Great Sage

The sound of the approaching dragonflies blends together, sounding as though a fleet of fighter jets are trying to intercept his location.

Before he can even react the water explodes beneath the dragonflies. A dark green creature filled with sharp jagged teeth arcs from inside the water and surrounds three of the large bugs.

The mouth of the creature closes so fast the air bursts into a frenzy from the void left behind. The sound of smashing rocks fill the swamp as the bodies are crushed between the creature's jaws.

Seeing their friends killed without resistance the other seven scatter in all directions.

Looking closely Zitsu can see that it was only the head of this creature that shot up from the water. The head alone is the size of a small house with a long snout.

Zitsu is petrified as he sees the massive jaws crunching the shells Samehada couldn't scratch.

Suddenly the creatures head turns to the side as its large reptilian eyes glance at Zitsu.

Beads of sweat forms on his brow as he grips his sword.

"Kid" A grisly voice causes the mist to clear and water to ripple. "How long are you going to stand on my back?" Suddenly Zitsu's world begins to shake as his body rises into the air.

The water parts as his huge body rise from the swamp, covered in mud and moss. Waterfalls form on the side of its body as it pours back into the swamp.

Zitsu finds himself standing on the dark green hide of a beast the size of a jumbo jet. As the mud falls it reveals rows of bumps like rolling hills on the creatures back. Its four legs as thick as pylons look as though one casual scratch would decimate any ninja.

Before he can even move a tail as wide as a road, as thick as a building, and as long as its body rises from the water. Every flick of the tail causes a sonic boom, one hit enough to end his life.

Zitsu leaps from the creatures back as quick as he can, landing on the surface of the water.

"I didn't mean to be rude, my mistake." Zitsu looks at the large eye of the colossal crocodile.

The slit in the crocodile's visible eye narrows as it sizes up Zitsu. "I felt your arrival little ninja, the summoning jutsu brought you to my swamp. Because you didn't intrude knowingly I won't kill you, but leave now."

Zitsu takes a deep breath "If you force me out I'll die, I need your help!"

"Ohhh? I tell you to leave and you stay. You need my help but offer nothing in return?" He flicks his tail down, smashing it into the water.

Water and mud erupt like a volcano in all directions. Swinging Samehada he deflects the large clumps of mud flying towards him, but the force of the waves still knock him back.

[Health 218/230]

"Child not only do you not listen but you are arrogant." His colossal body curls as its snout face Zitsu in the water, its large eyes barreling down on him.


"Kid did you really think I wouldn't kill you?!?"

The air from his voice causes Zitsu to slide backward on the surface of the water.

Zitsu's face hardens as he looks into the eyes of the beast. "I need your help to absorb Natural Energy, if you won't help me then we might as well fight to the death!" Gripping Samehada his eyes narrow.

"Ok kid, I can sense the perilous state of your body. Without Natural Energy to balance the rampaging spiritual chakra in your body, you will probably explode in three days or so."

Zitsu's eyes gleam "So you will help me?"

"Scufff" The crocodile blows air from his nose "I'm giving you a chance to help us, not the other way around." The Crocodile opens his mouth wide as he roars.

"Come my children!"

[Health 165/230]

The sound causes his vision to shake and ears to bleed. He stumbles backward as the water quakes around him.

Soon over a dozen crocodiles of various sizes rise from the water. "Kurokodairu-sennin!" They all bellow at the same time.

The giant Crocodile looks around "Kurokoyami go with this human child to the Dragonfly nest towards the west, and exterminate it!"

"Yes, Grandfather!"

As he rapidly heals his ears the faint sound of a young voice draws his attention. On the back of a crocodile the size of a bus is a young crocodile the size of an adult man.

The crocodile Kurokoyami begins waddling to the side and flops into the water. As it surfaces it swims towards Zitsu.

"Clear out the nest human, those flies are encroaching on my land so show them no mercy. You only have a couple days before your death, so you better move fast." The corners of Kurokodairu-sennin snouts curve a bit as his body begins to sink into the water.

Besides Kurokoyami all the crocodiles sink into the swamp.

"Common kid let's go!" The young crocodile begins swimming away with only the top of its head and back exposed.

Zitsu attaches Samehada to his back and begins to run. "Kurokoyami is it? How old are you, aren't you a kid too?"

"Huhuhu" The crocodile begins to laugh "In front of the elders I'm but a young hatchling, but to you, I'm a fifty-three-year-old elder!"

Zitsu purses his lips, no matter this life or his last this croc is older than him.

Running through the swamp he sees large frogs sitting on giants lily pads, fish fleeing in fear, varies large bugs crawling along the trees, and birds killing them all.

"What's this place called anyway?" Zitsu glances at the croc next to him

"This is Shikogabana Swamp, home of the Crocodile Grand Sage." The croc opens his snout. "But Grandpa is too nice so these dragonflies are invading our territory!"

"How many are there?" Zitsu's brows furrow.

"Hehehehehe" He glances at Zitsu "Grandpa may be nice, but I don't think he likes you!"

Zitsu Narrows his eyes, normally he only keeps his chakra scan to 1 KM around him to avoid overloading his mind, but after hearing his words he expands it the full 80 KM.

"Seriously?!" Around 20 KM ahead of them, Zitsu can sense hundreds of chakra signatures.

"Hehehe good luck kid!" The crocodile speeds up.

"Aren't they worried about your safety?" Zitsu speeds up to keep up with the croc.

"Ha! This is my swamp! Those Dragonflies can't even break my hide!"

Hearing the smugness of his voice Zitsu shakes his head.

After running for a bit they arrive at a thick curtain of leaves. Pushing them aside reveals a large area encircled by trees. Hundreds of dragonflies fly from the different nest attached to the roots of trees or stand on the surface of the water.

Besides all the adult dragonflies, the water is filled with Dragonfly Nymphs and cocoons attached to the trees.

If these dragonflies weren't the size of trucks this place would look like a paradise.

"Ok, go wipe them out!" Kurokoyami's voice comes from behind him.

Looking at the crocodile he can swear it's smirking at him.

"Watch and learn little croc" Zitsu begins running up a tree a bit further away.

Looking at him running up the tree the croc shakes his head "Still doesn't understand grandpa sent you to your death."

As Zitsu gets higher up the tree he begins leaping from branch to branch towards the Dragonfly habitat. He runs up a few more KM before finally stopping. On his way up he saw no birds or other insects, concluding they were cleared out by the Dragonflies.

Looking at the unaware creatures below Zitsu smiles. He made sure to not get close to them to avoid being sensed by their Natural Energy. Pulling Samehada from his back he takes a deep breath.

"Ok buddy, let's do it." He points Samehada towards the location with the most Dragonflies.

Suddenly Samehada opens its mouth and Zitsu begins pumping chakra through the sword. As the mouth opens wider red and blue orbs of chakra begin to gather before it, forming a small orb.

[Chakra 71248/81248]

His chakra rapidly drains as Samehada and the Bijuu Bomb gets bigger and bigger. Gripping the sword with both hands his eyes begin to gleam.

[Chakra 31248/81248]

As the Bijuu Bomb becomes larger than his body the dragonflies finally notice him in the trees above. But at that moment Samehada swallows the orb.


Zitsu lifts the huge sword above his head as dozens of Dragonflies begin flying towards him.

Swinging the sword down he points it at the approaching bugs


Samehada opens its mouth wide and a dense blue beam of pure chakra burst forth. As it passes by the dozens of dragonflies they're instantly disintegrated.

The beam continues below, hitting the base of a tree with a cluster of nest. A defining explosion fills the swamp as the water and mud are blasted away. With its base completely destroyed the tree begins to topple over.

After expelling all the energy Samehada returned to its normal size. From that one attack, he killed around a hundred Dragonflies, increasing his Ninjutsu all the way to 40.

Attaching Samehada to his back he leaps from the tree and falls along with the collapsing tree towards the water below. Putting his ten points into health and his perk point into Ninjutsu he smiles.

His arms stretch out to his side as each hand individually begins performing hand seals.

"Combination Ninjutsu: Lightning Water Dragon Bullet!"

Taking a deep breath he spits out multiple water dragons shrouded in lightning.