The Gangs All Here

Holding Hana, Zitsu headed towards the old training grounds as he could sense the others were all gathered there. Arriving at the familiar plateau he looked between the training center and the apartment complex.

After taking a few seconds to decide he figured the gang could wait while he hands Hana over to his mother.

Walking up to the familiar door he brought out his key and closed his right eye so he wouldn't scare his mother. Opening the door he was greeted with the sight of Haku's mother Yume, Chojuro's mother Arita, and his mother drinking tea at the table.

Noticing the door open they all turned simultaneously. Call it motherly instincts, but they didn't even notice Zitsu as all their eyes were glued to the baby in his arms.

"Mom, meet your granddaughter." As his voice broke the silence in the room, Yura got up to her feet in a hurry, causing the chair she sat on topple towards the ground.

"Granddaughter? Where did this baby come from, whose child did you steal?" She rushed over and stole Hana from his arms and began checking her body for injuries.

"I picked her up along the way." Zitsu smiled triumphantly.

"Picked her up" Yura looked her son up and down "Since when did babies become cabbages to the point where you can just pick one up?"

Zitsu sighed "The truth is that her birth mother died shortly after giving birth to her, and because you raised me to be a kind person, I couldn't just leave the child so I decided to take her as my own. Mei and I have decided to raise her, and her name is Hana."

Yura squinted her eyes as she looked him in the face, seeing his closed eye she couldn't help but feel suspicious.

Seeing this Zitsu chuckled "I promise everything I said is true."

"Yura why are you being so inquisitive, weren't you just talking about how you wanted to be a grandmother?" Arita chimed in from the table.

Hearing her words Yura's eyes went wide "That's right!" Looking down at the beautiful baby girl she couldn't help but smile. "Hi little cutey, can you smile for grandma?"

"Bring her over Yura, let us see as well." Yume walked up from the table followed by Arita.

"Mom you bond with Hana for a bit, I'm going to see the team." Not giving her a chance to answer, he was already out the door and headed for the training center.


Walking inside, the first thing he heard was the yell of a girl and the sound of crackling lightning.

Standing in the middle of the pool, Emina's twin swords slashed down from different angles coated in a shroud of lightning.

In front of her stood Mangetsu with half of Hiramekarei in each hand. The blade was coated in dense blue chakra as he swung them to block her blade.

As their swords collided a blur appeared behind Mangetsu swinging a large cleaver towards his back.

"Useless!" Mangetsu yelled as the blade cut into his back. At the same time, he put strength into his arms to knock Emina back.

As the blade cut into him, it just passed right through as his body became water.

But it was at that moment thousands of ice needles began raining from above.

He joined his swords together as he held it above his head. The chakra shroud around the blade transformed into a large umbrella to block the attack as Eminu's blade finished passing through.

Seeing this Zitsu couldn't help but be impressed. Looking towards the side he saw Chojuro and Taisho beaten up black and blue.

Looking at them fighting for a second longer, he walked towards Cho and Taisho. "Who did you guys lose to?"

Zitsu's voice broke their focus as they were watching the battle. As they saw Zitsu's appearance they were shocked for a moment.

"Zitsu?!" Chojuro stood up in shock "That's you right?!" He rubbed his eyes as he looked at Taisho "It's only been around two months right?" he whispered.

Taisho didn't even speak as his mouth hang open. "Uhh, I think that's him." He struggled to nod.

Zitsu's right eye opened, shocking them even more. "Guys, the question?"

"Ah!" Chojuro jumped "Well, originally it was Taisho, Haku, and myself attacking him but we lost. Now it's Emina and Eminu's turn."

"Why does Haku fight both times?"

Taisho shook his head "Haku isn't attacking directly, only making sneak attacks."

Looking over he saw Mangetsu blocking attack after attack with his large blades.

"If Emina's lightning can get past Hiramekarei's chakra shroud, they can stop his liquefaction, or if they can make an opening for Haku's ice to freeze him they will have a chance to win."

"That's what we were going for as well, but we couldn't do it." Taisho sighed.

Zitsu pinched his chin as he thought for a moment.

"Zitsu what happened to your eye? Is that the Sharingan?" Chojuro chimed in from the side.

A smile crept across his face as he looked at Chojuro. "That's right, do you want one?" His teeth began to show as his smile turned into a grin.

Taisho rushed in front of him "Do you have more?" His eyes shined with hope.

Zitsu nodded lightly "Don't move." His right-hand reached for Taisho's left eye as it began to glow green.

Seeing the oncoming hand his body instinctively flinched for a moment, but before he knew, he was already half blind.

After changing eyes twice Zitsu already had enough practice to do it painlessly. Plucking out Taisho's left eye he stored it in his inventory as a Sharingan from Danzo's arm appeared. Placing it into his eye socket he began to heal the optic nerve.

Due to the forbidden jutsu from their childhood Taisho, Emina, Eminu, and Chojuro all had larger chakra capacities than most people, allowing them to use a single Sharingan with no problem. Mangetsu naturally had abundant chakra with his superior abilities from the Hozuki Clan, but he was worried about Haku.

While Haku had fine chakra control, his chakra capacity wasn't the largest.

After Zitsu removed his hand vision returned to Taisho's eye.

Taisho stumbled from dizziness as the world drastically slowed in his half field of view.

Zitsu turned to Chojuro as his hand reached towards his left eye.

"Wait, wait!" Chojuro began to back up in panic.

Zitsu just smiled as he stepped forward "You can thank me later." His fingers sank into his socket and took out his eye. Doing the switch he began to heal the nerve.

"Uhhh" As Chojuro's head began to spin, Taisho regained control.

Waving his hands around, he began to adjust. Turning towards the pool his mouth dropped.

Seeing this, Zitsu smiled as he understood what he saw. With the Sharingan, you were able to perceive every single muscle movement of Mangetsu and the others. At the bottom of the pool, Haku's chakra could be seen hidden in a flat sheet of ice.

Without the Sharingan, finding that mirror would take time and a lot of searching.

Suddenly Mangetsu blocked Eminu's blade to the right while Emina dropped down from above. Swinging his left blade, the chakra shroud transformed into chains and wrapped around her body.


Emina yelled as he slammed his blade down, plunging her into the water. Breaking the chakra chains, he combined his swords together, increasing their power and pushed Eminu back.

"Enough! Stop!" Zitsu's yell filled the room.

Eminu who was getting ready to charge suddenly stopped. Strapping the large blade to her back, she turned towards Zitsu. Seeing his changed appearance her brows rose a bit but soon walked over.

"Bah!" Emina burst out the water "Mangetsu you cheater! We agreed not to use the chakra shroud to attack!"

Mangetsu shrugged "Woops." Latching his blade he walked away from her.

An ice mirror formed above her head and Haku dropped to the surface of the water.

He tucked his long hair behind his ear and as he reached out his delicate hand, a smile appeared on his face. "Sister Emina let me help you up."

"Haku!! You're the only one who treats me well!" After hooking her swords to her waist she grabbed his hand.

After pulling her up from the water they followed the others.

Seeing the four approach he couldn't help but nod "After working hard, I got you all some gifts." Raising his hand he pointed at the Sharingan in Taisho's and Chojuro's left eye.

Emina's eyes went wide "Smelly guy did you rob a group of Uchihas?"

Eminu couldn't help but smile as her eyes sparkled.

"Nope, I broke into Konoha and stole them all from the Uchiha grounds."

"Zitsu it's not polite to lie, if we can't trust each other then who can we trust?" Haku shook his head.

Zitsu pursed his lips "I'm sure you'll hear about it soon. I caused such a big mess they are sure to figure out it was me." The corners of his lips curled as he looked at the four.

"Ok, who's first?"

"Me! Me! I'm first of course!" Emina pushed the others aside as she stood before Zitsu.

Editor: Scarlet Goddess