Blood and Tears

"Come out! We know you're there!"

"Let's just burn the place down!"

"Burn it down!!" The crowd begins to cheer as they were excited by idea.

"What's going on?!? How can they be here so fast?" Yume begins to panic, looking at her husband, her eyes wavering.

"Mommy what's wrong" Feeling his mother's anxiety Haku begins to shake as well.

Seeing this the clone smiles softly "Yume, believe in me, I will always do what's best for you."

Hearing her husbands words her eyes regain their clarity, the belief that her husband betrayed her vanished completely.

The clone rises to his feet as his face hardens "Yume no matter what don't come out till it's all over."

"Don't go! Takauji they will kill you!" Yume stands up with Haku in her arms, her eyes redder than ever.

The clone gently caresses her cheeks "I will protect my family, so promise me."

Yume nods heavily.

Seeing this the clone opens the door. Outside he can see twenty men lighting sticks on fire. "Yume, I love you." Stepping outside he slams the door shut. He quickly performs a few hand seals before placing his palms on the door. Black lines and symbols spread from his palm, covering the entire side of the house.

Turning around the clone walks towards the mob. Looking into each of their eyes his face begins to harden.

"Fire really? I'm ashamed to call you me." Speaking in a low voice he shakes his head.

A smile appears on the face of the twenty men. As if strings were controlling their bodies they all perform the exact same move. Holding out their right hand a shirt appears from thin air. As they inject chakra into the shirts twenty dead bodies appear on the ground. The Takauji clone does the same, the only difference is Takauji is still alive.

All the clones put the shirts back onto the victims before crowding around Takauji.

The original clone nods his head. The twenty clones raise their rakes and plows and begin beating Takauji.

"AHhhAha" Due to the pain he is immediately awoken from the Genjutsu, his screams filing the area.

As his death throtals fill the area, banging and crying can be heard from the house.

"Takauji! Takauji open the door! Open the door!" Shrills can be heard from inside as screams fill the outside.

The original clone nods his head.

With a swift stab of a hoe a clone ends Takauji's life. Suddenly a clone releases the Transformation and returns his appearance to Zitsu.

"What's going on here?!?!" The Zitsu clone yells as loud as he can.

"Takauji!" Only the pounding of the door, the rattling door knob, and faint cries can be heard from inside.

"A ninja from Kirigakure?!?" A mob clone yells towards the house.

"Ninja please!" The Takauji clone speaks in a loud but frail voice "I'm dying, but my wife and child are still inside, please protect them."

Suddenly a mob clone runs towards the wall of the cabin and begins performing hand seals.

"As a ninja from Kiri, and to protect your dying wish, I will ensure the protection your family forever!" Clone Zitsu yells towards the cabin.

"Thank you ninja, I leave them to you!" Takauji clone gives off one last yell.

"How could you, you vile beast! How dare you hurt an innocent family! Die!" As Zitsu clone yells he nods his head.

As the clone touches the wall to undo the seal and all the clones but the Zitsu clone releases.

At the same time tears stream down Zitsu clone's face. He quickly squats down and tries to heal the dead Takauji.

Suddenly the door to the cabin burst open as Yume rushes outside. Her face is bloated from tears and her clothes disheveled, but she rushes to Takauji's side. Dropping to her knees she hugs his corps, rocking back and forth.

"Takauji, Takauji,Takauji, Takauji, Takauji, Takauji." She begins to cry out his name as she pulls him into her embrace, looking at his beaten body the tears pour even harder.

"I'm sorry, I didn't make it in time." The clone's eyes glance at the crying Haku hiding in the doorway before returning his sight to Yume.

"But I will honor your husbands last wish, I may not look like much, but I'm a Chunin from Kiri. I will take you two back and protect you"

Yume's puffy eyes look at Zitsu for a moment, her thoughts unknown.

Zitsu releases a long breath after replaying the memories. After the clones released, the next step of the plan was to bring Yume and Haku here. Originally his mission for the clone was just to bring Haku, but the clone decided there was no reason to kill Haku's mother, if she is in Kiri then he will be easier to control. He had no idea how Zabuza brainwashed Haku so well, so this was the best thing the clone could think of.

Zitsu had no problem with it, as the clone is him he can easily accept any decision he makes because their thought process is the same. The thing he's really worried about is meeting Pakura in a few days.

"Zitsu this is to hard!" A small girl with long red hair appears in front of him, snapping him back to reality.

"Using two swords at once is like trying to walk left and right at the same time." Emina's lips pout as she looks at Zitsu sitting in the middle of the pool.

"Then do it, walk left and right." Zitsu glances at her.


Before she can say anything else Zitsu performs hand seals.

"Original Genjutsu: Mind Crush!" His hand stretches out in the direction of Emina.

Suddenly her vision splits in half and she falls into the water. Her body begins to flail about as she tries to swim.

"I've split your mind in half, each part controlling half your body. Original I developed this to disorient my opponents, but I'll let you train with it."

She tries to say something as she struggles to stay afloat, but she can't get both sides of her mouth to work in tandem so only slurred words come out.

He grabs her by the shoulders and carries her to the side of the pool. He doesn't want her to drown to death, so she can practice on dry land.

"Best of luck" Zitsu smiles as he looks at the furious girl struggling to move as she tries to control both sides of her mind at once.

This jutsu is based on Tsunade's Body Pathway Derangement but uses Genjutsu instead. If she can overcome this she may be able to develop parallel processing. He would use this on himself, but he can't use Genjutsu on himself.

Eminu watches her sister flail on the ground, but continues to run.

Hours go by and training ends. Eminu has to carry her sister as everyone goes home. To their surprise, when they leave the training center they see Taisho outside training.

"As long as Taisho doesn't let me down the seven swords are complete, he can be brash all he wants but he can't try and usurp me." Zitsu mumbles to himself.

Slowly his head turns in the directions of the docks. Taking a deep breath his eyes become tranquil.

The days go by as they continue to train. On the morning of the 3rd Zitsu stands on the docks.

Darkness blankets the land as the sun has yet to arrive. Besides Zitsu there isn't a single soul at the docks.

Looking around Zitsu notices the mist is thicker than normal.

"Even if it's early, dock workers should be here." Zitsu frowns "It would seem Pakura's death was carefully planned."

The sun slowly rises above the horizon. The shadow of a lone boat stretches the sea as it slowly drifts to port.

Zitsu scans 30 KM around him. Further up the valley leading to Kiri he senses thirty-one chakra signatures.

"There's no mistake, It's today." Taking a deep breath he rushes out to sea.

Zitsu strides through the water, drawing closer to the boat. After living here for years the mist is no longer his enemy, traveling through the mist without disturbing it is a important skill for every Kiri ninja. As he draws closer he can see a lone figure standing in the boat, slowly working the sails.

"Who's there?!" Suddenly a glowing red orb burns away the mist, revealing a woman in her late twenties.

She was fair-skinned with pupiless brown eyes. Her forest green hair was tied into a bun with an ornate senbon through it. Two orange tipped locks of hair draped over her Suna headband, framing her oval face. She is wearing a black sleeveless and backless top with white bandages tied around her slender waist, causing her large breast to sit firmly on her chest. The top has two lapels on the front and the back that slightly covered her purple shorts. Purple arm warmers extend from her wrist to her upper bicep. Black ninja boots expose her toes and bandages wrap her shin.

"Pakura of the sand, I'm here to save your life." Zitsu stops in his track as he sees the flaming orb, not daring to move forward.