It's a Trap

Madame Yan bursts into the Mizukage's office surrounded by ten members of the Anbu black ops.

"Yan?" Yagura frowns "What is all this?" His hands tighten underneath his desk, ready to make a move at any second.

Madame Yan drops to a knee "Lord Mizukage forgive me but its urgent, Pakura of the Scorch Style is rampaging at the docks."

Yagura's hands relax as he hears her words "Pakura? She lives?" Yagura rises to his feet "What's the situation?"

Madame Yan stands why she sees him rise to his feet "Initial reports have shown signs of large scale jutsu. We have already assembled a team, but you are the only one who can stop Pakura."

Yagura nods "Pakura must be killed, she is too powerful to be left alive." Walking towards the wall he grabs a large black rod with a hook on the end. "Let's go."

Yagura exits the room with Madame Yan and the Anbu flanking him. Exiting the central building he sees Mei surrounded by ten more Anbu.

"Mei, you are coming as well?" Yagura's brows raise.

"Yes Lord Mizukage, I heard the report on the attack." Mei bows slightly

"Good! I feel we have better chances with you here, let's move!" All twenty three ninjas move at the same time.

As they rush towards the docks a glint passes through Yagura's eyes as he looks at Mei's back. "Another thorn." A smile creeps on his face as he mumbles to himself.

As they rush through the mountain path the mist begins to thin out and the temperature increases.

Soon the mist completely dissipates and the air itself feels like it's on fire. Standing in the middle of the stone valley is a Suna ninja with green and orange hair.

Yagura and the Kiri Ninja land a bit away from her. Yagura steps forward "Pakura, Suna has attacked Kiri, killing it's ninja and invading its land. You were sent here for talks of peace, but seeing our struggle due to internal conflict you decide to attack?!?" Yagura raises his rod, pointing its hook at Pakura.

Looking at Yagura the Mizukage, Dual Kekkei Genkai Mei, Elder Yan, and twenty Anbu Pakura frowns. "Did the kid trick me? Was it all to set me up for this?" Pakura begins to regret her decision.

"Ninjas of Kiri, Kill!" Yagura smiles as he gives the orders. Hearing the footsteps behind him his eyes gleam, but soon his face twists into a frown. Listening closely he notices the ninja are walking away.

Turning around he sees the Kiri ninjas walking backward, putting space between them.

"Whats going on here?" Yagura's brows furrow.

"Lord Mizukage" Madame Yan steps forward "We have reason to believe you are being controlled by Genjutsu, will you let us disrupt your chakra?"

Yagura's eyes go wide as he hears her words. "I'm under Genjutsu? I'm a perfect Jinchuriki, that's Impossible." Yagura shakes his head.

"What If the three tails is under Genjutsu as well?" Mei walks next to Madame Yan.

"Haaa" Yagura releases a long breath "Putting a tailed beast under Genjutsu? How would one do that?" Yagura holds out his left arm "Fine, come and disrupt my chakra."

Madame Yan waves her hand towards one of the Anbu. Her brows creese as she waits for the results. When Mei came to her with this claim she didn't really believe her, but this wasn't something she could just ignore so she had to check.

Mei, Pakura, Yan, and all the Anbu watch as the man in the white mask walks closer to Yagura.

Yagura smiles as the man approaches him.

"Forgive my rudeness Lord Mizukage" The Anbu member stretches out his hand.

"No reason to ask for forgiveness" A black blur sweeps in front of Yagura "As you walk to your own death."

The hook on his staff sweeps across the gut of the Anbu member, directly tearing out his stomach.

As the Anbu member collapses to the ground everyone's eyes go wide.

"KILL!" Ao's voice rings from among the Anbu as the nineteen members rush forward, pulling the swords from their backs.

Mei and Madame Yan begin making seals. Pakura leaps backward, getting out of the way.

"You underestimate my power!" Yagura spins his rod in a circle, creating a circular sheet of water.

"Water Style: Water Mirror!" The water transforms into a mirror, reflecting the nineteen Anbu. His rod reaches over the mirror and hooks it at the top. As he pulls the mirror down nineteen Anbu members leap from the mirror.

"What?" Most of the Anbu members slip into confusion as they see themselves charging towards them.

"They are clones, just attack!" Ao's voice rings out. Hearing his command the Anbu members slash out with their swords.

The copies copy their exact movements, slashing out with their blades. As their swords collide the sound of metal rings, but upon impact, the copies collapse into puddles of water.

Yagura leaps forward at the same time Mei and Yan finish their jutsu.

"Lava Release: Molten River!"

"Water Style: Great Cannon Ball!"

A river of molten mud flows on the ground and a torrent of water flies above. Due to the temperature difference, a blast of steam travels between the two jutsu.

"Tsk" Yagura clicks his tongue as light red chakra bubbles from his skin, completely surrounding his body.

Three shrimp like tails grow from Yagura's back as he arrives in front of the Anbu.

"Roaaaah!" His arm turns into a blur as his rod smashes into the ground.

The earth rumbles as an explosion of dust and stone erupt from the impact site. Large and small chunks of rock collide with the Anbu and oncoming Jutsu, stopping them in their tracks

The Anbu members leap backward as they block and dodge all the flying rocks. Suddenly a dark red turtle like humanoid leaps from the smoke, his palm striking an Anbu member in the chest.

"Guuh" As he flies backward his entire body becomes covered in coral.

"Everyone at once!" Mei yells out. Everyone begins forming hand seals.

Not giving them a chance Yagura flashes across the battlefield in his version two tailed beast cloak. Throwing out multiple palm strikes he turns five more Anbu members into coral.

Before he can reach the next Anbu member a number of jutsu barrage his body.

As the smoke clears Yagura lays on the ground covered in his chakra cloak.

"Did we get him?"

Before the Anbu's voice even falls Yagura opens his eyes

"ROAAAAAAH!" A primordial roar exits his mouth as the shell on his back transforms from dark red to dark purple.

"He's transforming into the three tails, stop him!" Madame Yan's voice shrieks as she sees the shell.

Mei rushes forward as she makes hand seals. "Lava Release: Melting Apparition!" Molten mud flies from her mouth, forming a large blanket as it comes down atop of Yagura.

The Anbu members make earth walls to trap him so he can't evade the mud.

The mud falls between the walls as steam and screams erupt from inside.

Pakurs's brows furrow as she listens to the screams slowly die off. "Is that it?" She mumbles in a quiet voice.

"No, this is just the beginning" Zitsu's voice sounds from a puddle next to her feet. "It will be time for you to make your move soon, I can sense it, his chakra is increasing."

As if Zitsu's voice was the trigger, the earth walls explode.


A large turtle creature standing over ten stories tall with a crab-like shell, spikes all over its body, and three shrimp-like tails burst forward.

Under its shell, it has red, muscle-like tissue. It has a pair of human-like arms and hands, but no hind-legs. Its face is concealed between a large forehead and lower jaw, both of which have spikes. Its eyes are red and has crimson pupils.

Its arms swipe out as fast as lightning, instantly claiming the lives of most of the Anbu members. Ao and two others fall back next to Mei and Yan.

"Was this really a good idea? When we fought the three tails last time we had more people." Ao speaks through clenched teeth as he rips the mask from his face.

"I just can't believe it was true, who's been controlling our village?" Madame Yan's voice trembles.

"No time to question it now" Mei's eyes narrow "It's making its move!"

The five of them jump in different directions as two large balls of water explode the ground at their previous location.

"Pakura now!" Zitsu yells from inside the puddle.

"Scorch Release: Extremely Steaming Murder!"

Three large orbs quickly form and circle around her. Thrusting her hands forward the three orbs shoot towards the beast like meteors.

Seeing this Mei makes hand seals as well.

"Boil Release: Acid Mist Dragon!"

Taking a deep breath she expels a stream of corrosive mist from her mouth that quickly takes the form of a dragon.

In the face of the devastating Kekkei Genkai, the three tails quickly hides in its shell and curls its body into a ball.

The ball begins to spin rapidly as the jutsu hit its body. As the mist and orbs collide the shell sizzles and boils, but quickly begins to heal.