
Speed, pure unhindered speed. Most people can't react in time to what they see, but Zitsu always had the opposite problem. He used to move too fast, his eyes unable to keep up with his movements so he had to slow down.

Shisui's eye changed everything, and the durability gained from Hashirama cells turned his body into a walking tank.

Like always, he targeted the weakest shinobi first. As he flashed in front of the Waterfall ninja, he didn't punch, kick, or perform any hand seals. He just simply spun. His three tails covered in a dense green chakra shroud slammed into the body of the ninja in three different places.

The ninja's body distorted as though every bone in his body had shattered. His flesh turned to mush as he flew away like a kite without strings.

Ten ninjas finally finished their seals as torrents of water rapidly started to spin towards Zitsu. Seeing the oncoming waves, Zitsu just opened his mouth.


[Stamina 290/523]

A blue shockwave the size of a car was released from his mouth, colliding with the incoming jutsu, and sent them back towards their casters.

"Water Style: Giant Vortex Jutsu!"

Turning around he saw a giant vortex of water forming behind the old man. Clapping his hands, a tornado of water rushed towards Zitsu.

At the same time, the other Waterfall Shinobi completed their jutsu. Besides the tornado of water, water dragons, water torrents, and water bullets surrounded Zitsu from all sides.

"Ah, you think water is your ally? You merely adopted the water. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see dry land until I was already a man, and by then it was nothing to me but a hindrance!"

Zitsu's hands moved at lightning speed as a ring of water matarialized and rapidly spun horizontally around his body. Soon, the ring split into three, two of the rings was spinning diagonally around his body opposite of each other.

Soon a fourth ring appeared and spun vertically around him as he finally stopped forming seals. The oncoming jutsu were just a few feet away from him as he made his next move.

Suddenly he joined his hands as though he was praying.

"Sage Art: Saturn's rings"

[Chakra 62426/81248]

[Natural Energy 68354/68354]

The first horizontal ring rapidly expanded in all directions, decimating the oncoming jutsu.

Seeing the rapidly expanding ring of water headed in their direction, some ninjas jumped, but most chose to sink in the water.

Those who chose to jump quickly realized their mistake as the spinning ring only continued to expand as they began to fall.

As their legs touched the rapidly spinning water, their feet turned into paste, and their bodies slowly disintegrated like a stone to the grinder.

Zitsu exhaled a long breath "Fools, this jutsu cannot be dodged, your only chance is to outrun the rings." His hands formed a circle with his fingertips and thumbs. As if this was the trigger, the remaining three rings expanded as well.

Not a single ninja was hit by the new rings as they easily dodged under the water, but a ring was now above and diagonally below all of them.

The village leader of Takigakure couldn't help but frown as the first ring he could understand, but this one was easily dodgeable.

"As I pray" Zitsu's hands slowly joined together once more "Unlimited Blade Works."

As his palms touched, the expanding rings of water began to rotate like a gyroscope in all directions with Zitsu in the center. Anyone within range of this jutsu wouldn't even leave a body behind.

[Ninjutsu 52]

This Jutsu was the only thing he could come up with that caused the same level of destruction as the Fuuton Rasengan Shuriken but on a larger scale. His goal was to simply destroy everything within range.

As the water rings collapsed, it revealed the tranquil waters. "Overboard again? Maybe because I've seen the ending fight scenes, I instantly go full power." As he was shaking his head, the green chakra shroud faded and the scales receded as Samehada reformed in his hand. "Your chakra shroud is just too strong buddy."

Just as he was about to exit Sage Mode, his right eye caught a slight movement in the corner of his vision.

The old man rose from the water, surrounded by a sphere of pure chakra. In his hand was an empty glass gorge and his already old appearance was turning frailer by the second.

The chakra sphere faded as his dark sunken eyes looked at Zitsu "I" he struggled to even speak "Will not." As he took a step forward chakra exploded from his body in violent waves "Let you harm."

His body shot forward, causing massive waves as he travelled.


The sound of his chakra enhanced voice boomed as he approached Zitsu.

"Hero water?" Pointing Samehada at the approaching foe, Zitsu couldn't help but smile.

"Very well, this chakra of yours I acknowledge. I, Sage Zitsukani of the Mist and leader of the Shichibukai declare you to be my strongest opponent yet, and as your reward, I shall fight you in mortal kombat!"

Lightning flickered across his eyes as he stabbed forward with Samehada like a spear.

Raising his hand, the old man formed a shield of pure chakra to block the incoming sword attack. As Samehada collided with the shield, he could feel the chakra being ripped from his body. No longer attempting to block he sidestepped instead.

Zitsu's right eye followed his every movement like it was a child's play. As he saw him step to the side to dodge, Zitsu's arm moved like a whip, swinging Samehada at him again.

"Croc Kata: Tails Pursuit!"

Another chakra shield formed as the sword collided with his side, shooting him backwards.

Giving him no chance, Zitsu gave chase "Where's your spirit old man! You'll die before I can even kill you at this rate!"

At this point the old man looked like a walking skeleton, but he continued to hold on. Looking into the distance, a smile formed on his face. "I'm sure that jutsu drained you of your chakra young man."

Zitsu stopped his pursuit as the man spoke, listening to his words.

"I can die happily knowing a monster like you will die with me."

Looking at the old man's perverted smile, he doesn't even have to turn around, as he clearly sensed the three hundred forty-two ninjas rushing towards him earlier.

Zitsu's couldn't help but shake his head.

Seeing this, the old man felt gratified.

"You've mistaken of one thing leader of Takigakure. The chakra I used earlier wasn't even a fourth of my maximum."

His eyes bulged as he heard this "LIES! That's impossible!"

"I finally understand how pain crushed the leaf so easily, the standard is just too low."

"What?!?" His brows furrowed at his strange words, destroy the leaf?

"Body Flicker" Zitsu instantly appeared before him with his sword raised high.

As he chopped down, the old man jumped back to dodge, but before he knew it or could even react, Zitsu was already behind him with his sword barreling down.

The old man jumped right into the path of his blade as Samehada crashed into his skull, busting it open like a watermelon.

Zitsu didn't even spare a glance at the approaching ninja, as he could sense Fuu's massive chakra in the village. Completely ignoring their screams and shouts as he killed their leader, he body flickered away.

All they could do was to give chase as he moved through their village.

Arriving before a wooden house, Zitsu smashed straight through the door.

A small girl with tan skin and mint green hair jumped to her feet in surprise. Her pure orange eyes looked at Zitsu with a mix of fear and curiosity.

"Hey mister who are you suu~"

He paid her no mind as Samehada opened its mouth wide. Thrusting the sword forward, the girl didn't even have time to react as she was swallowed whole.

"Hate to kill your leader and leave, but Zitsu's out!" His body disappeared as the words came out.

By the time the ninjas arrived at the house, they see no sign of Zitsu or Fuu.

Zitsu reappeared beside his Wood clone as he could sense it's location and had no difficulty teleporting to it.

"Are you finished with your errand?" Chiharu looked at Zitsu from the ground as she breastfed both babies.

Attaching Samehada to his back Zitsu nodded. He could feel Samehada absorbing chakra from the girl, and if his plan worked out, he could constantly absorb chakra from the girl to increase his own like a rechargeable battery. Even if she tried to enter tailed beast mode, Samehada would just devour the chakra.

The mistake he made before was completely assimilating the beast to Samehada instead of letting it constantly restore its chakra and absorbing it, but he wouldn't make the same mistake again.

And with the beast sealed inside the host, the danger to him was completely erased, because the beast inside her was completely powerless, unless he released the seal that is.

Looking at the waterfall, the happiness he felt earlier faded as he started to making hand seals.

"Sage Art: Great Swamp Dragon!"

A giant green water dragon rose from the lake and charged at the secret entrance behind the waterfall. As it collided, the side of the mountain exploded and the waterfall itself was destroyed. Instead of one solid waterfall, many streams of small water trickled down around the destroyed cave.

Clapping his hands to activate Hashirama's cells, trees began to grow along the rockface as strong roots reinforced the collapsed tunnel.

"Now I'm done." Scoping Chiharu into his arms, he used the body flicker technique and traveled east as the pigment on his body receded.

Looking at the young woman holding two babies and thinking about the little girl inside his sword, Zitsu can't help but feel like a kidnapper.

Editor: Scarlet Goddess