
Training Haku was easy, show the kid something once and he would learn after a few tries. He wanted his chakra capacity to increase so the first jutsu he taught him was the water clone jutsu.

As he was teaching Haku water clone jutsu everyone gathered to learn, even Pakura as he forgot water clone jutsu was a secret technique of the mist. The Sand Village specializes in wind and puppets so clone jutsu is rare there.

The Clone didn't mind and taught them all. As he was teaching, he realized Main Body never tried to improve the water clone jutsu. Kisame was able to get it to 30%, and because of his perks, his was at 14%.

Haku learned the jutsu before anyone else. To test his talent the Clone tasked him with making the clone out of ice, to create the ice clone jutsu. It took the other kids a few days to learn, but this made the clone realize their Ninjutsu practice has been ignored. The most important thing in Ninjutsu is imagination. If you can't even picture the technique all the molded chakra in the world can't create it.

For the remainder of the month, he taught them various water style jutsus as all of them had affinity with water nature transformation. Emina had dual affinity of water and fire and Eminu had dual affinity for water and earth.

Thinking it was too much for them he just focused on water for both. After learning new jutsu they would use Pakura to practice, but she didn't complain as she was stealing jutsu for free.

During the month Haku was able to create the ice clone. The ice clone had a greater physical defense than his real body but only moved at half the speed. Remembering speed was Haku's greatest weapon he focused on improving that.

Because the Clone was there to heal them everyone pushed their training to the extreme.

Even the clone was practicing, able to increase the water clone to 18% in a month by increasing the density of the water.

In March the jutsu he taught Haku was the water senbon jutsu, but his goal for him was to only use one hand to form the seals. He knew Haku had the talent so he decided to push him a bit.

During March he gave Kiba to Emina and Kubikiribocho to Eminu to practice with. He didn't give Chojuro Shibuki because that sword is too dangerous and just using a greatsword is ok at this point.

Seeing him casually pull out the seven treasured swords of the mist completely stunned Pakura. Having Samehada was one thing, but all seven was something else entirely. During March the new Mizukage came to visit her in the training facility.

Telling her Suna announced her death at the hands of Iwa ninjas. Iwa denied it but battles still broke out in the Stone Country bordering the two. Pakura gave a nasty look at Zitsu but he assured her it would be ok.

Mei didn't treat the clone as cold as before, but only ever had small talks about the development of the village. The civil war is at a cease-fire and the heads of the clans and big families will meet with her in mid-April.

In the middle of March Mangetsu came looking for him.

"I'm here, just like you asked." Mangetsu looks the Clone in the eye. Mangetsu is twelve this year, so his height completely dwarfs Zitsu now by an entire foot as he hits puberty.

Behind him is a four-year-old kid who looks just like Mangetsu.

The clone is stunned for a moment as millions of ideas run through his head. Why would he ask Mangetsu to come here? As he thinks about it, there could only be one reason.

Seeing the small Suigetsu the clone can't help but smile. "I asked you here today because I know your dream is to be one of the seven swordsmen."

"What of it? The swords are gone and I have a new dream now." Mangetsu frowns.

The corners of the clone's lips curl "Mangetsu you are a prodigy of the sword, no one can deny that."

Mangetsu's brow begins to wrinkle.

"The Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist died in the land of fire" A smug smile appears on his face as he pulls a scroll from his sleeve. Unrolling the scroll a bit reveals a puff of smoke. Reaching in with his hand the Clone pulls out the sword Hiramekarei.

Seeing this Mangetsu's eyes widen as a smile creeps on his face.

Throwing the scroll back into his sleeve and further into his inventory the Clone looks at Mangetsu. "Like I said, the seven swordsmen died, so I'm going to form a new group." The clone pauses.

"We shall be called the Shichibukai! the seven warlords of the sea!" The Clone's eyes glow as he holds Hiramekarei's dual handles. Suddenly the large blade is shrouded in a blue chakra cloak as he pumps in chakra.

Pulling his hand apart the sword splits into two identical swords. "What do you say Mangetsu? Do you want to join my group?"

Mangetsu goes quiet for a moment "Are there any restrictions?"

Zitsu nods "Train with us, and accomplishing missions of my choosing in the future."

Mangetsu looks at the sword as he slowly nods his head "That's no different from before."

Hearing his answer the clone throws both parts of the same swords towards him. As if they were attracted to each other, the swords pull towards each other and recombine in the air.

Catching one of the handles Mangetsu swings the sword, relishing in the feeling of holding the blade.

"Brother I want to try!" Suigetsu holds out his hand in expectation.

"No, if you get hurt I'll be the one who gets in trouble."

Seeing this the Clone can't help but think of the ruthless killer from the series.

"I'll take my brother home first then come back." Gripping the sword tight Mangetsu turns to leaves with his brother.

Walking back inside the Clone continues to teach Haku and improve the Water Clone Jutsu.

With Zitsu and Pakura working together to teach the four kids their growth explodes.

He didn't know what Main Body was thinking, but at the beginning of April he removed the seal from Taisho and gave him Kabutowari. At the rate the other kids were improving he would be left behind completely.

Mangetsu joined everyone in practice. With Mangetsu, Emina, Eminu, Taisho, and Chojuro they were able to push Pakura a lot harder. As she was facing four of the seven swords she had to concentrate a lot more and in return, the Clone got a bunch of murderous glares.

To not push his luck he had Pakura train with Mangetsu, Chojuro train with Taisho, and the twins battle each other.

In April Mei brought the clone to a meeting. He sat to her right and Ao to her left. In the room, twenty-two Clan and Family heads sat on mats with their aids at their sides.

"Clan and Family heads." Mei is the first to speak. "Too long has the Mist been divided causing us to be a joke before the other four Nations." Her eyes travel over everyone present.

"I won't hide it from you, the last Mizukage was controlled to sow discord in the village! Now is the time to unite and become stronger."

The room fills with murmurs.

"So that means the mist isn't capable of protecting itself, why should we fall under you?" A man with long black hair is the first to speak. "Even the Mizukage was compromised, who knows what else is compromised too?"


Soon voices of agreement filled the room.

"I see." Mei closes her eyes.

Seeing this the man licks his lips before he continues "Maybe if one of us became Mizukage we would be more trusting of the Village."

Opening her eyes she looks around "Does everyone feel like that?"


"We do!

"We as well"

Of the twenty-two clans and families, eight in total agree.

"The new Mizukage is born of a bloodline, proof the mist is willing to change, to no longer prosecute those in its borders."

A different clan speaks up in favor of unity.

Mei glances at the Clone before she releases a long breath. "The nine Clans and Families who don't agree I won't force you."

Hearing her words the man who spoke earlier eyes go wide. The eight who agreed with him all come from Bunar Island to the south. Does this mean they will give the island to them?

"But" Mei continues to speak "It will no longer be a civil war, I, using my Authority as Mizukage proclaim you to be invaders of the land of water." She rises to her feet.

"In agreement with the Water Daimyo all those years ago the Village Hidden in the Mist, Kirigakure will exterminate all foreign ninjas in its lands."

Hearing her words the room goes silent as the man clenches his fist. "We of Bunar Island will pledge alli"

"My first order to you all is to exterminate the invading ninjas on Bunar Island!" Mei cuts off the man's words.

"Yes Mizukage!" twenty-eight voices ring in unison as they all attack the nine ninjas and their aids, easily killing them with numbers.

"The Mist shall be unified! Exterminate Bunar!" As she gives the order everyone begins rushing from the large room, leaving only Mei and the Clone.

"You did good Mei, I'm proud of you." The clone smiles at her.

Looking at the smile her face turns bitter "When will the real you return?"

The clone feels pain in his heart from the sudden rejection "I don't know" He slowly shakes his head as he leaves the room.

Turning to the side Mei's gaze seems to pierce the void "Zitsu, where are you right now?" Thinking about the possibilities brings a smile to her face. She only likes seeing the clone because it confirms Zitsu is still alive. While they may look alike, shadow clones can think and act for themselves, so the things they will say or do will be different from Zitsu. Especially since this Clone was created before their moment in her room, where her feelings were cemented in stone.