
The Anbu Root members only saw Zitsu when it was too late. Root was composed with some of the most promising ninjas in Konoha, filled with those who had Kekkei Genkai or Secret Techniques. Fu Yamanaka, the most skilled member of the Yamanaka clan born in the last forty years and a sensory genius was one of Danzo's greatest strengths.

But Fu Yamanaka was not a sage. When one's abilities are so overwhelming, they tend to rely on them heavily, which in turn produces weaknesses.

Never did they think someone who could slip past Fu's sensory skills would appear, as the only sage in the five ninja villages was Jiraiya.

Years of waiting, years of planning, all for this one moment. He had gone over this scenario in his head over a million times. His hands moved like lightning. Only one chance, he had only one chance or everything he had worked hard for would be wasted.

Every muscle in his right-hand was pulsating as his veins bulged. His fingers pierced into the bandages on Danzo's face at the same time the Kunai sliced through his right armpit.

Zitsu's fingers stabbed into his eye socket, he had no time for finesse, and completely shattered the right side of his skull as he took the eye. At the same time, the kunai severed the arm in one fell swoop.

From the moment Zitsu appeared till the end, less than a fifth of a second had passed.

"Gha! Protect me!" Danzo yelled in pain as he tried to escape.

By the time Danzo reacted, Shisui's right eye and the Hashirama cell right arm had already vanished.

Zitsu spun around as he threw a kick onto Danzo's back, at the same time his right eye flickered between the surrounding fifteen Anbu Root members.

Danzo flew into the wall of the Uchiha police station like a cannonball, causing the wall of the building to collapse on top of him.

"Lord Danzo!" The root members yelled as they began forming hand seals.

Weather Danzo could survive his full powered kick, he didn't t know nor did he care. Looking at the Root members forming hand seals, they appeared to be moving in slow motion to his Sharingan eye. Looking at their seals and the way they were molding their chakra, he could easily copy their jutsu, but petty tricks were useless in front of absolute power.

"My parting gift." He slapped his hands together.

[Chakra 29347/81248]

[Natural Energy 32462/81248]

His Natural Energy blended together with his Chakra to make it stronger, changing it from a simple Ninjutsu to a Sage Art.

"Sage Art: Great Swamp Explosion."

A user of water jutsu could control a body of water around them to perform Ninjutsu. An expert of water jutsu could mold the chakra in their body to perform Ninjutsu. As a Sage, Zitsu could transform the Natural energy in the very environment into water.

The moment he clapped his hands, the air itself exploded in a five-kilometer radius with Zitsu as the center, turning it into swampy green water, and instantly forming a thirty-two-kilometer swamp around him.

All the members of Root and half the Uchiha grounds were submerged into the murky swamp. The power of the Jutsu was so great even the Hokage's group wasn't spared.

If he wanted, he could easily kill them all now, but that would ruin his future plans.

"Till we meet again Konoha." Turning towards the right, he could sense Itachi heading for him at a rapid speed. A smile appeared on Zitsu's face as he vanishes.

Zitsu reappeared on a tree outside of Konoha. Holding out his hand, Shisui's eye appeared. His right-hand pulled out his current Sharingan and replacing it with a new one.

After healing the nerve, he could feel the same chakra drain as before. Focusing more chakra into the eye, the three tomoe transformed into a four-point pinwheel with a single black dot in the center. As the pinwheel appeared in his crimson iris, he could sense the changes immediately. He could feel the nerves in his retina slowly deteriorating.

"Hmm, strange." Zitsu sat down on the tree limb as the pigment disappeared, and his left eye returned to its violet color.

"So the reason Hashirama Cells prevents the user from going blind is that they naturally replicate and repair the nerves."

Besides Shisui's chakra in the eye, he could sense something trying to escape. With a simple push, he felt as though he could cast it out.

"This must be Kotoamatsukami, what a strange feeling. So this is Dojutsu?" The pinwheel spun as it transformed back into three tomoes.

"Hashirama's cells perform extreme mitosis, causing the deteriorating cells to be replaced. But even this has limits as cells can only replicate themselves so many times and your life will be shortened. To get a Pseudo Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, I will slowly die instead of going blind."

Zitsu scratched his chin as he started to think. "But Hashirama's cells will also extend my lifespan, so the tradeoff is worth it." Rising to his feet, his body turned into a blur as he headed towards the North West.

His speed increased drastically as he could use body flicker to navigate around trees. Getting further from Konoha, he stopped once again as his shirt disappeared into his inventory.

Danzo's right arm appeared in his left hand. He began unwrapping the bandages from the arm, revealing pale skin, and ten Sharingans embedded in the arm.

"Shin Uchiha's arm" Zitsu smiled "I have to thank you Orochimaru, for creating tissue infused with Hashirama's cells that anyone can use without rejection." He began plucking out all the Sharingans from the arm and stored them in his inventory.

Next, a kunai appeared in his right hand, and with no hesitation, he sliced a large square of skin and muscle from the center of his chest.

[Health 307/320]

Zitsu stored the chunk of flesh into his inventory before cutting a chunk of flesh from the arm. After storing the rest of the arm into his inventory, he slapped the chunk of Hashirama's flesh onto his wound.

His hand glowed green as he altered the slab of flesh to fuse with his skin. He could feel a strong chakra pulsating from the flesh, fusing with his own.

The smile on Zitsu's face twisted into a sinister grin. "Hashirama's chakra? Useless. Others may not know, but I do. This chakra, this power, Ashura's chakra is the real benefit from these cells."

[Health 350/350]

After the flesh fused with his body, he could feel the pure lifeforce entering his body, increasing his health. Seeing this, Zitsu frowns. "I never thought about it, but does increasing my health through the system increase my lifespan as well?"

Suddenly, the arm appears in his hand again. Using a kunai he sliced off the fingers and stores them into his inventory.

Jumping from the tree, he landed on the ground. His right hand began performing hand seals and he slapped the ground.

[Chakra 23173/81248]

"Regenerative Healing Jutsu!"

From his palm, a series of symbols spread all around him, forming a large square filled with words and seals and a large four-point star, with him at the center.

Soon, the symbols began to glow as the arm in his left hand was absorbed into his palm.

The purpose of this Jutsu was to use cells from a different part of the body to heal an injury in another. Now that cells from the arm had been fused with his chest, he could use the arm for this jutsu.

With the flesh in his chest as the center, a tiny vein-like system of Hashirama's cells began to spread throughout his entire body. From his head to his toes, leaving not a single part of his body.

Doing this, Ashura's chakra could spread throughout his entire body. The cells twisted through his head and fused with the optic nerves of both of his eyes.

[Health 520/520]

Just like Shisui's chakra in Zitsu's Sharingan, Hashirama/Ashura's chakra also required his chakra to function as well.

"By using this chakra, I should be able to use Wood Release, but it will be weak, as it's not my own." Seeing that earth nature transformation was still locked on his perk tree, he shook his head.

With Hashirama's cells connected to his Sharingan, he could feel the nerves being repaired already, as his body's vitality also increased greatly.

"Just based on this, with Hashirama's cells in Danzo's shoulder, he probably survived my kick."

Removing Samehada from his back, he pulled the baby girl out from its mouth. Attaching Samehada to his back again, he flipped the sleeping girl over in his left hand, exposing her back to him.

A kunai appeared in his hand as he started to cut a small hole in her back. Because she was in a forced sleep, she felt no pain. Placing her in the center of the formation on the ground, he pulled out a finger from his inventory. Slicing flesh from the finger, he began healing the hole in her back.

Placing all five fingers on the formation, he started forming the same Hashirama cell network in her body. Because she was a lot smaller, the fingers were more than enough, and as she grew, so would the cells.

Picking her up with his left hand, his right began performing seals. Touching her back, a seal soon appeared, sealing Hashirama's chakra so it wouldn't go out of control.

Cradling her in his left arm, he poked her in the head to undo the seal that was keeping her asleep as he moved towards the Hidden Waterfall Village.

Editor: Scarlet Goddess