I'll Be Back

As they walk Zitsu suddenly stops. Turning around he begins looking Pakura up and down.

Seeing his looks pakura's brows drop "What?"

"Pakura died today, but how is she still standing here?" His head tilts to the side.

Pakura mouth opens but no words come out.

"Do you not know the transformation jutsu? Do you need me to teach you?" The corners of his lips curl

Glaring at Zitsu she begins forming hand seals.

"Transformation Jutsu" A cloud of smoke surrounds her, hiding her from view.

As the smoke clears the tall female is no more, she now stands at five feet tall, her green and orange hair is now a dark blue and drapes to her shoulders. Her solid brown eyes are now light blue and her face, while still the same, looks more childish.

Her clothes are still the same except her purple armguards are now connected with her top and shorts turned into long tights.

Reaching up she removes her Suna headband, her eyes lingering on the symbol for a moment. Taking a deep breath she places it inside her pouch.

"Good!" Zitsu claps his hands "Let's go!"

Zitsu begins walking towards Kiri with Pakura in tow. Arriving at the village Pakura looks at all the cylinder shaped buildings carved into the mountainside shrouded by mist.

"First time in Kiri?" Zitsu asks aloud as he heads for the central building.

"Yes, I've been to some of the surrounding islands, but never the city." She answers as she looks at the solemn faces of the civilians passing by.

"Kiri is poor." Zitsu's words catch her off guard "We have enemies above us, to the west, the Wild Lands to the east, and infighting within. Kiri has no allies and no partners for trade."

Pakura listens to his words as they reach the central building. The ninja staff give her strange looks but ignore her once they see she is with Zitsu.

Ignoring everyone he heads towards the plateau. Morning has already passed and Taisho is already outside practicing.

"This is basically my personal space." Zitsu's gestures at the flat mountaintop. "Your skills are too great, so I will use you to temper my men."

Hearing his words Pakura frowns "Why would I help train ninjas from a village that isn't allied to Suna?"

"Because Instructor Pura, don't you want to go home?" His brows raise "If you help me I will tell you the perfect time to go home and give you a comfortable place to rest till then"

"When?" Pakura's eyes widen.

"Ten years!" Zitsu spreads all his fingers wide. "In ten years your village will need you." Zitsu smirks "So just enjoy your vacation till then, I promise you your village will be okay."

As he finishes his words he begins heading towards the training center.

Walking inside he sees everyone practicing. Emina struggles to take steps and Cho and Eminu are running with their swords.

Pakura glances at the kids for a moment before looking at Zitsu "Ten years, are you sure?" Her brows knit so tight they almost touch.

Zisu reaches into his sleeve and pulls out a key. "This is for room 3-B in the other building." As she catches the key he walks forward and claps his hands.

"Everyone I got a new instructor for you guys. Attack her life your life depends on it, get as much combat experience in a safe environment as you can."

"Free me smelly guy!" Emina slurs her words.

"Don't free her till she learns to control her body" He ignores her completely and speaks to Pakura.

"Her name is Pura and she will get you battle ready" Looking around he can see only Chojuro is anxious. Nodding his head he turns to leave.

"Make sure you keep your word." Pakura looks at his back as he leaves. Turning towards the other kids she thinks for a moment. They look around the same age, if not older, but their temperaments cannot even be compared. Just looking at the aura around Zitsu you can tell he has been in many battles and taken many lives, but these kids still have their innocents.

"Maybe the Mist really is changing." Pakura mumbles to herself as she walks forward. "Ok, guys lets get started."

Zitsu leaves the plateau and heads straight for Mei's new office. Zitsu doesn't even knock and heads straight inside.

"Ao send messages to the clans, tell them we have a new Mizukage and we want to talk, send messages to all of them. Those who don't show for talks will be our enemies"

"Alright, no problem." Ao nods and begins heading towards the door. As he sees zitsu his Byakugan activates against his will.

"My God!" Ao takes a few steps back as his face begins to distort "Zitsu Is that really you?" With his Byakugan he can see the dense chakra filling his body, ready to burst at any moment.

"Hahaha" Zitsu smiles "You see the problem yes?"

Ao nods "Your spiritual chakra is too great, your physical chakra, your body can't contain it all, it looks like you are about to burst.

"Zitsu what does he mean?" Mei frowns.

Zitsu glances at Ruma standing in the corner for a moment before looking at Mei. "Samehada assimilated the three tails chakra into itself, effectively becoming a tailed beast weapon. I am Its host per say."

Mei's eyes narrow as she hears his words.

"Samehada and I are one in the same now, it is an extension of my body." Zitsu pauses "Because we are the same I'm slowly turning into a human tailed beast, but my body is not strong enough."

Mei begins to breathe heavily. "So what does that mean?"

"Unless I can balance the chakra in my body I will die soon. Because of my age, my physical chakra is limited by my body." Zitsu finally understands. It wasn't that he was limited to five hundred chakra a year as a restriction, it's because that's all his body could handle at that moment without putting himself at risk.

Mei rises to her feet as she slams her hands down, her face twisting in fury. "Why would you do something so stupid?!? There's a reason tailed beast rampage! They can't control their power!" Tears begin to gather in the corners of her eyes.

Zitsu glances at Ao for a moment.

Ao nods in understanding "Come Ruma, we have things to do."

"Yes Captain Ao" Feeling the awkward situation Ao and Ruma leave the room.

Mei and Zitsu stand alone in the Hokage's office. One calm in the face of death and the other crying in rage.

Zitsu closes his eyes as he listens to her heavy breathing. "The man who controlled the Mizukage is paranoid. Until he knows why he failed he won't make a move, he'd rather play the fool in plain sight until he knows he can win."

"Why bring this up now?! What about your situation??" Mei slams her palm on the table again.

Zitsu shakes his head "Because I won't be here to help you in your most difficult time."

Mei wipes her eyes "You're dying and you still want to run around?!"

"Haaa" Zitsu releases a long breath. "This is my only chance to live." Opening his eyes he looks at Mei. "My Clone will be here in a week, it's bringing along one of the greatest ninja prodigies the world has ever seen. But you must have a lookout at the port when he arrives because he doesn't know I'm leaving."

Reaching into his sleeve he pulls out a scroll containing the other six swords. "Hold onto the swords, the others will be ready to practice with them soon, I got Pakura to train them."

"You still haven't said where you are going!"

"I need to balance the chakra in my body." He flashes Mei a bright smile "I know you will be a great Mizukage, work on unifying the mist first, don't worry about an alliance with the other countries, we are too poor right now and will be taken advantage of."

As he finishes speaking he begins making hand seals.

"Zitsu why are you talking like I'll never see you again! Where are you going?!?" Mei rushes from behind the desk.

"I don't know, but I'll return as soon as I can." As Mei moves he slams his hand onto the ground.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

Mei reaches the spot he was standing, but he's already gone. Her grip tightens as she remembers his last words. "I won't let the Mist fall behind." Remembering his smiling face she can't help but put on a bitter smile.

"Till we meet again." Looking at the spot a moment longer she returns to her desk.

Zitsu feels his body traveling through space, it only lasted for a brief moment but the feeling is indescribable and complex, like the world is folding on top of you. The next thing he knows he finds himself standing waist deep in slimy green water

Light mist kisses the surface of the water with massive roots from towering willows penetrating its depths. Lanky limbs filled with leaves hang from above as they form curtains of green obstructing his view.

Looking at the maze of tree roots Zitsu sends out a chakra scan, covering over 80km. The results cause his face to pale.

"Where am I?!?" Before his words can even fall a dragonfly the size of an SUV burst forth from the curtain of leaves. Each flap of its wings like a roaring chainsaw.

Its mouth clicks and grinds as it shoots towards Zitsu Like a bullet.

Reacting as fast as he can he pulls Samehada from his back. Chopping the blade down it collides with the head of the dragonfly. The sound of smashing rocks fill the area as Zitsu is blasted from the water.

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"You gotta be kidding me?!" The impact from the ram knocked him back over thirty meters and sends a numbing sensation up his right arm.

Gripping the sword with both hands a dark blue cloak surrounds his body and chakra fins protrude.

The dragonfly speeds towards him as he lifts the blade above his head.

"CHOP!" His sword leaves a trail of blue as it swings down when the dragonfly gets in range.

The sword collides with the head of the dragonfly again, but this time three blades of chakra fan out as it makes contact, cutting the dragonfly in three.

"Its exoskeleton is so hard! I can't shave it at all so Samehada's scales are useless." As if his voice was a curse, ten more dragonflies burst through the leaves.