Extracting the Seven Tails

One by one Zitsu replaced each of their left eyes with Sharingan, causing himself to stand out, since he was the only one to have the Sharingan in his right eye. It took them all a few minutes to adjust, But they immediately felt the difference.

"With these eyes, it will drastically improve your Kenjutsu and overall combat ability. While most of you have more chakra than your peers, constant use of the eye will wear you out eventually." Zitsu scanned the six in front of him.

"Did you really break into Konoha alone? Why didn't you take us with you?" Mangetsu smiled at the thought of being surrounded by enemies on all sides, him against a village.

"Take you? You weren't even here and time was of the essence, if I didn't act swiftly it would have been too late." Zitsu just shook his head.

"Smelly guy don't lie, you just wanted to have all the fun yourself!"

Haku's big eyes looked at Zitsu, to see if what Emina said was true.

"Zitsu wouldn't leave us out if he could." Chojuro chimed in from the side "He must have risked a lot and was in terrible danger."

"Tsk." Taisho clicked his tongue "Danger? Him? I doubt it, if anything everyone else was in danger."

"Quiet." Eminu's soft voice silenced the bickering.

Zitsu gave her a small nod which brought a smile to her face. "As you all know we will be seizing Nagi and O'uzu islands in the south. If we don't take them Kiri's power will decline and the other nations can block us out."

Chojuro's hand raised before he spoke "Are we moving in a single unit?"

"No." Zitsu looked at the six for a moment "Mangetsu, Chojuro, Taisho, and Eminu will go to O'uzu Island. The rest will come with me to Nagi Island."

"I don't want to be on this smelly guy's team, someone switch with me!"

Suddenly Zitsu's left-hand flashed forward, his finger aiming for her nose.

Emina's Sharingan gleamed as her body reflexively dodged to the side before she even had time to realize her actions.

Everyone in the room went quiet. Zitsu's body moved on its own to poke her in the nose, a habit he acquired from his Clone's memories.

But in five years this was the first time he had ever missed.

Haku's mouth dropped open as Emina's body began to tremble.

"Hahahahahaha! With this Sharingan I am invincible! No more shall my dainty nose be tormented by your smelly finger!" Emina began laughing out of control.

Zitsu's face went dark from shame. Everyone looked between the laughing Emina, and Zitsu.

Suddenly he took a deep breath and regained his calm. "I won't stoop to your level. You dodged one finger, so what?"

Before they even had time to digest his words, they saw his body flash forward with his hand stretched out.

Emina stopped laughing as she jumped back full force towards the pool. Zitsu gave chase causing massive waves to fly towards the sides.

His hand formed afterimages as he tried to grab her face, but she always dodged with the slightest movement. Seeing that he wasn't getting anywhere he added his left hand as well.

He had read the direction of her dodge with his eyes but she could read his attacks so they were locked in a stalemate.

The fact that she couldn't even dodge a finger before but was now able to dodge both hands showed the power of the Sharingan.

Emina's right eye closed as she focused fully on her left eye, increasing her capabilities even more.

Wanting to test her limits, lighting began to roll off his skin as his movements became quicker. His thumb grazed her cheek causing a weird smile to appear on her face before she had the chance to dodge completely.

Realizing she won't be able to keep up much longer, she threw a kick towards his chest.

Seeing this Zitsu smiled. "Body Flicker."

His body separated into four afterimages, her foot passed through one causing it to disappear as the other three reached for her face.

From what she could see, all three were real!

In that moment of hesitation, Zitsu grabbed her face with his right hand and began shaking her head.

"Ok, good job girl" pushing her face backward, he left her with a blank face and a red handprint.

"This was a lesson, your abilities have all improved so get used to them! I was trying to show Emina her improved capabilities" Dropping these words he headed for the exit.

Everyone's face was dubious as they heard his words, did he think they were imbeciles?

After giving out the Sharingan he accomplished what he came here to do. Going to his mother's apartment, he took back Hana from her, even though she was reluctant to part with her.

Stepping out the door with the sleeping baby girl, he teleported back to his bedroom. Walking towards Chiharu's door he knocked once before walking in. He was greeted by the sight of her holding her baby while curled up on the bed sleeping.

Thinking for a moment he decided to close the door and walk to the last empty room. Walking inside he saw that it was the same as Chiharu's room.

Zitsu removed Samehada and sat in the center of the bed. He placed Hana to his right and samehada to his left.

"Ok, open wide." In response to his voice, Samehada opened its mouth.

Its tongue stretched out as it pushed the girl out. Grabbing the girl, he laid her across his lap. She was currently sleeping due to her weakened state.

Turning her over onto her stomach, he pulled her shirt up, revealing her upper back. In the center of her shoulder blades was the word grotto surrounded by symbols, the seal of the seven tails.

"I've been draining you for days now, time to deal the final blow." Holding up his right hand the word bind appeared on his palm.

Placing his palm on her seal, he began pouring in parasitic chakra. His Sharingan rotated as he poured in chakra, causing his vision to change.

A cave appeared in front of him, on the floor of the cave was, something that could only be described as a giant rhinoceros beetle, laying on the ground.

The creature had six orange insect wings with a green tail growing in the middle of them, all growing fromthe back of its long lower abdomen. Its eyes were covered by a helmet-like skull, from inside of which, an orange glow could be seen.

It also had spike protrusions on its shoulders with three legs growing from each side. It had two pincers with three parts on its face, covering a mouth full of sharp teeth. Growing from its back was a long spear-like pincers, the most noticeable thing was that its body was covered in blue armor.

"Chomei" Zitsu smiled as he saw the creature.

"Human child, how do you know my name." His voice sounded weak, his rumored happy personality gone.

"I guess you weren't so lucky after all." As Zitsu finished his words the walls of the cave was filled with his parasitic chakra.

"This chakra, it feels familiar somehow, but why?." Chomei struggled to look around, because of Samehada's constant draining and it having to use its chakra to keep Fuu alive, its state was pathetic.

"Do you know why this parasitic chakra is so special?" Zitsu ignored his question again. "Because it uses its host chakra to function, effectively taking on their chakra signature." Zitsu smiled "I have lots of experiments to conduct with it, but I'll start with you."

The walls and the ceiling of the cave was filled with the parasitic chakra and it soon began to creep along the floor.

"So while technically all this chakra appears to be from Fuu, it's still all mine." The entire cave now glowed with his chakra, surrounding them on all sides.

Suddenly the chakra shot out spear like projectiles from all directions, stabbing the seven tails and connecting their chakra.

Suddenly the chakra spears protruding from the walls, ceiling, and floor began pulling all the chakra from the seven tails.

"No! I won't let you!" The beast raged as it tried to pull Zitsu's chakra from him instead.

"You think I came unprepared? Staking my life without a one hundred percent chance?" As he spoke, the three tomoes transformed. "Do not resist, this is for your own good. This is what Hagoromo wanted, I'm the child of prophecy."

"Hagoromo? You, you're the child of prophecy? Yes, yes he told us about it all those years ago." As it convinced itself that Zitsu was speaking the truth, Chomei calmed down.

Sitting on the bed Zitsu's right eye began to go dark as blood streamed down his face. Using Kotoamatsukami on a tailed beast almost blinded him in one shot. He quickly closed his eye as the familiar burning pain from healing took over.

Feeling no resistance, Zitsu pulled with all his might. Chomei's chakra left its body, flowing through the seal, and into Zitsu.

[Chakra 49372/96582]

He felt the chakra in his body explosively increase. To pull this off, he had to replace all the chakra in the seal with Samehada's parasitic chakra, creating a link to him. Because the chakra had the same signature as Fuu, he was able to subdue the beast.

Chomei was now like the ten tails, a husk of its former self as all its chakra was constantly being siphoned to Zitsu. The only problem was that he had to keep Fuu safe. As long as his link remained on the seal, all the chakra gained by the seven tails will be constantly transferred to his body.

Laying Fuu down on the bed he grabbed Hana and Samehada before he left the room, his experiments had just begun.

Editor: Scarlet Goddess