It seems your speed has decreased, you couldn't even dodge my kunai." A smile floats onto his face "That sword looks dangerous, to bad you won't be able to hit me." Grabbing a kunai he rushes forward.

Lifting his sword he points it at the Jonin.

The Jonin begins jumping side to side, ready to dodge whatever comes his way.

"Original Kenjutsu!"

"Die!!" The Jonin rushes forward as he zigzags, only a meters away.

"BANKAI!" The intense vibrations causes the blade of the sword to shatter into millions of shards of metal.

"SENBONZAKURA KAGEYOSHI" A cloud of metal shards shoot forward like millions of stars blazing through the night sky.

Due to the sheer number of shards, it was impossible to dodge. Thousands of holes fill his body, due to the small size the attack isn't fatal at all, but due to the fact the sword was supercharged with lightning chakra the Jonin's body is paralyzed for a moment.

Lunging forward Zitsu quickly stores the hilt into his inventory and lifts his hands above his head "RELEASE!" As he swings his hands down a three meter long blue Scaly sword appears in his hand.

"CHOP!!" Swinging down at full force Samehada smashes into the Jonin's head and rakes down the entire front part of his body. As Samehada hits the ground, from the top of the Jonin's head to his crotch, all the skin, muscle, and bone has been shaved clean off. Blood gushes from the Jonin's body as it collapses to the ground, quickly forming a pool of blood.

"Haaa" releasing a long breath he drags Samehada towards the bodies to absorb chakra. As he does, he stores the kunai stuck in his back into his inventory.

After absorbing chakra from the last body, he becomes surrounded in a green glow as he begins healing his injuries. He has no Idea how Tsunade was able to focus on healing and battle at the same time.

From this battle his Taijutsu and Ninjutsu increased by one level each, increasing his total level to 22.

Transforming Samehada back into a bracer as he jumps into a tree and heads back towards his previous location, slowly healing along the way. As he does, he puts his points into health and his perk into Ninjutsu power, bringing it to 4%.

Pulling the scabbard from his back he looks at it for a moment. Thinking for a few seconds he decides to store it as well.

"Just a bit more time." A smile returns to his face as he decides to sit in a tree. Crossing his fingers he makes more clones to keep watch.