Talk no Jutsu

Zitsu looks into Pakura's eyes. "The reason I'm helping you is that I hope you can help me as well."

Pakura looks at him for a moment before turning towards the approaching dock. "How is it that you think I will die?"

Zitsu points towards the mountain valley. "An ambush, over thirty ninjas are waiting for you there."

Pakura glances at Zitsu "And why shouldn't I just leave now?"

"Because" He slowly shakes his head "You have nowhere to go." He slowly rises to his feet "You fought for the sand, bled for the sand" He sweeps his hand towards the Island "And here you would have died for the sand."

His expression hardens "If you go back, the sand village itself will become your enemy, because you survived." He looks her up and down "Does she know? Know that I tried to kill her? They will live in fear of you, and because of me you will never trust them again."

Zitsu spreads his arms, his fingers fully extended. Closing his eyes he turns towards the sky, a smile slowly creeps on his face. "Pakura of the Scorch Style, how grand a name." His eyes slowly open as he looks at her bewildered face "You love your village, but they don't treasure you." The smile on his face turns sinister as he extends his hand "I'm not asking you to betray your village just yet, but I cordially invite you to rest at the Village Hidden in the Mist as a political ambassador from the sand."

Looking at the small outstretched hand Pakura frowns "Can you even guarantee something like that? What's in it for me?"

Zitsu's eyes gleam "Trust! I want you to see for yourself! You have nothing to lose! Hahaha!" Zitsu begins to laugh maniacally, his voice echoing in the mist "I want you to see the reaction, the decision the Village Hidden in the Sand makes when it finds out their hero still lives. Will they celebrate her successful mission? Or will they curse that you still live?

Pakura stares at him for a moment before nodding her head. "The trip here is long, and I have nothing to lose if I wait and see." She rises to her feet as well. "But you haven't told me what you need my help with."

Zitsu grabs a rope as he jumps onto the dock. Pulling the boat closer he ties the rope to a post. Glancing at Pakura for a moment he begins walking towards the valley.

"We're going to kill a Mizukage"

Pakura's eyes widen as she follows him from behind. Her mouth shifts a few times before she finally speaks. "How do you know all this?"

Zitsu ignores her question as they walk up a gentle slope. Giant boulders and walls of rock surround them as they navigate the maze-like path.

Suddenly a ninja walks towards them. "Pakura and" His brows furrow as he looks at Zitsu "Who are you, the Mizukage forbid anyone from coming to the docks tod"

Before he can finish his sentence Zitsu flashes forward, punching him straight in the gut. His body snaps forward from the impact, as his head lowers zitsu's foot rises straight up, kicking him squarely in his lowered chin.

A cracking sound rings through the valley as his body flies back, knocked unconscious.

"Ninja of Kiri, I'm Zitsukani, those who do not want to fight run, but those who stay will be my enemy." Bending down he wraps his right arm around the ninja's neck, using Samehada to absorb his chakra.

Pakura eyes narrow, she didn't think he'd really attack.

"Kill the traitor!"

Thirty Ninja appear on the rock walls above and begin making hand seals, completely surrounding them.

Zitsu's eyes glance around. "So It's treason then!"

"Do I need to act?" Pakura glances around.

"No, If you fight them it can be held against you later."

"Water Style: Marine Battle Formation Jutsu!"x30

Thirty torrents of water rise from around the ninjas and begin spiraling towards Zitsu and Pakura.

"I've remained too low profile" Looking at the oncoming water he smiles "But the ninja world will soon learn my name."

Pakura frowns as she listens to him, is this really the time?

"Time to eat, SAMEHADA!" In a puff of smoke, the shark skin greatsword appears in his hand. Jumping into the air he holds the sword directly in front of him and begins to spin like a top.

The torrents of water all hit him at once, creating an explosion of water as they clash.

But as soon as the water gets close to him it turns into nothing more than a splash.

[Chakra 2246/4008]

Landing on the ground Zitsu immediately jumps straight towards a ninja. Holding Samehada straight out again he tucks in his knees and begins rolling through the air at extreme speeds, turning into a scaly blue saw blade.

"Original Kenjutsu: Rolling Disaster!"

He arrives right before a ninja, Samehada smashing straight down on his head. There's no cut, the ninja's head directly explodes from the impact, blood, brains, and bits of skull fly everywhere as his body falls to the ground.


"One of the seven swords!!!?"

"It's not lost!"

The Kiri Ninja final react to seeing the legendary sword.

Samehada begins to wiggle around, its tongue hanging out in excitement from absorbing so much chakra.

"Retrieve the sword! Kill!!!" twenty-nine ninja rushes him at once, jumping through the air towards Zitsu's location. All Kiri Ninja are well aware jutsu is useless in front of Samehada so they perform a direct assault.

Pakura gets ready to attack but Zitsu just holds up his hand. Propping up Samehada he begins making a few hand seals.

"Transformation Jutsu!" A puff of smoke surrounds him, and suddenly a black streak flies from the smoke.

A man almost identical to Zitsu flies from the smoke. The childish features are gone from his face and his height has increased to 5'10''

Grabbing Samehada with one hand he smiles. "My strength has not increased, but it's a lot easier to move now."

"Die" The ninjas all throw kunai and shuriken at the same time, over a hundred in total.

"Fools!" Zitsu sweeps Samehada in front of him.

"Gate of Babylon"

As he sweeps the sword over a hundred shuriken fly out. Sounds of metal clash as weapons collide and fall towards the earth.

Gripping Samehada he leaps into the air as the ninjas close in on him from all sides, taking the battle to the air.

Zitsu and the ninja are mere feet from clashing in the air, but suddenly Zitsu throws his sword.

Samehada squirms through the air and bites the body of a ninja.

"AhhahA" Blood flies as Samehada rips into his flesh.

As the ninja falls to the ground the other twenty-eight ninja stab Zitsu from all sides.

As the Kunai pierce his body Pakura frowns.

"Gotch" Zitsu's body disappears into a blob of water.

The falling Samehada opens its mouth wide as child Zitsu crawls from between its bloody teeth.

A smile forms on his face as he clasps his hands together, and out of nowhere hundreds of thousands of gallons of seawater appears around him. As the water appears he quickly makes hand seals.

"Original Water Style: Funeral of Dragons!"

[Chakra 156/4008]

The water around him transforms into hundreds of dragons.

"RAAAA!" Roars sound off like a thunderclap as the dragons swim through the air and swallow the ninjas. The dragons soar through the air, spinning and coiling around each other as they climb higher and higher.

Sliding from the mouth completely, Zitsu grabs the handle before he lands on the ground. As he does the dragons begin to plummet and crash into the stone all around him, burying the ninjas in a pool of water and blood.

A smile creeps on his face as he notices his Taijutsu and Ninjutsu both leveled after so long.

"A little flashy, but not bad kid." Pakura looks around "But was It really ok to kill all these ninjas from your village?"

"I told them to leave." Zitsu walks over to the nearest hole and sticks in Samehada to absorb chakra "No reason to keep people who can't listen, they had nothing to gain from staying. Plus they would just cause trouble for me later if they lived. The Mist will change, and people like them will be a hindrance." He glances over his shoulder lightly "You can say they are only doing their mission, but they need to think for themselves. I was not supposed to be here, so the mission changed but they remained fixated on their goal."

Zitsu walks from hole to hole as Samehada squirms in excitement. Most of these Ninja were Chunin with a few weak Jonin mixed in, so the chakra is bountiful.

"Also" Zitsu turns towards her with a sly grin "This is the first part of the plan, there's no way Kiri won't notice a battle this close."

"Oh, then what do we do now?"

"We wait" Zitsu turns in the direction of the village "Wait for the Mizukage to arrive!."