Reunited (And it Feels so Good)

*****Warning XXX Scenes Below*****

"Zitsu" Every letter is filled with intense emotion as it leaves her mouth. He body slightly trembling as tears build in the corners of her eyes. For five years, for five years how she has dreamed of this day.

He takes a step forward "Mei" His voice hoarse as he sees her face. Every step he takes towards her glistening body his heart beats faster. Love and hate, two sides of the same coin. For five years all the clone wanted was her affection, and as he sees the form before him his heart beats furiously in his chest as the two memories combine.

Even though she stands completely nude in the tub their eyes never leave each other, her Jade green into his deep purple.

Her body shakes as she wades through the water towards his approaching figure, her chest rising up and down as she breaths wildly. Her slender arms slowly rise as she reaches out for him as if wanting to confirm he's real.

Even though Zitsu has grown, he is still six inches shorter than Mei. With her height advantage, she reaches him first. Her arms wrap around his neck as she pulls his head into her chest.

His arms wrap around her waist as they hold each other tight. Pushing her back they fall into the warm water of the tub.

Their hair intertwines and their legs twist together as they sink into the water. His head pulls back as he looks at her face. In five years the young girl has become more mature and her looks more refined.

He pulls her closer as their bare skin pressed against each other. Feeling the softness of her chest on his he places his lips on hers. Before, she had the advantage when they kissed, but now his tongue invades her mouth as she caresses it with her own.

His left-hand cradles the side of her head as his right moves onto her hips.

Mei reaches below and tears the Kilt from his waist, completely exposing him. Her left-hand moves to his back as her right hand begins stroking his erect penis.

Feeling her delicate touch causes his whole body to tremble. Leaning back he stands in the tub, his right-hand pulls her up by the ass and she wraps her legs around his waist.

Reaching over with his fingers he begins rubbing the lips of her Vagina.

Her arms wrap around his neck and knocks his headband into the water as she begins to grind against his body, his penis poking her from below as she moves.

Their lips separate as they look each other in the eyes. Seeing the affection in his eyes her left-hand reaches down and aligns his penis with her vagina as she tenderly bites her lower lips.

"Mei, I love you." As the words leave his mouth he slowly lowers her body and his penis penetrates inside her. Her vagina squeezes him tight as if trying to protect itself, but he still slides in slowly.

Her body shakes slightly as a small trickle of blood runs down her thigh. She leans her upper body against his as she begins to move her hips back and forth, thrusting the penis further each time.

After a few seconds, Zitsu thrust his hips forward, penetrating her all the way to the base as their pelvises smack together.

"AhhHa" A moan escapes her mouth as she hugs Zitsu's back, trying to burying her face into his neck to hide her embarrassment.

His hands grab her ass and squeeze tight as the flesh seems to melt between his fingers. He begins thrusting his hips, sending a rhythmic clap of skin throughout the bathroom.

Every thrust Mei continues to moan as her toes begin to curl and her fingers dig into his back.

As he finds his rhythm Zitsu begins to thrust slower at times and faster at others.

"I AhhA, I love Aahaah , you" The words escape her mouth between moans as Zitsu grips her ass even tighter than before as he begins to knead her cheeks.

Zitsu squats in the water to wash the blood off her thigh before stepping out of the tub. Every step he takes he thrust his hips, not even giving her a chance to recover as he walks towards the bed.

Laying her down sideways he lifts her right leg straight into the air as he sits on her left thigh. Thrusting his hips forward he penetrates deeper than before. With every thrust, he can feel the walls of her vagina squeezing him as if trying to crush his penis from all sides. If not for his physical damage resistance perk his penis may have been crushed from how tight her vagina is.

As the walls squeeze him Zitsu hugs her leg as close as he can to his chest while pushing in as deep as he can go.

Suddenly Mei feels a warm substance filling her body. Just when she thinks it's over as he slides from between her legs, he suddenly trusts back in harder than ever as more semen continues to fill her womb. Her eyes begin to roll as he continues to thrust and fill her body, her hands gripping the sheets of her bed tight.

Zitsu cums four times inside her before finally finishing. As he lays on the bed he pulls her tightly into his embrace as he slowly strokes her hair.

Her head rests on his chest as she closes her eyes to enjoy his touch and scent.

"I've missed you." She softly whispers as if afraid someone else might hear. "You up and left as soon as I became Mizukage, it wasn't easy for me these years."

Zitsu continues to stroke her hair as she complains and talks about the hard time she's had these five years bringing the village together, trying to work out trade agreements with other countries, ninjas trying to steal information on them, and the young ninja looking up to her.

Eventually, she stopped speaking as she talked herself to sleep. The whole time Zitsu never said a word and just listened as he strokes her hair. This is what he wanted for five years, be it him or the Clone, just to hold her in his arms.

Zitsu closes his eyes as he checks his stats. He had to leave her alone for five years, but he will make it up to her now.

Level 35

[Health 320/320]

[Chakra 81248/81248]

[Stamina 38/523]

[0 Points]

[PP 0]

[Taijutsu 53, Ninjutsu 51, Genjutsu 48, Senjutsu 21]

[Ninjutsu cost reduced by 10%][Increase Ninjutsu power by 4%][Reduce stamina consumption by 25%][Increase melee weapon damage by 15%][Increase Physical Defence By 25%][Lightning Release][One Hand Seals][Reduce Cost of Genjutsu by 2%][Increased Reality of Genjutsu by 10%][Increase Strength by 10%][Gather Natural Energy 2% Faster][3 Natural Energy Storage Spots]

As it stands, he should be as strong as Naruto when he fought Pain in Sage Mode.

The first day he gathered Natural Energy the Senjutsu perk tree appeared next to his others. Unlike Fuinjutsu, it was different enough from Ninjutsu to get its own tree he assumed.

"It's May, which means it should be happening within the next few months." He whispers to himself. He pushed his training hard these five years so he wouldn't miss this event. It's not the most important thing, but it can change the fate of a lot of people.

His right hand slowly touches Mei's upper back. When he removes his hand the letter Z with surrounded by a circle of symbols appears on her back. The symbol allows him to sense everything within five meters of Mei.

In these five years, Senjutsu isn't the only thing he practiced.

Closing his eyes with a smile, he sleeps for the first time in over seven years while holding Mei in his arms.

His eyes flicker for a moment as he hears noises. As his eyes slowly open the first thing he sees is Mei getting dressed in a mesh shirt and pants. Looking down he sees Samehada laying over his legs.

"Oh, did I wake you?" Mei smiles sweetly at him.

"Your beautiful Mei"

"Haa" She shakes her head "That's not even close to what I asked you, how long are you going to stay there naked?"

"Well, you ripped my only clothes." He smiles playfully as he looks her up and down.

Donning a blue dress that comes to her knees and boots she glances as Zitsu "Just stay here and I'll bring you clothes later, I have a meeting to attend. We have more Elders in the village beside Elder Yan now that the other clans here. If I'm not there all they do is argue." Releasing a long breath she heads for the door.

Before she leaves she pauses and looks back "You better be here when I get back!" Flipping her hair she walks out the bedroom door.

With his seal, he can track her exact location. If her chakra fluctuates abnormally everything within five meters will be transmitted to him. It's not like he's spying on her as the seal does nothing if she's calm, but if she's attacked or attacks he will know.

"Samehada I think she knew what she was doing when she ripped my kilt." He shakes his head "Thinking I can't go running around in the nude."

Samehada begins squirming to the side of his voice.

"Right, she underestimated us." Holding out his hand another Kilt appears. Putting on the kilt he attaches Samehada to his back. Lifting up the mattress he places another Z seal underneath. After grabbing his headband and tying it on his neck he leaves.

His body begins to flicker as he heads to see his mother. It only takes a moment to arrive at the apartment. Pulling out his key he walks inside.

She was shocked at how he looks now but was easily able to recognize her own son.

While hugging her he placed a seal on her back as well. He wanted to place a seal on Yume's back, but hugging her while shirtless would probably make her uncomfortable.

"Ok mom, I'm going to start living with Mei now" Zitsu smiles as he looks at his mother.

Yura's eyes go wide as she looks her son up and down. Her little nose begins to twitch as she smells the air and circles around him.

Zitsu looks at her actions in confusion, is she having a mental breakdown from the news?

She suddenly stops in front of him as a smile forms of her face "I thought you two were fighting, but I'm glad you worked things out. It's a year earlier than I expected but I'd love some cute grandbabies to take care of." She shakes her head "You were off being a ninja while you were so young."

Listening to his mom's words he realizes how much he put her through "Ok mom, I'll try my best." He can't help but agree as he sees the smile on her face. After saying goodbye he walks out the door. As the door closes behind him his body disappears from the spot.

Zitsu reappears in Mei's, his bedroom with a smile on his face.

"It comes full circle, it began with the Flying Thunder God, and now it's mine again."

Leaning Samehada against the wall he lays in bed and awaits her return as the kilt disappears into his inventory.