
Pakura stares at the child before her. Steaming Murder Orbs rotate around her body, but the boy shows no fear. Seeing the headband around his neck causes her brows to furrow.

"Save my life? Kid, that would mean my life is in danger. Who is threatening my life, you?" Her brown eyes stare into his.

"Haa" Zitsu shakes his head "I can't beat you yet, but I have no way to make you believe me. I can only ask you to trust me." Zitsu stares back into her solid brown eyes.

Pakura frowns "I was sent here to talk peace with Kiri, because we are the furthest apart there is no reason to fight." Suddenly more orbs appear around her "After spending months to sail around the land of Tea and Sea, I finally arrive at Kirigakure to be treated like a joke?!?"

As she roars four orbs fly towards Zitsu.

Seeing this Zitsu quickly claps his palms and interlocks his fingers.

"Water Wall Jutsu!"

[Chakra 3908/4008]

Water shoots up from the ocean and forms a wall of water around him. As the orbs crash into the wall, steam explodes as the water instantly evaporates.

Zitsu leaps back to avoid being burnt. Lightning begins to crackle in his hands.

[Chakra 3684/4008]

"Chidori Senbon!"

Sweeping his hand in front of him he sends thousands of senbons made of lightning flying towards Pakura.

Seeing the oncoming senbon Pakura quickly makes hand seals.

"Scorch Release: Solar Wind!" Suddenly a small sun appears before her.

As it spins it releases a burning arc of wind. The wind sweeps forward, evaporating the water on the surface of the sea. The moment the wind touches the senbon they either dissipate or fly off in a different direction.

Seeing this causes Zitsu's eyes to go wide. Too powerful, way too powerful. It dawns on him, scorch release isn't as simple as increasing the temperature of the fire with wind but using the fire to burn the gasses in the air.

Her orbs are literally burning masses of hydrogen, no different from mini suns. The jutsu she just used caused the hot air blown from her orb to create a geomagnetic storm. He once held a convention in Antarctica and did some research on the northern lights. When solar wind interacts with a magnetic field, everything on Earth goes crazy, from blackouts in cities and light shows as the poles

Scorch Release is the pinnacle of nature release. All lightning attacks will go astray. All water will be evaporated. All fire will be assimilated. All wind will be burnt away. Only earth stands a chance.

Looking at this woman Zitsu feels fear. Fear of the Kekkei Genkai so rare only one person possessed it in the entire series. This is power, overwhelming power. He now understands why the Kazekage had her killed, his Magnet Release was a toy in front of her.

"Pakura wait!" Zitsu leaps back as far as he can to avoid being evaporated "I'm not messing with you, please hear me out!"

The energy wave dissipates as she stops her jutsu. Looking at the child before her for a moment she turns around and returns to her boat. "I'll give you one minute, if you can prove you aren't here to insult my honor in one minute I won't kill you."

Zitsu doesn't even take a breath before he rushes to the boat and sits down. "The Mizukage is being controlled!" he decides to start off big.

Sure enough, Pakura's brows raised a bit as she sat down across from him.

Seeing no further reactions he continues "Your Village has betrayed you!" Slowly convincing her won't work, so he decides to drop bombshells.

Her brows furrow and her eyes begin to narrow "Thirty seconds left."

Zitsu grits his teeth as he looks into her eyes. His next gamble can either get him killed, or captured.

Zitsu's breathing evens out as a small smile floats on his face. "I have people I love in Kiri, originally I was tricking them." Zitsu looks into her eyes "But now I truly love them. My Mother and Mei, I'd do anything for them." Zitsu gently closes his eyes "I know that nothing I say will change your mind or make you believe me."

"Five seconds."

Suddenly chakra begins to pour from Zitsu's body.

Seeing this Pakura grabs her Kunai. "Times up."

Zitsu claps his palms together.

As she gets ready to make her move she hears his voice again.

"So let me show you."

[Chakra 43/4008]

"Original Genjutsu: Reality Marble"

A sphere of blue chakra spreads from Zitsu body and envelops the whole boat.

Before Pakura has time to react she finds herself floating in the sky. She can obviously tell this is a Genjutsu, but rather than affecting her mind it's affecting reality. The only way to stop it is to kill the caster or leave its range.

But the strange thing is, what's the point of all this? Did he really want to show her something? Who is this kid?

"Just watch" Zitsu appears next to her. As he does the scenes below change.

Endless sand as far as the eye can see, the only life for miles is surrounded by a giant stone wall. Large buildings made of sand fill the insides of the walls. All the people are gathered outside of a single building.

A man dressed in a blue robe and red hair steps forward on a balcony. Below thousands of people wait for his words.

"We have stopped the Hidden Stones schemes!" His powerful voice projects over the crowd "Bringing us one step closer to victory!"

He slowly looks behind him "We can all thank this person for the success of the mission."

As his words fall Pakura emerges from a dark hallway.

"Pakura of the scorch style is the hero of the hidden sand!" The man introduces her to the cowed, causing them to scream in excitement.

Suddenly the images change, focusing on a single girl with short dirty blonde hair. Two purple tattoos are on the side of her face and her eyes are filled with excitement.

Standing in the sky Pakura's brows furrow as she looks at the child next to her. Besides his pale face from chakra exhaustion, he looks like a normal kid. He couldn't have been to the sand village before and know it's details so accurately, not even Suna has a description this accurate of the other villages.

"Keep watching"

His voice draws her attention to down below.

The scene below change to the young girl chasing her back.


Pakura turns around slowly

"Maki, what is it"

"Maki, what is it"

Pakura above speaks in tandem with the Pakura below.

"Please Train me!"

"I just finished a mission."

"I just finished a mission."

Pakura's eyes begin to tremble "What is this, how do you know all this?"

Zitsu just points below.

Looking down she sees the scene change again. This time she's training with Maki on top of a roof. Maki throws a scroll that releases smoke and suddenly a net shoots out at Pakura.

Pakura jumps back, easily dodging the net.

"Ah! I was so close!"

"That was good, you would have caught anyone else." This time Zitsu speaks the lines.

Pakura turns to look at him once again "What's the point of all this?"

"At first I just had your curiosity, now that I have your attention let me show you." Pointing below the scene changes again.

Twelve men sit at a roundtable.

Pakura instantly recognizes them as the elders of the village, most are believed dead and never show their face in public, how does he know their faces?

The red-headed man from before opens his mouth first.

"Now then, about our negotiations with the Hidden Mist." he pauses for a second "They still seem to hold a deep grudge towards our village."

The men at the table begin to argue about how none of their peace talks or offers have been accepted. Suddenly the man with red hair releases a sigh.

"We need Pakura to be useful again." He looks around the table. The other eleven men nod slowly. "For the sake of the village."

Suddenly the scene changes again, this time to a gravestone. The Suna symbol stands proudly in the center, with the name Pakura carved underneath.

"Our hero, Pakura of the scorch style has died."

"She never gave up and fought to the end."

"We shall not let her death be in vain!"

"She died for the village and we must carry out her will, we must destroy the hidden stone!"

As his voice faces the image transitions from the grave to Maki's tear stricken face.

Suddenly the chakra fades and the world returns to normal, the boat inching closer to port.

Pakura stares at the boy across from her. She doesn't know what to believe. The scenery of Suna can be explained by spies, but the emotions and expressions on her face and others were identical, as if he was right there recording the whole thing.

"You don't have to believe everything right now, but I am saving your life."

She slowly closes her eyes.

"Why help me? I don't know you at all, but you seem to know me."

Zitsu takes a deep breath, the hard part is over. They can finally have a conversation.