
Water dragons shrouded in lightning rains down from above, bombarding the nest and dragonflies as he falls.

His right-hand grabs samehada while his left forms seals.

"One-handed seals, how glorious!"

The dragonflies scramble as their nest is attacked. The lightning water dragons hits them with the force of a sledgehammer with the lightning frying their innards.

Seeing the person who attacked their nest falling towards the water the hundreds of dragonflies roar in a fury as they begin to charge.

As he arrives before the surface of the water he finishes his seals.

"Water Style: Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave!"

[Chakra 9273/81248]

The water around him erupts into a tsunami traveling in all directions, sweeping up all the dragonflies and Nymphs. As the water spreads it forms a giant dome of water around the dragonfly habitat.

The dense blue chakra cloak surrounds himself and Samehada as the water spreads. Cocking his right arm back he suddenly throws Samehada.

As Samehada shoots through the water the chakra cloak takes on the form of a three-tailed shark covered in thick scales with a tint of red as it slowly returns to its original size.

Samehada roars as it rapidly approaches a dragonfly, opening its mouth wide, displaying not only its own teeth but rows of teeth made of dense water as well. Biting into the dragonfly it rips into its exoskeleton in seconds as it furiously shakes its head from side to side. Throwing away the corps it heads towards another.

Because these bugs are filled with Natural Energy it absorbs nothing.

After throwing Samehada, Zitsu's chakra cloak begins to flicker with Lightning.

"Super Saiyan!"

Using his chakra fins he flies through the water towards the dragonflies as they try and escape. They can't swim so they can't move very fast in the water, but the nymphs live in water and are able to flee so he targets them first.

"Chidori" Lightning flickers in both his hands as he charges through the water. Due to his fins, he can maneuver easily as he pierces through the bodies of the creatures.

The dragonflies look in fury but can do nothing but run as they can't fight under water.

Zitsu has to constantly swim to the top of the dome to breathe, but for twenty minutes Zitsu and Samehada go on a rampage slaughtering over two hundred creatures.

[Chakra 1427/81248]

The dome collapses as his chakra runs low and Samehada returns to him. Because Samehada is connected to him on a deeper level every attack it performs gave him experience as well.

[Taijutsu 41, Ninjutsu 42, Genjutsu 31]

Holding Samehada in his hand he looks at seven dragonflies hovering above him. He smiles as he places 20 points into HP and his two perks into [Reduce Cost of Genjutsu by 2%] and [Increased Reality of Genjutsu by 5%].

"No hard feeling right? Guys?" Zitsu blinks slowly as he looks at the bugs above.

"AhhhRaa!" The Dragonflies scream as they charge.

His left hand begins to quickly forms seals as he holds up Samehada. As the dragonflies draw near he finishes the jutsu.

"Lightning Style: Lightning Illusion!"

[Chakra 1364/81248]

A bright white light radiates from his body and envelops the dragonflies. As the light fades Zitsu leaps towards the dragonflies, swinging down his sword.

The legs of the dragonflies pierce forward like sharp stakes but pass straight through his body. The dragonflies are thrown into confusion for a brief moment.

[Genjutsu 33]

Zitsu appears behind one of the flies like a mirage, swinging down his lightning clad Samehada.

As the blade hits the bug its entire body lights up like a bulb. Because its body is wet the lightning easily penetrates its hards shell and travels towards its innards, frying it alive.

"Six left." Zitsu smile as he points two of the fingers from his left hand at a dragonfly.

"Chidori Spear." A beam of lightning as thick as his arms shoots from his fingertips.

Caught off guard from his appearance the dragonfly can't dodge as the beam pierces its body. Before the bug can even fall thirty spears of lightning erupts from the inside, thoroughly killing it.

"Woops, only five." Zitsu Smirks towards the remaining bugs.

"KILL THE HUMAN!" The last five rush Zitsu.

Kurokoyami eye slits narrow as he watches Zitsu slay the least of the bugs. "Grandpa you were wrong this time" He shakes his head as he sinks into the water till only his eyes are revealed. It only takes Zitsu a couple minutes to finish off the last of the dragonflies and approach him.

"Why do you have so much chakra?" The words come out without him even realizing it.

Zitsu glances at the croc's head floating in the water. "Because, I want to be the very best." He slowly shakes his head "Like no one ever was." As the last word falls Zitsu begins walking away.

Kurokoyami stares at his back for a moment "So cool." He whispers to himself as he speeds after him.

"What's with that sword?"

"What's the outside world like?"

"So humans can't naturally gather Natural Energy? Everything in the swamp has it."

"Where do you live?"

For some reason, Zitsu was bombarded with questions the whole way back. In exchange for answering them, he got to ride on the crocs back.

Hearing his grandsons nagging return the Crocodile Great Sage rises from the water.

"Returned so soon? I figured you would give up after seeing their sheer numbers, considering you struggled with one earlier." The corners of the giant croc's snout curves upward as it looks at Zitsu.

Before Zitsu can even open his mouth Kurokoyami begins speaking.

"Grandpa he killed them all! You should have seen it. First, it was all shooom then boooom then he jumped and went bam! They couldn't stop him after that! He swam around and went swosh slash stab! The water ran green with their blood! The seven elders were left but with a bam zzzzt they were done for!"

He fires off the entire story in one breath, but surprisingly the Great Sage understood it all.

"It would seem I underestimated you Human child. I thought you had massive spiritual chakra but was unable to wield it." His voice sounds full of regret as he talks to Zitsu.

"I am confident I won't fall behind unless it's a contest of physical strength." Zitsu nods his head in confidence.

"So you want to be a Crocodile Sage, I must warn you it's not easy and you could die."

"I have no other choice." Zitsu shakes his head gently.

"Very well. Sit perfectly still in my mouth. To absorb Natural Energy you have to become one with nature, and you need to be still to accomplish this without training. When you accomplish that step I will breathe Natural Energy into my mouth for you to absorb."

Zitsu nods his head. He's not worried the crocodile will eat him because it doesn't need to trick him in the first place to do so.

"Practicing in my mouth is for your own safety, if you absorb too much Natural Energy and overpower your chakra you will transform into a statue, but inside my mouth, I can suck the energy from your body if you are in danger."

As he finishes speaking it opens its huge mouth wide.

Looking at the teeth that could shred him apart he flinches a bit before jumping inside. Stepping on the soft floor of his mouth is a weird feeling and the smell is quite unpleasant but he bears it. Taking Samehada from his back he sits down cross-legged and places it on his lap.

The Crocodile's mouth closes as it slowly sinks into the swamp.

Seeing his grandfather submerging Kurokoyami does the same.

Birds caw in the distance and bugs scuttle in the trees, but the swamp regains its calm.

A week passes by as a boat pulls into the Kiri port. A woman in her late twenties and two children step off the boat. The woman and one of the children can't help looking around as this is all new to them.

"Zitsukani the Mizukage wants to see you immediately!"

Before Zitsu can even say anything a young ninja stands before him.

"Mizukage?" Zitsu's face hardens as he hears this, what could Yagura want with him?? This can't be good.

"Yume, Haku, let's go." Waving his hand he begins to walk.

"Is something wrong with our arrival Zitsu." Yume's brows begin to furrow in worry.

Zitsu thinks for a moment before he shakes his head "No it should be ok." Even though he says that he can't help but worry, what did the real him do?

Haku and Yume heads are constantly swiveling around as they walk through the village. Yume is a little better but Haku has never left the little town before and this is the first big village he has ever seen.

During the trip, Yume taught everything she knew of ice release to Zitsu and Haku, but even though she was born with the Kekkei Genkai her control was poor and she couldn't do much. Zitsu already knew Haku's jutsu and the special hand seals to perform them so he wasn't worried about teaching him in the future.

Arriving outside the Mizukage's door he asks Yume and Haku to wait. Taking a deep breath he opens the door.

"Lord Mizukage I have arri" Before he can even finish he sees Mei sitting behind the desk with a frosty look on her face.

"Close the door." Her voice carries a murderous air.

Quickly closing the door he looks into her cold eyes "Mei?!? Mizukage?!?!"