Chakra Battery

Looking at the three tails healing as though it was never attacked everyone's face turns bitter.

Suddenly the ground begins to crack and shatter as the spiked covered shell begins to roll at high speeds towards one of the Anbu.

The Anbu quickly makes hand seals.

"No! Dodge!" Ao yells as loud as he can.

The Anbu slams his hands on the ground. "Earth Style: Earth Ramp!"

A ramp of earth rises from the ground. As the three tails roll over it, it directly shatters.

Realizing his mistake the Anbu tries to dodge, but it's too late. The Anbu is crushed as the massive beast rolls over him.

"Jinyu!!" The other Anbu member screams, her voice filled with despair. She Quickly begins making hands seals.

"Ruma don't do it!" Ao rushes forward to stop her from attacking in rage.

A black shadow streaks across the sky as the three tails lunches off the ground like a missile, heading straight towards Ao.

"Lava Release: Molten Eruption!" Mei's body flashes through the air and arrives before Ao. Her foot stomps the rock and sinks a few inches.

Suddenly the ground cracks all around her as molten lava shoots from the ground.

A pillar of lava collides with the descending three tails, smoke plumes from its body as the lava holds it in the air.

"Water Style: Water Fang Bullet!" Madame Yan clasps her hands as water from the ground turns into sharp spiraling spears of water, striking the three tails in the back.

As the water and lava mix, it begins to harden, slowing the spinning of the three tails.

"Haaaa" Mei and Yan add even more chakra into their jutsu, completely trapping the three tails in the air.

Pakura leaps through the air with three orbs spinning around her. Raising her hands towards the three tails the orbs combine into one massive glowing sphere.

"Scorch Release: Incinerating Flare!" She pushes the large sphere towards the immobilized three tails.

The orb collides with the beast and explodes, dying the entire sky red for a moment, then white as all the moisture in the air is evaporated.

The three tails falls to the ground as steam rises from its body.

"ARAaaAahaA" Its eyes flick open as it roars. Blue and red orbs of chakra begin to gather in front of its mouth.

"Tailed beast bomb!" Ao grabs the last Anbu member and begins to run. Mei, Yan, and Pakura begin to run as well.

But at this moment an inconspicuous puddle ripples.

"Body Flicker" Zitsu suddenly appears above the three tails with Samehada in hand. Landing on the beast's back he slams down Samehada.

"Gree" Samehada begins to ruffle and squirm as its size almost instantly doubles due to it rapidly absorbs the three tails chakra.

Zitsu's eyes gleam with madness as the chakra begins pouring into his body. The Skyrim interface limits his chakra to his age for some reason, so he hatched this plan.

Every time a tailed beast forms it's bomb it becomes immobile for a moment. Using the others he wanted to drive the three tails into a corner to the point it had to use this attack.

Even though this plan killed a lot of people, Zitsu feels no regrets.

Samehada quickly becomes full and begins pouring the chakra into Zitsu.

[Chakra 4563/4563]

"HAAAA!" Feeling the chakra pouring into his body like a raging river he quickly pours all of it through his feet and into the three tails.

As the chakra pours into the beast its eyes flash for a moment. In a dimly lit room, a man with short black hair frowns as he slowly opens his red eyes.

The beast bomb scatters as the three tails lost its instruction and regains its natural instinct to destroy.

"You're nothing but a mass of chakra! So give it all to me!"

[Chakra 6745/6745]

"It's just a mindless beast now! Attack!" Zitsu yells at the others.

The three tails begins to rampage, stomping its arms and swinging its tails to destroy everything.

Mei was the first to act. "Lava Release: Melting Apparition!" Spitting out a stream of molten mud onto the legs of the best, causing it extreme pain. The shell of the beast protects it from normal jutsu, but lava release is so hot it burns through its shell. Losing strength in its legs the beast falls forward.

"Scorch Release: Extremely Steaming Murder!" Red orbs begin pelting it in the face, aiming for the weakest parts of its body, its eyes.

Without someone controlling the beast, it's battle tactics has dropped to an abysmal level. Without a host, all the tailed beast can do is rampage and destroy, a trait they inherited from the ten tails.

Mei traps the lower body of the three tails in a river of mud. Yan, Ao, and the other Anbu member bombard the three tails with water jutsu to trap the beast in stone.

The beast yells in rage but cannot break free. Zitsu's body trembles as chakra continues to pour in. He feels like a black hole as he swallows it all. Samehada is now five times its original size as it devours chakra as well, going beyond its limit. Zitsu doesn't know how much chakra his body can contain, but he will absorb as much as he can. The more he drains the more he feels like this is what this blade was made for.

[Chakra 8395/8395]

The beast collapses from the barrage of jutsu. It begins to pant heavily, unable to resist the chakra drain at all.

"Is it over?" Mei looks at the badly scared beast. Blood flows from open wounds and its eyes have been completely blinded as Pakura seared through the beast skull.

Madame Yan frowns "What do we do now, Yagura turned into the three tails, effectively killing him." Her head turns towards Pakura then Zitsu holding the huge Samehada.

Ao walks forward with his Byakugan activated. "The beast is no longer being controlled, do we seal it?"

Pakura looks at Zitsu, wondering what this child will do next.

"Mei shall become the Fifth Mizukage." Zitsu suddenly speaks from the top of the three tails. "Pakura, do you want to do what we discussed earlier, or do you want to disappear?"

Everyone looks at Zitsu in surprise, Mei was expecting it but Madame Yan was caught by surprise.

"Child what nonsense are you speaking?" She frowns as she speaks.

Zitsu glances at Madame yan before turning towards Mei with a smile. "It's time to bring change to the mist, Mei."

Mei looks into Zitsu's eyes for a moment before she nods her head. "I will be the Fifth Mizukage" She turns towards Madame Yan "Elder Yan, I'll leave it to you to inform the Water Daimyo."

Yan looks into the young girl's eyes in front of her for a few seconds before nodding her head. "I do not object."

"Wait" Zitsu yells "Pakura, Ambassador or dead?" Turning towards Pakura he waits for her answer.

She slowly shakes her head "If Suna needs me dead then I will die for them. Pakura of the Scorch died today."

Zitsu nods as he turns to Ao "Ao send word to Suna leadership that Pakura was ambushed on the way to Kiri by Iwa ninjas."

Ao's brows raise as he turns to Mei, only to see her nod at him.

"Elder Yan, Pakura was never here."

Madame Yan looks at the child she brought to the academy six years ago. Releasing a long breath she nods her head in agreement. Mei may become the Fifth Mizukage, but who is really in control?

Madame Yan and Ao leave as they have their orders.

Zitsu looks at the last Anbu member momentarily. Besides her standard Kiri attire, she's wearing a bear like Anbu mask with two vertical red lines over the eye slits.

"You will be the Fifth Mizukage's personal Anbu guard, a lot of good ninjas died today and we need you."

The Anbu member hesitates as she turns towards Mei.

"It's ok Mayuko." Mei looks at the Anbu "Just go back for now."

"Yes" She pauses for a moment "Lord Fifth." Holding up two fingers she turns into a blur as she disappears.

Mei looks at Zitsu before turning towards Pakura. "Pakura right? I'm sorry you got mixed up in all this."

Pakura's brown eyes scan the young girl before her. "The village needed my death, I'm just happy I got to keep my life so I may return one day if they need me again."

Zitsu looks at the two of them talking calmly next to a downed tailed beast and feels bewildered, is now really the best time?

Closing his eyes he feels the chakra pouring into him from Samehada. The sword is ecstatic as the fishy taste of the three tails is a delicacy to it.

[Chakra 13274/13274]

"Ladies, not to interrupt you, but can you make sure the three tails doesn't wake up?" Zitsu's brows furrow as he can tell this beast has a lot more chakra, no need to take a risk now.