
Seeing the sparks rolling off his body Mangetsu grabs the sword from his back. As he takes a stance Zitsu makes his move.

As he charges forward lightning flickers in his wake. Stabbing forward with his kunai he notices Mangetsu moving to block. Zitsu plants his foot in the ground, using the force he spins as fast as he can to the left, turning his stab into a horizontal slash.

Faced with the quick movement Mangetsu is forced to jump back to avoid his range.

"Chidori Spear!" A beam of lightning extends from the tip of the Kunai, greatly extending its range.

Unable to dodge, Mangetsu lifts his sword to block. As the beam of lightning makes contact with the sword it slices through the blade, causing Mangetsu's eyes to go wide.

Not only is his sword being cut through, but lightning chakra is running through the blade and into his body, preventing him from liquifying. He realizes this was the trap, he challenged him in swordsmanship, so he naturally blocked with the sword. If he would have liquefied, he could easily dodge this attack.

It only took a moment for the lightning to cut through the blade and stop at Mangetsu's neck.

"Your loss." The corners of Zitsu's lips curl as he retracts the lightning.

Mangetsu shakes his head "You goaded me into thinking this was a battle of swordsmanship, but a loss is a loss. I won't make any excuses." Sheathing his broken sword he looks Zitsu up and down.

"Well, it was you who assumed it was a battle of pure swordsmanship. That could have been your death if I had any hostility towards you." Slipping his kunai into his sleeve he begins to wonder if that's how Mangetsu will die. Even to this day, his death is a mystery.

"Oh? To think the day would come when you will lecture me" Mangetsu smiles, revealing his shark-like teeth. "Well" His smile soon fades as he remembers his purpose here. "I don't know what will happen to you guys now that the swords are gone, but good luck."

Zitsu follows his departing back with his eyes for a moment. Thinking about something he finally opens his mouth. "Mangetsu!"

Hearing his name he stops but doesn't turn around.

"Come back here at the beginning of March, I feel like you might want to be here."

Mangetsu nods slightly before he continues to walk away.

Zitsu's grin turns sinister as he looks up at the falling snow. "If everything works out, that's seven." Looking at the training center his smile slowly fades.

Entering inside he sees the four kids training in the sword. The only one who noticed him enter was the sword instructor.

Anzai's brows furrow as he looks at the kid. He has a faint recollection of who he is, but can't quite remember. As his eyes dart about Zitsu's body he notices the kid doesn't have a sword. Suddenly his face turns livid.


His voice echoes across the hall, causing the four kids to turn towards Zitsu.

Chojuro's eyes go wide with excitement, Emina smiles from ear to ear, Eminu gives him a slight nod, But Taisho frowns.

Taisho steps forward, his long arm holds up his scimitar as he points it at Zitsu. "Didn't the instructor tell you not to come back unless you were on your knees?" A sly smile appears on his face.

Looking at the kids Zitsu's brows raise. All of them are a lot taller now. Taisho and the twins are eight and Chojuro is already seven. Looking at their heads he sees Kiri headbands. With the rules of graduation changed he's not too surprised that they would become Genin.

What does surprise him is Taisho trying to put him down, that puts a wrench into his plans.

A smug smile appears on the instructors face. "You heard him, on your knees."

Zitsu's eyes scan the room as he slowly walks into the pool. "Chojuro, Emina, Eminu come here."

Hearing their names called they are a little startled, but Chojuro was the first to run over.

"Chojuro what are you doing?!?" Taisho yells as he sees him move.

The instructor just watches with cold eyes.

"Zitsu is my friend! I've known him forever! He wouldn't do anything bad to me." Chojuro shakes his head as he arrives at Zitsu's side.

Seeing this Eminu pulls her sister's sleeve before walking over.

"We're going too? Alright!" Seeing her sister move Emina rushes behind her.

Looking at the three by his side Zitsu nods. "You three just made the most important decision of your lives today."

"Smelly guy you sure talk big" Emina points at his face as her nose wrinkles.

"ENOUGH!" The instructor bellows "I see you haven't come to beg for forgiveness and seem to have come to cause trouble. Taisho, show this fool what he has missed."

"Yes!" His eyes flash as he charges towards Zitsu "You always thought you were better than us!" Closing the distance he leaps into the air, his long arm rising high above his head.

"Die!!" His arm slashes down like a whip, causing his sword to blur.

"Watch out!" Chojuro yells from behind.

Zitsu looks at the oncoming blade with a solemn face. His left-hand flashes forward, grabbing Taisho's wrist. With a simple twist a loud cracking sound echoes throughout the building.

"AHhhaaHa" Taisho's scream pierces the air.

Before his body even has time to fall Zitsu's right-hand rises, his fingers burning with a purple flame. On each of his fingers, the Japanese word for the five phases burns in the flames, wood, fire, earth, metal, water.

"Five Elements Seal!" His fingertips smash into Taisho's gut, as it does five black swirls appear on his skin. The impact from the blow sends him flying across the top of the pool.

Seeing his quick speed Chojuro, Emina, and even Eminu's mouth hang open.

When his body finally hits the water, he tries to focus his chakra to climb out. The more he tries the more he begins to panic. Every time he molds chakra, it flows out of his body through the seals on his stomach.

"Bad move kid." The instructor grabs the greatsword from his back. The instructor rushes forward, causing the water to split with his speed.

Zitsu sneers "Let's see how Hidden Mist Chunin really compare." His hand flashes down, grabbing the sinking scimitar.

Rushing forward, lightning begins Arcing from his body as his speed drastically increases. He has to use lightning chakra mode because the fastest child will never outrun an adult. With chakra mode he can increase his reaction time, pushing his body to the limits without opening a gate.

"Let's see what you're made of kid!" His greatsword sweeps horizontally, the force of the blade even causes the water below to tremble.

Zitsu leaps into the air to dodge, leaving a trail of lightning as he moves.

But the greatsword moves as if it was on tracks, as soon as Zitsu jumps it inclines at an impossible angle, transitioning into an upward diagonal cut.

Zitsu quickly holds up his sword to block. A thunderous clash of metal rings as Zitsu is launched into the air like a cannonball.

"Not yet kid!" The instructor stabs his sword into the water. "Kenjutsu: Shark Fin!" performing an upward vertical slash he sends an arcing blade of water flying at Zitsu.

As he continues to climb higher into the air it's impossible to dodge the oncoming blade of water and using Samehada would completely expose its existence.

Reaching the apex he begins to fall towards the water blade. "Power with power then" Holding the scimitar high above his heads he begins to surround it with water chakra. The water begins to rotate fiercely as it gives off a humming sound. Suddenly another layer of water is added on top, spinning in the opposite direction. Friction is generated as the water grinds against each other, giving off heat.

But it doesn't stop there, a third layer is added. Instead of spinning horizontally around the blade this one is spinning in an upward diagonal direction. As the water blade is only a few feet from him the fourth layer is complete, spinning in the opposite upward diagonal direction.

[Chakra 1125/3823]

"No time for the last two layers!"

[Original Kenjutsu: Enuma Elish]

Swinging his blade down unleashes a tornado of water. The tornado completely envelops the Shark Fin Jutsu, incorporating it into itself.

The instructor moves to dodge, but the area is too large to escape. The water tornado lands right on top of him. As it does all the water in the pool begins flowing into the tornado, making it bigger and bigger.

"Get out of the pool!"

Hearing the voice Chojuro and the twins wake up from their stupor as they were slowly dragged towards the tornado. Focusing chakra into their feet they rush towards the side of the pool and head towards the exit as the water levels get even lower.

As the source of the tornado comes from the tip of his blade Zitsu remains suspended in the air. Unable to bear the force, the blade shatters, ending the jutsu.

All the water falls back into the pool all at once, Taisho who was unable to escape is swept aside by the generated tsunami, crashing into the wall.

Zitsu falls into the water. Looking around he sees the instructors mangled corpse bleeding into the pool. Walking over Zitsu pulls out a scroll.

swiping a bit of blood he smears it on the scroll before pouring in some chakra.

"Enclosing Technique" The body and blood of the instructor turn into a puff of smoke before being sealed in the scroll. Rolling it up he stores it back into his inventory for later.

Turning his head he sees Taisho twitching next to a wall.

"What shall I do with you?"