Old Lady

After dropping off Zitsu, Old Lady Clone Zitsu turns the boat around to sails further north.

"I am the captain now!" A smug smile creeps on her face as he yells with her old decrepit voice. "I'll show me I'm a better me than him!"

The boat sails north for five days before it reaches the north western most island of the land of water. Tamya island is one of the largest islands so to search for the target will take a lot of luck.

The boat glides smoothly towards the docks. As the dock workers see an old lady sailing in alone they scramble to help her.

"Ma'am pull in here!" A young man with dark skin and a black bandana runs down the dock with a rope in hand.

"Ohhoho what a beautiful chocolate man!" The old lady laughs as she lowers the sails, allowing the boat to drift forward.

The young man throws the rope onto the boat and begins to pull. At the end of the rope is a hook, so as he pulls the boat is dragged towards the dock. The boat lightly hits the dock, and before it can drift away he quickly wraps the rope around a post.

"Thank you, young man, you're so kind." She flashes him a smile, revealing some of her missing teeth.

"No Ma'am just doing my job" Slightly embarrassed he begins scratching the back of his head.

"Maybe you can help me. I'm here to visit my grandbaby but I don't know where he is. All I know is that he lives in a small farming town." Her head begins to lower as her voice begins to crack "I haven't had the chance to see him before. Before I die, It's my only wish."

"Aw shucks, Ma'am don't cry" he quickly grabs her shoulders "I don't know about any towns, but I'm sure someone in town knows."

"Ok, thanks for your help" seeing that he can't help the old lady quickly walks away.

Seeing this causes the young man's mouth to hang for a few seconds as she walks away. "But what about your boat?" Looking at the Kirigakure markings on the small boat he becomes even more confused. "Better go ask the dockmaster."

Old Lady Clone walks into the village. The houses here aren't nearly as beautiful as the ones in Rigma. They resemble simple log cabins from Earth and are poorly made, emphasizing the poor situation in the land of water.

Even though the town looks poor, people still walk through the snow covered roads with smiles on their face, untouched by the civil war. Seeing this Zitsu frowns, half living in constant death and the other in relative peace.

Looking at the kids running through the streets toward their favorite vendors eager to buy snacks causes Zitsu to picks up his pace. Not sure who to ask he just heads towards the biggest house, as that should be the person in charge.

After knocking on the door the clone waits for a moment. Suddenly the sounds of locks turning enter his ears and the door opens.

"Hello?" A hunchback old man opens the door with a cane in hand.

"I'm in need of assistance." The clone speaks in a frail voice.

"Oh?" The old man looks her up and down. "I don't think I've seen you around here before, what can I help you with?"

"I'm looking for a little farming town, do you know where any are?"

"Farming towns?" The old man looks at the snow-covered ground. "I don't think it's the right season for produce."

"Hoho" she covers her mouth with her wrinkled hand "I'm looking for my grandchild, but I'm not sure which town he's from."

"Well why didn't you say so?" the man walks inside his house "I think I have a map."

The clone follows the man inside. The interior of the house is one large room filled with furniture and a bed. The old man walks towards a dresser and pulls out an old piece of parchment.

"I've lived on Tamya Island my whole life so I know quite a bit" he lays the map on a desk.

The clone looks at the map. It has all the major mountains and rivers hand drawn with markings for different towns.

"As far as little farming towns go there are seven. Dunyu, Jamin, Hunlu, Drover, Avnor, Sigrur, And Honver." Every time the man names a town he points at a spot on the map.

"Those are all the to" the old man turns around to find his house empty "Hello?"

As soon as the old man finished pointing out the towns the clone took off. For the next couple of weeks, the clone used body flicker to travel around the island, going from town to town.

After arriving at a new town he'd search around but never found what he was looking for. Not until he arrived at the last town did he find what he was looking for.

Next to a tree line a lies a half-frozen stream. A young child wearing a blue kimono is squatting next to the ice. The child has long silky black hair outlining a heart-shaped face. Looking at the child's large brown eyes, small nose, and thin lips one would think they are looking at a doll.

The child laughs and giggles as he creates small ice shards between his hands.

Standing in a nearby tree the Old Lady Clone shakes his head. "Truly a prodigy." The clone releases a long breath as he scans the area. A chakra signature can be felt coming from the house and from the distant treeline. A smile creeps on the old lady's face as the clone disappears from the tree.

"Oh wow, how beautiful"

The child quickly turns around, a surprised look on his face "Who are you granny?"

"Hehe, I was just passing by and saw your beautiful ice sculpture."

The child's eyes light up as he hears her words "Really?!?"

"Have you shown your mother?"

"I was going to wait till it was super beautiful! I wanted to make something for my mom." The child begins jumping up and down, becoming visibly excited.

"Hohoho" The old lady claps softly "I think you should show her now, I'm sure it will make her happy."

"Are you sure?" The child's lips curve into a smile.

"Of course, run along now."

Watching the child run away, the smile fades from the old lady's face. The clone quickly performs a few hand seals.

"Transformation Jutsu" The clone transforms into a good looking young man with short black hair. After transforming he crosses his fingers. "Shadow Clone Jutsu."

Another clone appears and quickly makes hand seals.

"Transformation Jutsu" The new clone transforms into an old man and holds up two fingers. "Body Flicker."

"Let's do this" Holding up two fingers the clone disappears.

Moving quickly the clone appears behind a man chopping wood. The man looks completely identical to who the clone transformed into.

"Hey" The clone calls out from behind the man.

"Huh?" The young man turns around and his eyes go wide. "You look, is that, me?!?"

The clone quickly makes a few hand seals.

"Original Genjutsu: Eternal Drowsiness!"

As his words fall so does the young man. The clone quickly rushes over and places his hand on his head. "Psycho Mind Transmission" Closing his eyes he focuses his chakra to enter the man's head. Soon all the man's, Takauji's memories begin to enter his head.

As the man is not a ninja he has no chakra control to defend his mind. It only took a few moments to steal everything he knows.

The clone takes off the man's shirt and lays it in the snow. Pricking his finger to draw blood he quickly begins drawing symbols on the shirt.

Forming a few hand seals he pours chakra into the symbols "Enclosing Technique." Takauji's body turns into a puff of smoke before being sucked into the seal.

Grabbing the shirt the clone places it into his inventory. Holding up two fingers he disappears.

The clone quickly arrives in front of the house just in time to hear a loud slap.

"Mommy why?!?" A tear stricken voice rings from a young child's mouth.

"Promise me you won't do that again ok? Mommy didn't mean to hit you Haku, I was just worried something might happen."

At this time the clone bursts through the door. The first thing he notices is a pale-skinned young woman with long raven black hair, the tips of her long black hair are tied with an old white bandage. She also had short bangs that part to the right framing her heart-shaped face. Her attire consists of a light-brown kimono with black edges and a pair of worn out black ankle-boots.

The mother and child are currently hugging with tears streaming down their face. As the door opens the woman whips her head around. "Takauji?!?" Her eyes begin to tremble as she squeezes her son tighter.

The clone walks over, his every step sending shivers down her spine. His hand slowly reaches out, causing her teeth to chatter as her greatest fear is realized.

"Yume" his hand slowly caress her face "You can trust me, I don't care if you have a bloodline." A smile slowly forms on his face "You are my wife, and Haku is my son." Reaching forward he hugs them both.

"In there! I saw the bloodline bastards in there!"