
Level 22

[Health 230/230]

[Chakra 62437/62437]

[Stamina 211/211]

[0 Points]

[PP 0]

[Taijutsu 34, Ninjutsu 36, Genjutsu 31]

[Ninjutsu cost reduced by 10%][Increase Ninjutsu power by 4%][Reduce stamina consumption by 25%][Increase melee damage by 15%][Increase Physical Defence By 25%][Lightning Release]

Zitsu takes a deep breath as he opens his eyes. Looking down at the huge Samehada he can't help but smile. Samehada absorbed most of the three tails chakra, increasing its size to a fifth of the creatures back.

The three tails is now a husk of its former self, its body drained of chakra and covered in wounds.

"What do we do with it?" Mei glances at pakura's stone-like face before turning to Zitsu.

"This beast is useless to us, the way we treated it will make it impossible for us to befriend and become a perfect host, and if you can't be a perfect host it's not worth it." Zitsu places one of his hands on the beast's back.

He begins pouring his chakra in and around the three tails, transferring a massive amount.

"So if you can't be its host, do the next best thing." Suddenly Zitsu begins making hand seals.

"Transformation Jutsu!"

A giant cloud of white smoke surrounds the three tails. As it disperses it reveals Zitsu standing in front of Samehada with a mini three tails in his hand. "Eat this, don't absorbed my chakra keeping the jutsu active, but don't let it regain any chakra."

In response to Zitsu's voice, Samehada opens its mouth wide, its tongue slowly slides from between its teeth like a red carpet.

Looking at the cave-like entrance Zitsu throws the beast inside. Samehada's mouth clamps shut as it begins to move around.

"Done" Zitsu smiles as he turns towards Mei, seeing her mouth opening and closing in confusion brings joy to his heart.

"Is it really safe for your village if you walk around with a tailed beast in your sword?" Pakura crosses her arms and furrows her brows as she looks at Zitsu.

Thinking about it Mei's eyes narrow as she looks at Zitsu "She's right, that thing is a ticking time bomb."

Zitsu holds up his hand to stop them from talking "Don't worry, I have it all under control. What could possibly go wrong?"

Mei pinches the bridge of her nose as she closes her eyes. "Is it really?"

Zitsu shakes his head "Just go back, I'm sure there are plenty of things for you to do. I'll stay here with Samehada until it returns to normal."

Mei nods as she opens her eyes. She looks at Zitsu for a while before she glances at Pakura and disappears.

Watching her turn into a blur as she flickers away Zitsu turns his gaze towards Pakura, whos standing there with her arms crossed.

"What does it feel like to be dead?" Zitsu grabs the tiny handle of Samehada and sits down. Without him helping the sword it will take too long to absorb the chakra.

The corners of Pakura's mouth curve "Peaceful" She slowly closes her eyes "When I made the decision to 'die' it felt like the weight of the world was lifted from my shoulders. The village doesn't need me anymore and my death can serve a greater purpose than my life."

Her smile deepens as she opens her eyes "I know I sound like a fool to you, If the Kazekage and Elders really did betray me why am I so calm?" She slowly shakes her head "Because Suna is my home" She looks off towards the west "My Family gave their life to protect Suna in the wars, and I shall do the same."

She looks Zitsu in the eyes "A village is more than the leaders who run it, it's a vessel for the hopes and dreams of all those who died protecting it and the innocents who live within its walls."

Zitsu's eyes narrow as he hears her speak. He remembers the disappointment when she was reincarnated, the disappointment of being betrayed by her village and hate for Kiri. He thought she would be angry, but just like she forgave the ninjas who she was battling, she doesn't seem to blame Suna at all right now.

His head lowers as he begins to think. Pakura would do anything for Suna, even though the leaders betrayed her. Itachi was the same. Even though the Elders of the village drove his best friend to death and will force him to kill his clan, he never complains. Was the Third Hokage really oblivious to Danzo's actions? All his life and even in his death, everything he did was for the Leaf.

Turning his head he looks towards Kiri. "Mei is the same" he mumbles to himself "Willing to do anything for the village." His brows knit together.

Pakura died, Itachi died, and Mei remained single her whole life. These three people gave everything for their village.

Zitsu turns towards Samehada "I'll make sure you don't suffer anymore." Zitsu closes his eyes and smiles.

Hearing his words and seeing his peaceful face causes Pakura brows to wrinkle. Who is he talking about?

"Samehada" Zitsu opens his mouth again, catching Pakura's attention.

"Just who made you?"

Suddenly Samehada's blue scales turn dark purple. The scales become thicker as the tips of each scale split into three points. The middle point of each scale begins to brighten as all of them turn crimson red.

Inside the mouth of Samehada, the body of the three tails is completely broken down, and all of its chakra assimilated into the blade. Samehada did not become the host of the three tails Isobu, but assimilated its chakra and became something else entirely.

Seeing this causes Pakura's eyes to widen. Just when she is about to open her mouth she finds herself petrified.

Samehada begins to rapidly shrink. At the same time, a dense dark blue water chakra cloak surrounds the blade. The chakra extends down the handle and covers Zitsu's body as a shark fin made of water forms on his forearms and back.

Zitsu's eyes shoot open. While they are still purple, they look as deep as the sea.

Rising to his feet the blue chakra cloak recedes into Samehada and himself. The large blade in his hand shrinks to a size he can wield it comfortably.

Zitsu slashes the blade horizontally as a smile creeps on his face.

"What did you just do?!?" Pakura walks in front of him, her fist tightening. She may not be a sensory ninja, but even she could feel the immense chakra pouring from his body.

Zitsu looks at her face for a moment before he bursts into laughter. "Hahaha" His head tilts forward as he covers his mouth "Samehada loves fishy water chakra alright"

Zitsu takes a few deep breaths to calm himself "Pakura, what do you know about the tailed beast?" His left brow rises as he smirks at Pakura.

Pakura frowns "They are beings of immense power, the only way to stop their rampage is to seal them inside a host."

Zitsu shakes his head. He lifts Samehada over his shoulder and attaches it to his back. Releasing the handle the blade doesn't fall, a thin layer of chakra emitted by the blade and Zitsu locks it in place.

"First" He holds up a finger "Samehada is a living blade that eats chakra to live. It depends on a welder or a 'host' to survive." The smile on his face deepens "That is what you call a parasite." He looks at the blade's handle over his shoulder.

"But how can something that constantly steals chakra from its host survive?" He holds up his second finger "It shares the chakra it steals from others with its host, that's what you call a symbiotic parasite."

Pakura just stares at him "That doesn't answer my question."

Zitsu's third finger rises "A tailed beast is a lot of chakra, they are beings literally made of chakra." Zitsu clenches his hand into a fist

"Samehada has completely absorbed the three tails and evolved. Because it was sharing the chakra it absorbed with me the whole time we are now in a perfect symbiotic relationship. Our chakra signatures are the same and I can feel a connection to it. It's now more than a sword to me, it has become my third arm."

His eyes gleam "It no longer absorbs my chakra, because my chakra and its chakra are one in the same." Turning around he begins to walk towards Kiri.

Pakura looks at the sword on his back. She has seen Samehada before, but this sword looks a lot denser and the red on the scales give it an ominous look.

"Aren't you afraid I'd kill you, take the blade, and run?"

Zitsu stops in his tracks. "Pakura do you know why I told you all that, told you about your village, and even asked for your help on our first meeting?"

Pakura begins walking forward, if what he just said is true he may be a danger to the sand. Depending on his next words she may have to act.

The scales on Samehada begins to ruffle as he slowly turns his head. His eye shifts to the side as he glances towards the approaching Pakura.

Seeing his deep purple eyes she stops moving forward.

"Because the Pakura I know wouldn't betray the trust and goodwill I've placed in her. My target is not Suna so I have nothing to fear from you. Or is the honor you spoke of when we first met this shallow?" Turning his head he continues to walk.

Pakura looks at his retreating figure for a moment before she decides to follow. "Like you said, we just met, but why do I get the feeling you already know me from somewhere?" She mumbles to herself as they walk through the valley.