Causing Trouble

As he lay in bed he was going over the progress of the others from his memory. The fact the clone called their group the Shichibukai was slightly annoying as he knows he wasn't a big fan of One Piece, but it's too late to change now.

He was pleased with the skills and progress of the others, especially Haku. With the constant training, he's already as powerful as he was at the time of his death. In five more years, he can accomplish even more.

After waiting for two hours he realized Mei wasn't coming back any time soon. "Samehada wait here so if Mei comes back she won't think I'm gone."

Hearing his words Samehada wiggles. The kilt appears around his waist as he walks through the bedroom door.

Leaving the house he decides to walk instead of using body flicker. The civilian population of Kiri has tripled as the other clans moved over. Seeing people talking happily in the streets he finds it hard to believe this was the same place in the middle of a civil war a few years ago.

People give him strange looks as he walks around topless and barefoot but he pays them no mind. As he gets closer towards the sea his long hair begins blowing in the wind. Looking at what used to be the simple docks he can't help but be amazed at how far the village has come. Before the path to the docks was a mountains Valley, but now shops and homes line the entire path down as the border of Kiri spreads.

Looking at the stone piers spanning into the sea filled with boats Zitsu pauses. Looking around he spots a middle age man with a clipboard walking around.

Walking over he blocks his path. "Which of these ships are going to the Land of Fire soon?"

The man stops in his tracks as he looks Zitsu up and down. "Outa the way punk, you think because you're a ninja you can push me around?" The man frowns as he looks at Zitsu's shoddy appearance.

Zitsu's hand flashes forward as he rips the clipboard from the man's hands. His eyes begin to scan the pages as he flips through, noticing its a cargo manifest. His hunch that important people carry clipboards proved to be true.

The man didn't even know what happened until he notices Zitsu flipping through the pages. At first, his mind goes blank, but soon his body begins to tremble as his face turns beet red.

"Guards! Guards!" He yells at the top of his lungs causing three young ninjas in their early twenties to run over.

Zitsu glances at the three newcomers before he continues to read.

"Cargo Master whats wrong?" One of the ninjas askes with furrowed brows.

The man raises his trembling finger as he points at Zitsu "Arrest him! I think he's a spy!!"

Hearing his yell in a crowded port causes a lot of heads to turn, a spy in Kiri is no laughing matter.

Zitsu stops flipping through the pages of the documents as his figure begins running down a page. "Found you."

Tossing the clipboard towards the man he turns to walk away.

"Wait right there!" One of the ninjas runs behind him. Reaching out his hand he tries to grab his shoulder. As his hand comes down Zitsu's body leans to the side causing him to miss. The movement was so subtle the ninja momentarily thinks his hand was off course from the beginning.

Seeing that he's still walking away causes his face to contort as people point and laugh at him. "Did you not hear what I said!"

The other two ninjas run ahead of Zitsu, trapping him in a triangular formation.

The ninja behind him draws the sword from his back "Stop and come with us or I'll cut you down!"

Suddenly Zitsu stops as he looks at the three ninjas surrounding him. Seeing the three Kiri headbands on their forehead he can't help but smile. "Ah my Wife, how would you punish me if I killed three of your ninjas?" His shoulders tremble as he chuckles to himself.

Hearing his words causes their brows to furrow, kill them? The other two draw their swords as all three begin to inch closer to him.

"While I'd love to find out, I won't upset you just because they are doing their job." Zitsu slowly shakes his head.

Suddenly the three ninjas lunge forward as they chop down with their swords from three different directions.

Zitsu steps forward as his hands reach for the two blades slashing down at him from the front. Pinching the blades between his thumb and palms he pulls the blades behind him as he continues to walk forward.

The sound of metal clashing rings as the three swords crash and interlock above Zitsu's head, preventing them from completing their attack.

Taking another step Zitsu walks past the two ninjas as he heads towards a ship.

The three ninjas are horrified. To them, all they could see was Zitsu walking forward. As they were about to cut him down their blades were suddenly locked together. The fact he could do that means they wouldn't even know how they lost their lives if he attacked.

The crowd parts for Zitsu as he walks forward, everyone looking as if he was a dead man. To attack Kiri so blatantly, his ending won't be good.

Arriving next to a boat Zitsu touches the hull. According to the documents this boat will arrive in the Land of Fire before the end of the month. He forms the seal as small as he can before removing his hand. As he looks back at the crowd and ninjas slowly approaching him, he disappears.

"Quick, we have to inform the higher-ups of a spy!" One of the ninjas yells as he sprints away.

Arriving back in the bedroom Zitsu stores the kilt into his inventory. Samehada squirms at his return and crawls next to him.

"Still not back?" Zitsu frowns a bit as he sits on the floor. After accomplishing everything all he can do is wait.

Placing Samehada into his lap he begins absorbing Natural Energy into Samehada. If one looked with a microscope they would see the dark green on the tips of the scales slowly spreading upward.

During the five years of training, he learned Samehada's true potential. By infusing it with Natural Energy the weapon slowly transforms into a Sage Weapon. At first, he discovered this accidentally but soon discovered the benefits. The red part of the scales is from absorbing the Three-Tails chakra, and the green is from Natural Energy. When he figured this out he was startled, how could a tailed beast occupy so little of the scales?

If it wasn't for Mei he'd go take the six tails right now, and he promised pakura he wouldn't hurt the sand so one tails is out as well. Even with his new strength fighting Killer B would probably end in his death so the eight and two tails are out.

Take the nine tails from Naruto? He'd be dooming the whole world to destruction. Taking the other half from Minato seems impossible because he doesn't even know how that even works, is the nine tails sealed in the reaper death god?

His only other options are the four tails, five tails, or the seven tails. Samehada doesn't like fire chakra, so attacking Iwa doesn't seem worth it.

Attacking the Waterfall Village as it borders the Land of Fire and capturing a young Fuu seems like his best choice.

"Aren't I basically the Akatsuki now, am I the bad guy?"

As the thoughts run through his head he can't help but smile. Capturing another tailed beast will put an even bigger target on his back, but so what?

After absorbing Natural Energy for five hours he opens his eyes.

The bedroom door bursts open as Mei walks in. "Do you know how many problems you caused me?? First, reports kept coming in about a powerful Genjutsu specialist breaking into my office. Similar reports started coming in later of the same person at the docks going through the cargo manifesto!" Her breathing becomes heavy "They were only a moment away from mobilizing the entire village."

"Oh?" Zitsu's brows rise a bit, even when he was trying not to cause her problems by killing all those ninjas, it still backfired. If he knew that, he would have just killed them.

"Then I had to explain that it was you, but the Anbu and ninjas know who you are and could tell you were a different person with a different chakra signature."

Zitsu rises to his feet with Samehada in his hand "Did you silence them from spreading information?"

"If by silence them, you mean I convinced them it was definitely you and involved SS class secrets then yes." Her eyes go dull as she looks Zitsu's nude body up and down.

Zitsu smiles as he sees her eyes move "Of course that's what I meant, did you bring me some clothes?"

"Tsk" Mei clicks her tongue as he hears his words "Like I'd ever believe that's what you meant." Reaching into her cleavage she pulls out a scroll before tossing it to him.

"I had my attendant buy these for you."

"Ruma?" Zitsu catches the scroll.

"No" Mei slightly shakes her head "Ruma and Ao are my personal guards, my assistant is a young girl named Ruka."

Hearing the name Zitsu frowns as it sounds familiar. Placing Samehada on the ground he begins unrolling the scroll on the bed. As he looks at the Enclosing Formation is hits him.

Quickly turning around he looks Mei in the eye "Is she a medical ninja with dark brown hair?"

Mei's brows raise as she hears his description. "You just described 30% of medical ninjas in our village."

Zitsu's mouth opens a bit as he pours chakra into the scroll to undo the formation.

As the puff of smoke clears away, It reveals his new clothes.