
Seeing the confusion on the clones face Mei sighs. "When were you created clone, what do you know?"

"Uhh" The clone thinks for a moment, unsure of what's going on. "I was created on the boat ride back from the war."

Mei shakes her head and begins to fill him in on everything that's happened.

Hearing the story the clone's mouth hangs open.

"Now, tell me where you went!" Mei's eyes narrow.

"Well, the reason I was so cryptic is probably that the hope of success was so low." the clone's face distorts as he thinks about it. He looks Mei in the eye "I don't know where I went, but the objective is obvious. Until my body becomes strong enough the only thing that can offset the spiritual chakra is natural energy."

The clone takes a deep breath "I either become a Sage or die."

Mei's eyes open wide but the clone suddenly raises his hand. "Believe in me." Seeing the hesitation still on her face he continues "Then Believe in the me that believes in me"

"What?" One of Mei's brows rise.

Seeing this the clone can't help but smile. Walking forward he moves to give her a hug, but suddenly he finds a hand in his face.

"You're not him, who do you think you're trying to touch?" Her brows furrow "I see you came back with a woman as well, who is she?"

Backing up the clone mouth drops open a bit, isn't this clone discrimination? "She's Yume, the mother of Haku. They are from the Yuki clan and I want Haku to be one of the seven ninja swordsmen, wielder of Nuibari."

"Oh? Do you now?" Opening a drawer she pulls out a scroll and waves it at the clone "Do you have my permission for that?"

"You, you have the swords?" The clone clicks his tongue "Well, like you said, that's for you and main body to decide."

"I'm joking" She throws the scroll to the clone. "You left a message for yourself, he said it's up to you now."

Hearing her words the clone's face turns serious as his grip tightens around the scroll.

Seeing his face Mei can't help but frown "What are you planning?"

The clone smiles wryly "Stirring up a lot of trouble." his brows furrow "A lot of trouble."

She slowly rises to her feet as she bites her teeth. Placing her hands on the desk she leans forward to look him in the eye. "I don't know what you're planning but don't cause the Mist any trouble."

The clone just smiles at her. Even though his feeling for her are real, she seems to be directing her animosity at him for some reason.

Mei sighs as she sees his face "Go, I won't keep you."

"Don't stress yourself, Mei" Giving her one last look the clone leaves the room.

"Everything ok?" Yume looks at Zitsu with a face full of worry.

"Great, things seem to be better than I thought actually." Zitsu flashes her a smile before walking away.

"Is this where we're going to live mom?" Haku looks at his mother as she grips her hand.

Yume smiles sweetly as she ruffles his hair and pulls him along.

Walking through the plateau the clone arrives before Zitsu's apartment. His face goes blank when he realizes he doesn't have the key. Coughing quietly he knocks on the door.

Yura opens the door to see Zitsu and two strangers. Looking at Zitsu she frowns "Why do you keep disappearing without telling me where you're going?!?"

The Clone's mouth hangs open for a bit, why did main body screw him over so much?!?

"Mom we have guests!" Avoiding the question he gestures at Yume and Haku.

Yura's face twists into a smile as her delicate hand extends to Yume "How rude of me. I'm Yura, Zitsukani's mother."

Shaking her hand Yume can't help but smile after finally talking to someone her own age after traveling with two children. "I'm Yume, and this is my son Haku. You raised a good son, he is a great person that saved our lives."

Hearing the praise Yura stands a bit straighter "Don't just stand there come in come in."

Walking inside Yume and Haku look around the spacious apartment.

"Mom I wonder if Yume can stay in the spare room and Haku can room with me."

Yura glances at the beautiful woman and doll-like child before smacking her lips. "Does Mei know about this?"

"Of course." The clone lies without blinking. You think you are the only one who can cause trouble, main body?

"Good!" Yura smiles before pulling Yume's hands "I don't know what, but I can tell your mind is heavy. There aren't many adults around here so having you around will liven the place up." She glances at Zitsu "Some people like to leave their mothers all alone for extended periods of time."

Yume smiles "That sounds great." The corners of her eyes moisten "I wouldn't know what to do without you and Zitsu."

Seeing this the clone pulls Haku by the arm and leaves the apartment.

"Where are we going brother Zitsu?" Haku's big brown eyes look at him full of expectation.

"To meet some other kids."

"There's a kid!" Haku points at Taisho.

Looking over he sees Taisho training. The clones brow furrows as he sees this, what is he doing all alone?

"Taisho!" The clone yells as he begins pulling Haku in his direction.

Taisho flinches as he sees Zitsu approaching "Whh, what?!? I've just been training on my own" He begins to back up "I haven't gone inside the center!" His face begins to warp in fear.

The clones face goes blank again. What is this kid talking about? "Err, good job? Keep up the good work!" The clone quickly nods and begins pulling Haku towards the training center before the confusion on his face shows.

Taisho's eyes brighten as his cheeks turn flush. Gripping his fingers tightly he begins training his body even harder with renewed vigor.

Walking into the Facility he's greeted with the sight of Chojuro, Emina, and Eminu battling a woman with solid blue hair and eyes.

The woman glances at him and her face instantly distorts. Deflecting the three oncoming blows she rushes at the clone.

"How dare you disappear without a word after dumping me here!"

Once again the clone's mouth hangs open, worst yet he doesn't even know who this girl is.

"Wait! I can explain!" The clone holds up his hand to stop her. He doesn't know who she is, but just based on her chakra levels she is a top class ninja. Thousands of thoughts run through his head at once before he finally arrives at a conclusion.

Her clothes and face have changed a bit and her hair is a different color, but the only female the Main Body could have met since their separation of this level is Pakura.

"Pakura" The clone whispers as she draws closer.

"I'm Pura now." Pakura frowns as he tries to blow her alias. "Do you think this is a game? I have no idea where I am and you just abandoned me with a room key. Where was I supposed to get food and things I needed to live?! I can't just wander around Kiri. When I looked for you, your mother told me you never came home! Luckily she helped me!"

Hearing this the clone begins gnashing his teeth. It's settled, he needs to get stronger, because when main body returns he will fight him to the death! "It's him or me!"

"What?" Pakura's brows furrow.

"I said this is Haku, a prodigy of the ice element. Haku introduce yourself!"

"Hi big lady I'm Haku!" He holds up five fingers "I'm five."

Pakura looks at the doll before her before turning to Zitsu.

At this time the other three arrive.

"Smelly guy I already beat your dirty trick!" Emina puffs out her flat chest, but her eyes suddenly catch sight of Haku "Oh wow! She looks just like a doll!" Completely forgetting Zitsu she rushes towards Haku.

Even Eminu's eyes light up when she sees Haku and rushes over.

As the twins poke and prod him, Haku begins to giggle "Big sisters I'm a boy!"

"Awww!" Emina begins squeezing him in a hug as Eminu pokes his cheeks.

"Zitsu whos that?" Chojuro's eyes go wide with excitement from meeting a new kid in such a long time.

"He's one of us, but he will minor in Kenjutsu and Major in Ninjutsu." He turns towards Pakura "Pak, Pura can you continue their training from before, I have things to teach Haku."

Pakura just nods before walking back into the pool. As she claps her hands Chojuro, Emina, and Eminu to turn stiff before their faces twist in pain. Grabbing their weapons they charge Pakura.

It only takes the clone a moment to find out the reason for their faces, every time they made a mistake she would hit them with the wooden rod she's using as punishment.

"Come Haku" Walking towards the edge of the pool he begins to teach Haku water walking. He wanted to teach him on the boat ride over but his mother was afraid of him practicing in the middle of the sea.