
As he moved, his mesh shirt reappeared on his body. Seeing the naked baby in his arms, he brought out a piece of brown leather from his inventory and wrapped her inside. Even though the seal was removed, the baby girl was still asleep.

"I won't give you a name yet, as whatever I pick would probably upset Mei." Glancing at the girl he frowned "What am I even going to feed you?"

Shaking his head, he flashed from tree to tree. With his improved body flicker, his travel speed had drastically increased. His chakra scan spread to its maximum distance as he looked for a town nearby.

An hour later the baby woke up and started to cry. Zitsu began to frown even harder as he picked up his speed.

Twenty minutes later Zitsu picked up small chakra signatures at the edge of his scan range. Hurrying in that direction, wooden buildings came into view.

"Waaah Waaaah"

"Don't worry little girl, we found a town." Looking at the baby, he rubbed her nose with his finger.

Soon his scan covered the entire town, and as it was in the middle of the night, almost no one ventured the streets. Looking for the smallest human chakra signature possible, he was able to find fifteen houses with babies.

Zitsu's body appeared outside one of the houses. Grabbing the handle he twisted the knob, easily breaking the lock and walked inside.

Soon the cries from the baby girl woke up the residents of the house.

"Whos there?!? I'll call the guards!" A male's voice came from behind a door.

Beside the cries of the baby girl, another baby's cry mixed in as well, creating pandemonium.

Walking towards the bedroom door, he kicked it open, revealing a young man holding a sword in his nightware and a young woman in her nightgown with a baby in her arms.

"Get out! Or I'll cut you down!" The man trembled as he raised his sword.

"Please, we don't have anything! We're just simple store clerks." She hugged her baby closer to her chest.

Seeing a young woman, Zitsu thought for a moment. Soon his right eye locked on her body as his three tomoe transformed into a pinwheel and the strange power returned to his eye.

With a little push, he felt the power in his eye instantly enveloping the woman.

"If you and your baby come with me and become my maid I'll guarantee your safety." He smiled sweetly at the woman.

[Genjutsu 49]

[Level 36]

After using Kotoamatsukami, he could feel the nerves in his eye deteriorate at a rapid speed.

"No way! Get outta here!" Shaking his sword the man bellowed.

"Wait!" The woman rose from the bed with the baby in her hands. "Honey, this is the only way! If we can solve this without bloodshed then I will go with him." Standing in front of him she touched his cheeks tenderly.

Zitsu's eyebrows rose as he saw this. After using Kotoamatsukami, the power completely drained from his eye, but he could feel Hashirama's cells connected to his optic nerve already healing his retina. Even the power that fuelled Kotoamatsukami was slowly being refiled.

"What are you even talking about?!? Why would you go with him!"

"Please calm down! It's the only way!" She tried to plead with him as if she truly believed this to be true.

"No!" The man turned towards Zitsu. Gripping his sword he began walking closer.

"Enough playing around." Zitsu frowned. His Sharingan locked on the man as the pinwheel started to spin again.

Fusing his understanding of Yin release with his new eye, he cast Genjutsu with just a glance.

The man's body suddenly stopped moving and he dropped the sword. Turning towards his wife he smiled. "Go, honey, you're right."

"I'm glad you agree with my opinion, don't worry, everything will be ok." She wrapped her free arm around her husband, giving him a hug.

She walked in front of Zitsu holding the baby "I'm ready whenever you are".

Seeing the power of Kotoamatsukami for himself, Zitsu can't help but be appalled at its power. It seemed like Danzo wasn't very good at scheming, with an ability like this he still couldn't accomplish his goal of becoming Hokage?

Zitsu wrapped his arms around her waist and his body turned into a blur. As he left, the husband began to blink as he regained his senses.

"Chiharu?!? CHIHARU?!" Seeing that he was alone he started to yell.

Zitsu flickered through the town with the woman in tow. After arriving back in the forest, he handed the crying baby girl to the woman. "Feed her, she's hungry."

"Ok, no problem." Taking the baby she sat on the ground with a baby in each arm. Resting them on her lap she slid the straps of her nightgown down her shoulders, revealing her small breasts. Cradling a baby in each arm she put their mouth to her nipples. After a few seconds, the babies latch and began sucking milk.

Silence returned to the forest as the babies were suckling. Zitsu nodded at the scene and sat as well. Increasing his health by another ten and his Genjutsu Reality perk to 15% with the points from his level up, he began storing Natural Energy in his forehead.

Forty minutes later, the baby girl was finally full as she fell back to sleep. Walking over, he picked the woman up in a princess carry, completely surprising her.

"Eeep?! What are you doing?" She looked Zitsu in the eyes, slightly fearful of his right eye so she focused on the left.

"We have a long journey ahead of us, and you move to slow." As the words came out, his body flickered away.

After traveling for two days, they finally arrived at the base of a large mountain. Zitsu smiled as he felt the mountain blocking his chakra sense.

Rushing forward they soon arrived before a huge waterfall.

"It's beautiful." Chiharu's eyes gleamed as she looked at the small lake surrounded by trees. Water crashed into the lake from the waterfall above, causing a light mist to float atop the water's surface.

Placing Chiharu on the ground ,he began pumping chakra into the Hashirama cell network and formed hand seals.

"Wood Release: Wood Clone Jutsu"

Branches quickly grew from Zitsu's body as they rapidly formed a wooden clone of Zitsu. As the branches broke, the wood clone took the exact appearance of Zitsu.

"Eeep!" Chiharu stepped back at the scene "What's that?!"

"You stay here with the kids. This is my wood clone and I will leave it here to protect you." Zitsu looked her in the eyes before flickering away.

Chiharu looked at the clone before her "Hello?"

"What?" The clone's head turned "I can communicate with you through the clone."

Cradling the sleeping babies in her arms, she smiled knowing she wasn't alone.

Flashing up the mountain Zitsu arrived on a small trail next to the waterfall. He didn't hesitate and walked into the waterfall. Water crashed on his body but he paid it no mind.

Arriving behind the waterfall, he saw a hidden cave. A sinister grin appeared on his face as he stepped inside.

The walls of the cave glowed green as fluorescent light shone from the pools of water in the ground.

Walking forward he arrived before a specific pool. "Thanks for showing me the way, this is why you watch nonsense fillers." Taking a deep breath Zitsu dove into the pool.

Swimming down he soon entered an underwater cave. His body moved like a reptile as he glided through the water as if was his home.

After swimming through the tunnel for a few minutes, he soon arrived at the exit. A bright light shone from above as his body began to rise.

His head broke through the surface of the water and a magnificent sight came into view. The inside of the mountain was completely hollow and filled with a giant lake. In the center of the lake was a large tree with towering branches and a large canopy covering the entire lake. Even though leaves covered the entire village, light still shone from above.

Surrounding the trees were various large islands connected by wooden bridges. Atop the islands were small patches of forest and rows of ancient wooden houses.

Zitsu could sense a few thousand people inside this village, but more importantly, over fifty ninjas had surrounded Zitsu.

"I take it this is Takigakure?" Zitsu smiled at those surrounding him as he rose from the water, his hair dripping wet. Zitsu felt no need to hide so they easily detected his intrusion.

An old man with a craggy face and long white hair stepped forward. Looking at the Sharingan in Zitsu's right eye he couldn't help but frown.

"Young man why have you intruded into my village."

Nodding at the old man Zitsu couldn't help but smile. "You must be the Village Head, I won't make things difficult for you people." Shaking his head in regret Zitsu closed his eyes. "I'm going to have to kill you all to increase my strength."

"Super Saiyan." Lightning flickered along his skin as his long hair started to rise.

"Super Saiyan 2" Lightning began arcing from his body, striking the water and cracking in the air as his hair stood straight up.

A smile formed on Zitsu's face, as he looked at those surrounding him stepping back.

"Super Saiyan 3" Suddenly the lightning stopped and his hair fell. Sparks of lightning could be seen flashing in his eyes as all the power was being contained inside his body.

"Attack!" The old man yelled at the top of his lungs.

The ninjas began performing seals as Zitsu pulled Samehada from his back.

"Perfect Sage." Zitsu's voice sounded somber as the words came from his mouth. The last dot on his forehead disappeared, and his left eye changed as dark green pigment spread.

Suddenly Samehada began to change as the blade engulfed his arm and its scales soon covered Zitsu's entire body. Three tails that resembled Samehada grew from behind and a dark green chakra cloak completely shrouded his body leaving only his eyes untouched.

"Let's dance." Zitsu's body vanished from where he stood, causing the water to explode, sending shockwaves all around.

Editor: Scarlet Goddess