
Walking back to the training facility the clone sighs. He understands why Mei is treating him like this, but it still hurts.

Walking inside he looks at Mangetsu. "Mangetsu there is an expedition of extermination to Bunar Island, you will go and represent the Shichibukai."

Hearing his words Mangetsu fixes Hiramekarei to his back and nods. "No problem." A smile forms on his face "I've been itching to use my sword in a real battle." Grabbing one of the two handles as he walks says his goodbyes and leaves.

Shaking his head the Clone sighs.

"Whats wrong with you?" Pakura approaches him from the side.

"I don't belong here" looking at everyone practicing for a moment he turns to Pakura "I'm just a clone."

Pakura's brows rise as she looks him up and down "You don't appear to be a water clone."

The Clone smiles wryly "Because I'm a shadow clone." He doesn't even care about his secret, he can't stop thinking of the look of rejection in Mei's eyes. For the clone, all those feeling he had from writing the letters to Mei was met with a cold rejection. He doesn't know how she treated Main Body, but for him, he feels nothing but pain.

Pakura whistles "So you're having an identity crisis?"

"I know who I am." The clone shakes his head "But it's hard staying here long term, as I'm becoming attached. For someone destined to disappear, I don't know what to do."

Pakura looks at the clone for a moment "Just, just do what you want. Like you said, you technically don't have to deal with the consequences."

"Ha" The Clone chuckles "But I don't know when he will be back, and I can't do anything that will disturb his training, even though we are different we are still the same. I can't willingly harm myself, I'm not that crazy."

"Then just do what you want." Pakura flashes him a smile before she ruffles his hair and returns to the water to train the others.

"Should I do it?" The clone mumbles to himself. "No" He slowly shakes his head "I know you wanted to go to the land of fire this December." A sinister smile appears on his face "But you shouldn't have left, why should I intercept Hinata's kidnapper, do battle with the head ninja of Kumo, and steal her eyes?" Rising to his feet he begins walking towards the pool.

"I'm in charge now, and I'll live my limited life to the fullest."

The affair of Bunar Island only took a month, a month to wipe out the ninja clans and families on the island when the rest of the Land of Water worked together. Mangetsu spread the name of the Shichibukai as he revealed his dazzling swordplay, brutally cutting down foes in the field. When he returned the smile never disappeared from his face.

A month after that the Kaguya clan attacked Kiri and were utterly destroyed. Kimimaro is a strong fighter, but due to his Kekkei Genkai, he is destined to die. Neither Zitsu nor the Clone wanted to train a ticking time bomb. Orochimaru should have been discovered and chased out of the leaf village already, so he should pick up Kimimaro soon. He also didn't want to change things in other places too much, besides the Land of Water for now.

Kimimaro is different from Haku, as they can roleplay the Land of Waves mission as to not change the future too much. Based on Main Bodies actions Obito should already be skeptical of the Mist and he already kicked Kisame from the Akatsuki so no telling what happens there.

As December comes he looks to the west. Getting the Byakugan was a major part of his plan for the future, but in order to acquire it, he would need help. Original Mei was supposed to help but he made her the Mizukage too soon, and as a mere Clone, he can't fight Hiashi Hyuga.

Shaking his head he continues to train the others. He had no idea how long Main Body would be gone, but he greatly underestimated it.

The first year Kiri made great progress. Because the other clans officially fell under its banner they practically sent their entire families to the village, causing the village to rapidly expand over the year. Originally Yagura wasn't supposed to die for another eleven years, by that time the Land of Water would be damaged greatly. As it stands now it still has most of its resources and manpower, and most of the ninjas haven't abandoned the village.

With Mei as Mizukage, those from bloodline clans were not feared and completely exterminated. So Kiri's power was preserved.

During the first year, Mangetsu and 'Zitsu' were promoted to Jonin. At that time the seven of them began going on missions together, along with Pakura. Fighting off ninja from Kumo and Konoha who tried to infiltrate and spy on the development of Kiri.

Emina would dance across the battlefield clad in lightning as her twin swords Kiba cut down her pray. Any targets she missed would be cleaved in half by her demonic twin sister Eminu with the butcher's blade Kubikiribocho. Due to their beautiful red hair and brutal killings they were called the Twin Blood Flowers by the other ninjas.

Chojuro became very proficient in the Water Clone Jutsu. Using numbers to overwhelm the opponents the last thing they would hear is an I'm sorry before being blown to smithereens from his Shibuki. Even though his face was apologetic he ended all fights with a swing of his sword. It got to the point everyone stopped apologizing as the words became symbolic of death and destruction.

Taisho moved like he had something to prove. He used his sword Kabutowari like a flail. Holding only the hammer he'd swing the axe around by the connecting chain. With his long arms acting as whips the blade of the axe would come down like a meteor. If you block the axe it's useless, because the hammer will soon drive the blade through all defenses as it strikes down like lightning. With his unhumanly appearance and pale skin, people began to call him the Shinigami.

Surprisingly, Haku was the most proficient of them all. While the others were battling weaker opponents, a six years old Haku was battling Chunin. Teaching Haku Crystal Ice Mirror was easier than he expected, but due to his limited chakra, he can't create many mirrors. Creating a small dome around his opponents he begins jumping from mirror to mirror, eventually creating a maze of steel wires, trapping all his opponents within using the wire of Nuibari. With one pull of the wire, the ninjas will be like puppets attached to a string.

He avoided killing his opponents directly. After binding them together the ice clone would finish the job. This way Haku always thought his hands were clean.

Mangetsu was a slaughtering machine as he fought Jonin on the battlefield, his chakra blade Hiramekarei easily cut down his opponents as the shape rapidly changed. If one prepared to defend a giant hammer strike they would instead find a longsword of chakra cutting them at the waist. With his mastery of water jutsu and the liquefaction technique, he flooded the battlefield to everyone else's benefit.

The Clone just watched the battles with Pakura at his side. Afraid of taking damage and disturbing Main Body.

He would talk to Mei every week, but he could feel the distance between them. She only wanted to see him because he was proof Zitsu was alright.

After an entire year, Pakura became more used to the new environment and was less grumpy during training. The Clone stopped training mostly because he figured whatever he does will be useless to Main Body, so he trained the others.

The only thing he never gave up on was fusing water clones with shadow clones. Humans are made of 75% water, so he figured the jutsus would work perfectly together.

After two years the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist were a thing of the past, and the name Shichibukai spread far and wide. Even though no one ever saw 'Zitsu' wield his sword the respect he commanded from the other six Warlords and his female lieutenant was enough to show his prowess. The thing they remembered most is not the blood from their comrades, but his cold purple eyes as he scans the battlefield, the feeling that he's always under control sent shivers down the spine of all those who managed to escape.

In the three years since Zitsu left, everyone's skills have drastically improved with Pakura and the Clone's training.

Because he has a physical body the clone grew as well and is now ten years old. Even though Mei came to celebrate every birthday with him and his mother, it wasn't the same. His mother couldn't tell but the more time that went by the more she thought of Zitsu and the Clone as different people entirely.

Pakura was the only other person who knew he was a Clone, and he knew she was constantly under the transformation jutsu. Even though he was a Clone she treated him no differently over the years and spending every day together they naturally grew closer as they both shared a secret. He spent many nights talking with her under the stars about her life in the Sand, her family, and her hopes and dreams. Pakura lived a sad life, but she never complained and kept moving forward. Let your troubles blow away like grains of sand in the wind. The Clone began looking forward to the day he left, because every day of his life was full of pain.

He doesn't know how Main Body would react knowing he is developing feelings for Pakura after being shunned by Mei, but he doesn't care. He doesn't dare act on his feeling, but he can't help but enjoy her company more each passing day.

Obito never showed up in the Mist again and Ao constantly scans the village while also being tested himself to make sure everything is safe.

The clone knows Obito is currently gathering members of the Akatsuki with Pain, but there's nothing he can do to stop them.

Touring the growing village he caught a glimpse of a young Zabuza with an even younger Gozu and Meizu. Even though things have changed for the better in the Mist, he still seems to be gathering followers. Gato doesn't take over the land of waves for another six years so Zabuza won't be leaving any time soon.

All he has to watch out for is that Zabuza tries to assassinate the Mizukage before leaving. He isn't sure why Zabuza can't adapt to the changes but he seems as though he just likes to kill.

A total of five years after Zitsu's disappearance, a young man standing at over five feet tall with wavy auburn hair down his back and deep purple eyes suddenly appears in the Mizukage's office. In the middle of his forehead are three small red circles in a triangular formation. Besides the sharkskin sword strapped to his back and brown leather kilt around his waist, he is completely nude.

His pecs sit firmly on his chest and abs ripple down torso. Every muscle from his neck to his toes are so well defined one would think they were carved from stone, his very presence gives off the aura of a wild beast ready to strike.

Stretching out a hand a Kiri headband suddenly appears. As he ties the headband around his neck he can't help but smile.

"Samehada, we're home."