
"When did you get back?" Mei walks across her room to sit in a chair. Crossing her legs she looks at Zitsu with a smile.

"Of course I just got back, I haven't even seen my mother yet." Zitsu crosses his legs as he sits on the floor.

Looking at Mei he can't help but smile. During the time he was away, her body developed into maturity. The curves in her blue dress would draw the eyes of anyone who walks by.

"Oh?" Her lips curl as her eyes narrow "Rushing to my apartment and tackling me to the ground as soon as you see me? What have you really been doing while you were away?" Her smile widens "What did you really come here for?" Her tongue drags across her bottom lips, as though she was looking at pray.

Fire burns in Zitsu's heart but not even an ember can be felt below. As he curses his own age his face becomes serious.

Seeing this, the playful smile fades from Mei's face as well.

"I couldn't ask certain things in the letters because I was afraid of what you might do." Zitsu takes a deep breath "Do you know a man named Kisame, if so, has he made any strange movements?"

"Kisame?" Mei's brows wrinkle "When he found out Fuguki was dead he suddenly disappeared, turning into a missing ninja."

Zitsu frowns as he hears the news. Originally he was supposed to kill Fuguki and get Samehada. Afterward, he'd be approached by Yagura and Obito to join Akatsuki.

Thinking up to here Zitsu shudders, it just donned on him that Obito is here, in this village.

Zitsu begins counting on his fingers as he tries to figure out the current plot changes.

Seeing his actions Mei waits patiently, knowing this is how his visions work.

After a few seconds, Zitsu stops counting. Originally Kisame was going to flee the village after getting Samehada as he lost faith in the system after having to kill his allies. With Fuguki dead he used that chance to escape. The fact he left shows he never made contact with Obito.

Even after thinking for a few minutes he can't think of anything Obito could be planning? Madara died four years ago, Nagato has already taken the title of pain, and the jinchuriki are ripe for the picking. What is he doing that he has to wait eleven years to begin?

Did it take him that long to recover from his battle with Minato? Impossible!

Unable to figure it out he shakes his head.

"Mei, my wife, why is everything so difficult?" Zitsu rises to his feet and sits opposite of her.

"Did you see something? Do we need Ao's help again?" Seeing the serious look on his face she can't help but frown.

Zitsu looks into her eyes "What would you do if a strong enemy was right before you, there's no way you can win in a fight and you have no idea what he's planning?"

"Then I'd run" she answers immediately without even thinking.

"What If you can't run? What if running away means you have to give up on your home?"

"Then fight to the death. If the enemy is in the front, and your home and loved ones at your back, then make them cross your corpse to get them." Once again Mei answers quickly.

Looking at her unwavering gaze filled with conviction, Zitsu takes a deep breath before pulling out a scroll. In the scroll is everything he knows about the future.

"Mei, If one day I am dead open this scroll, but as long as I draw breath please never peek inside. Know that as long as I live, I'm doing what's best for you."

Grabbing the scroll she nods heavily. She's not sure what he's doing, but It must be serious if he's planning for his death.

"No reason to be so serious" he smiles lightly "This is because I care about you, this way if anything goes wrong you will be ok."

Mei shakes her head before making a hand seal. Suddenly she blows a ball of fire from her mouth, turning the scroll to ash. Tears fall from the corners of her eyes as she looks at Zitsu with a smile. "Like I said. If you are dead, then why am I still alive?"

Hearing her words causes Zitsu's eyes to go wide. Her answers never had anything to do with him, she was speaking about what she will do.

His heart thumps wildly as he takes her hand with both of his. "We live together, we die together." The words leave his mouth for the second time, this time it's a promise of a lifetime.

"Forever in this life, and the next" dropping to her knees she pulls Zitsu from the chair and into a hug.

Minutes go by before they finally separate their bodies, but leave their hearts as one.

Looking into her eyes he comes to a decision and slowly opens his mouth "Yagura is being controlled, Kiri is being used as a puppet."

Mei's eyes go wide as her entire body begins to tremble.

Seeing this Zitsu places his hands on her shoulder, to try and calm her down.

"But don't worry, I have a plan. Get Ao's help first, his Byakugan can tell that Yagura is being manipulated. After that get everyone you can trust, we are going to make our move after the delegate arrives."

"Why is the Delegate important?" Hearing his words Mei recovers a bit.

"Because it's Pakura of the Scorch Release, the hero of the hidden sand, a Kage level ninja. The fact that you don't know just proves the corruption. She's coming here for peace talks with us, but Suna is sending her to her death, a sacrifice for the village." Zitsu rises to his feet.

Mei furrows her brow "You said Yagura is being controlled, but who is doing it?"

Zitsu looks at her for a while before slowly opening his mouth. "This is something that's been bothering me for a while too, but I figured it out. Do you remember how the three tails ended up so close to Kumo?"

"Of course, I was there." Mei nods "But what does that have to do with anything?"

"That's when this all began! Someone moved the three tails there, someone proficient in space-time ninjutsu. Using it for practice, practice for when he controlled the nine tails to attack Konoha and at the same time using Kumo to weaken Kiri. The same man caused the death of two Kages." Zitsu takes a deep breath.

"And because he was controlling the three tails, when Yagura sealed it inside his body he sealed that person chakra inside him. It's not that he gained perfect control of the three tails, it's that one person was controlling them both."

Mei's mouth opens slightly, unable to find the words.

Seeing this Zitsu just shakes his head. "I Don't know what he wants, but Yagura must die and you be named Mizukage."

"Me?!?" Her eyes go wide as she jumps to her feet in surprise.

"Only you can bring about change, if someone with a dual Kekkei Genkai were to become Mizukage, we might have a chance to stop the civil war." Zitsu looks at her cute surprised face with a smile.

Thinking for a long time Mei finally nods her head with a long sigh.

"But we have to be alive to first." Before she can calm down Zitsu adds another jab.

"Haaa" Mei shakes her head "Who can we even trust to fight with us?"

"First get Ao to verify it, If madame Yan can be trusted I'm sure she can help to get the Anbu. You have work to do so I won't keep you, after I get Pakura's help we will move."

"Ok, right, no time to waste."

Coming up with a plan they leave the apartment, one big and one small look at each other with a smile. Their bodies turn into blurs as they both disappear.

Zitsu speeds towards his home while Mei begins to gather her forces.

As he arrives back at the plateau he sees a face he hasn't seen in a long time.


Mangetsu walks out of the training hall, hearing his name called causes him to whip his head around.

"Do I know you?" Mangetsu eyes Zitsu up and down. The last time he saw him was around three years ago.

"You forgot me already? You could call yourself my first sword instructor."

Hearing his words causes Mangetsu's brows to rise. "Oh yeah, I see you successfully became a Genin." He nods towards the headband on his neck.

"Chunin" Zitsu nods his head.

"Right, I'm a chunin now." Hearing the praise causes Mangetsu to stand a little straighter.

"Oh? Congratulations, but I was talking about myself."

"Thank yo." Mangetsu pauses mid-sentence as his eyes go wide "You?!?"

"You're a Chunin? How? When?"

Hearing his questions Zitsu just shrugs "Why are you here."

"Haa" He releases a long breath "My dream has always been to become one of the seven swordsmen of the mist, but the swords are gone." He shakes his head slowly "I came here in hopes the new instructor would know something, because their training these kids to be the future seven sword y'know?"

"So now that the swords are gone your giving up?" Zitsu flicks his wrist, causing a kunai to appear from his inventory and slide out of his sleeve.

"Do you even have the qualifications?" A grin appears on Zitsu's face as chakra begins to pour from his body.

"Original Lightning Style: Super Saiyan"