
Sitting in a tree Zitsukani's chest rises and falls rapidly as he continues to heal. Super Saiyan 2 does a lot of internal damage, something that will take more than a day or two to fix. While his medical jutsu has improved by leaps and bounds, his brain is damaged from his synapses firing beyond his control, and need time to repair.

For the remainder of the month, one other person tried to sneak by, but his clone took care of it, and he didn't learn of it till after the clone released and he was on his way back to camp.

The siege ended on December 26th. With their forces in the east destroyed the clans will have a harder time, but that no longer has anything to do with him.

Running alongside a river the wall to the camp comes into view. As not to alert the sentries he slows down his pace as he approaches the wall.

Seeing whos coming the guard atop the wall quickly makes hand seals and opens a passageway for him.

Walking into camp he looks around at the familiar tents and dirt roads. From the day he came here until now, this place has never changed.

Arriving at the central tent he doesn't even hesitate before walking inside.

Eishi glances at him before continuing his talks with fifteen other ninjas.

"The eastern front is clear and they have abandoned their western strongholds. Now all their forces are in the north, effectively splitting the island in half with us at the south." He looks at the team Captains before him.

"This is the last but longest leg of the war, now it comes down to attrition. They have nowhere to fall back to on this island so the fighting will become more intense." Placing his hands behind his back he begins pacing back and forth.

"Now it will be open warfare, espionage will become limited as we try and annihilate each other."

Hearing his words Zitsu mood drops a bit, why does he have to leave when the fighting becomes more intense?

"You have your orders, break."

"Sir!" The Jonin begin leaving one by one, nodding to Zitsu as they go. Because of the nature of his missions he has worked in the area of operation of every team at least once.

Yaeko, now the captain of Team 13 pat his shoulder as she went by.

As the last one leaves Eishi looks at Zitsu. "You did good kid, you did good. You sure." He stops himself as he sees the determined look in Zitsu's eyes. Reaching into his bag he pulls out a scroll and tosses it to him.

Catching the scroll Zitsu doesn't even look at it before putting it into his sleeve. "Thanks" Zitsu's right fist taps his left palm lightly before he turns and leaves the tent.

Leaving the tent he heads for the docks he hasn't approached in so long. The dock is the only thing that has changed over the years, more piers stretch out into the water with boats of all sizes docked. As he approaches a man comes to greet him.

"Haa, to think that little Genin who rode on my boat all that time ago now stands before me as a Chunin." Dunra walks over with a smile.

"Pier Master Dunra, I've been discharged from service and need a boat." Zitsu tosses the scroll he just received to the old man, fully aware of the procedures to leave.

Dunra nods "So you know when to quit." His wrinkly finger lifts as he points to a small sailboat. "Take that one, And I hope we can meet again one day that's not on a battlefield."

Zitsu nods as he walks away. "Take care old man."


Laughter rings from behind him as he boards the small boat. The boat is only big enough to fit around five people, but he's the only one onboard. Cutting the rope keeping it docked he sets sail. After watching it done a few times he has no difficulty.

"I'm coming back." The corners of his lips curl as he watches Myama become smaller in the distance.

Myama Island is the southernmost island in the land of water, very close to Nagi and O'uzu Islands. After sailing for two days he notices that it's snowing the further north he goes.

"Oh?" Holding out his hand he catches a snowflake in the mist. "It should be about that time." Retracting his hand he crosses his fingers. "Shadow Clone Jutsu."

Dividing his chakra in half he makes a clone. The clone immediately performs hand seals.

"Transformation Jutsu."

Taking on the appearance of a frail old lady with white hair.

Looking at his clone Zitsu nods. "Don't mess up."

"If I do that means you couldn't do any better." The old lady sneers before sitting down to recover.

He doesn't make much improvement just blindly training with clones anymore, only real battles will improve his skills at this point so he doesn't bother making clones unless it's for recon. If the total amount of time was added together, his clones have trained for over forty years. Because they can't help him improve his body he stopped using them as much. Lightning Chakra Mode level two requires too much concentration so he can't use it with the clones or they will just disappear.

Zitsu and the clone completely ignored each other. In the two days it took for the Kiri port to come into view Zitsu spent all his time catching fish for Samehada, as it hadn't had the chance to eat fish chakra in so long. It became visibly excited as its scales danced atop the bracer.

The clone asked if he could take Samehada, but Zitsu just ignored him. Few things in this world can't be replicated with shadow clone jutsu, and Samehada is one of them. While the shape of the other swords can be replicated with clones, their special abilities will be missing. Samehada is alive so nothing will appear at all. He tried using shadow clone on Samehada once like he does the transformation jutsu, but It didn't work.

Looking at the dock Zitsu rises to his feet "You know what to do."

"Right" the old lady nods.

Hearing the clones reply he jumps from the ship. As his foot touches the water he instantly appears a kilometer away. As soon as he reappears his foot touches the ground and he vanishes again.

Body flicker was the Jutsu he practiced the most during these two years, as figuring out space-time ninjutsu seemed impossible for him. Creating a seal from his chakra was easy, locating the seal with his sensory skills was doable, but ripping through the fabric of space to enter into a pocket dimension and instantly appearing at the seal was hard. He knows it's the same principle as the summoning jutsu, and he might be able to figure it out once he uses the summoning jutsu, but he's not ready yet.

With one final body flicker, he appears on a pier. Everyone gives him strange looks but seeing as how the barrier didn't react the ninjas and the civilians ignore him. He only appeared for a second before his body vanished again. He can only go as far as he can see, any more than that and it becomes dangerous.

As he flickers through the familiar mountain path towards the village, his sensory technique is working overtime.

Seeing the familiar cylinder buildings and winding roads in the mountains he doesn't stop. As he flickers from rooftop to rooftop a smile gradually forms on his face.

"Found you." Sensing that familiar chakra signature his body flickers one last time.

He arrives outside the door of an apartment building. Reaching forward a key appears in his hand. A few months ago he asked for this key in a letter. Opening the door he rushes inside.

Startled emerald green eyes turn towards his direction. The seals on this apartment weren't broken so the fact the door opened took them by surprise.

Zitsu dashes forward, tackling the person before him as his hands wrap around her back and legs around her waist. He buries his head into her neck, feeling the warmth of her body as his heart begins to race.

"Zitsu?! You're back?"

A bell-like voice rings in his ears as her arms wrap around him, pulling him closer as if trying to absorb him into her body.

After communicating for almost two years by mail their bond has already deepened. Letters have no age, only feelings.

Raising his head he stares into her emerald green eyes. Her pink lips curl into a smile as she sees the tint of green reflected in his purple eyes.

Mesmerized by her smile his body moves without his control. His small lips cover hers, causing her eyes to go wide.

But in the next second, they close as he kisses her bottom lip, slightly sucking as he pulls back.

She leans forward, unwilling to let him escape. Her tongue fills his mouth as she sits up from the floor.

Sucking lightly on the tip of her tongue and drawing circles around it with his own. His left-hand caresses her face before slowly moving down her neck and into the top of her dress.

As the creamy feeling is transmitted through his palm his fingers clasp around her nipple.

"Aughh" As he rubs her nipple between his fingers a soft moan escapes her mouth.

Pulling her head back she kisses him on the nose and pokes him in the head. "Bad boy, who taught you that?"

Removing his hand from her breast she peels him off her body before rising to her feet.

"I've missed you." Looking at the eighteen-year-old beauty in front of him causes his mouth to twist into a grin.