
Zitsu sat cross-legged in the middle of his bed with Hana laying on his lap. Taking a few deep breaths he calmed his state of mind.

What he was about to attempt would require all of his attention so he tried to relax first. The Hashirama's cell network that he first created was only in its infancy, a rushed job because he was in unsafe lands.

Slowly he closed his eyes and joined his hands together, causing his entire body to shine in a green glow. Hashirama's cells in his body began replicating at a extreme speed. Normally this was used to heal injuries at the cost of lifespan, but Zitsu was using it to increase the number of cells.

The vein-like structure in his body began to spread even further, wrapping around all his bones like vines, intertwining between the folds of muscle, and surrounding his organs.

To the naked eye, it would appear as though thin strands of tissue were engraving itself across every millimeter of Zitsu's insides.

As the cells multiplied, the overall amount of Hashirama chakra remained the same, causing it to be spread thin. The reason it took Madara so long to awaken the Rinnegan was that he had very little of Hashirama's chakra.

Feeling the chakra thin out, Zitsu couldn't help but smile. Suddenly the parasitic chakra bombarded Hashirama's cells, causing the chakra level to spike.

The cells began to brim with Vitality as the parasitic chakra gained the same signature. With the newfound vitality, the cells spread even more, completely surrounding the inside of his skull and protecting his brain.

Taking a deep breath, he performed the final step. His hands separated, his fingers and thumb formed smalls circles as he rested his forearm on his knees in a meditative position.

Hashirama's cells surrounding all his organs and bones suddenly moved, penetrating through his bones and organs to form a spider web of connections with each other from all sides.

[Health 128 /530]

As all his organs and bones were pierced by quadrillions of tiny holes, the worst pain that he had ever felt overwhelmed him. His consciousness faded and he could feel himself slipping as the cells dug through his bones and tissue to connect with each other. The only way to describe his pain was by comparing it to being eaten alive by ants.

But it didn't stop there, in the center of his inner forehead, millions of needle-thin strands of Hashirama's cells extended towards his frontal lobe and slowly stabbed through his brain.

[Health 75 /530]

The brain had no pain receptors so he felt no pain, but his health decreased all the same. The cells pierced deeper and deeper until they finally reached the optic chiasma and bore inside.

[Health 31 /530]

After reaching their destination, the cells stopped piercing his brain and began intertwining themselves like a rope and fused to become a single strand the size of a pen outside his brain. Inside his brain, the pin sized needles remained separated as they began to fuse with his optic tract.

Feeling the cells connecting everywhere he sighed with relief. If his lifespan increased by every point of health he increased, this would have taken a big chuck from his gained time, if it doesn't, he is now closer towards his death.

With the increased mass from the cells, his body weight just increased by over twenty pounds. Because the new cells were created by dividing the old, his health didn't increase. If he found Hashirama cells from an outside source, it would have been better, but beggars can't be choosers.

"It worked." Supplying parasitic chakra to the cells, he could feel his body healing, even though his health didn't increase he felt better than ever. Hashirama's cells increased by ten times, allowing him to perform even stronger wood release jutsu in the future.

Looking at Hana he couldn't help but sigh. Hashirama's cells in her body would grow alongside her and increase as she grew, but he had only a few inches left to grow before he was at his maximum height. Thus, it was impossible to increase Hashirama's cell from inside without shortening his life; he had to find new cells from other places.

Rubbing her forehead he smiled. He placed her between two pillows before rising to his feet. His body felt stiff from the sudden increase in weight and his speed had slowed down for now.

"The board is now set, time to see how the others will play" Zitsu's head turned west as his tomoes slowly spinned "I only have one more opportunity to increase my strength, after that it's all on me."

After doing a few stretches to feel the changes in his body, he climbed back into bed. His clothes disappeared into his inventory as he held Hana against his chest and fell asleep. While he didn't feel exhaustion, the pain from earlier was taxing to his system and he still felt sluggish.

As Zitsu slept the world kept moving.

Hiruzen walked alone through a dark forest with his pipe in hand. Suddenly he stopped and turned around.

A black blur materialized in front of him.

"Itachi, tell me what happened, I couldn't contact you until now as too many things have happened."

"Lord Hokage, is Sasuke ok?" A mix of urgency, care, and desperation could be heard in his voice as he spoke.

Hiruzen waved his hand "Do not worry, the boy is safe. I know Danzo used his life as a bargaining chip, don't worry Itachi, you are still a valuable member of the leaf. For your unwavering loyalty, I'll personally ensure the boy's safety, and disable your chakra signature from the detection barrier so you can check up on him."

Hearing the Hokage's reassurance, he released a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Lord Third."

Hiruzen nodded "Now, what did you see and know about the attacker."

Itachi remained quiet for a moment. "I saw him appear, his actions had no wasted movements. His goal was clear, he snatched Danzo's right eye, but first cut off his arm."

Hiruzen took a long drag from his pipe "Danzo tried to hide it, but his condition was bad and the members of Root were submerged or washed away. The first one to find him were ninjas loyal to me." Blowing out a rig of smoke, he looked at Itachi on his knee before continuing.

"Seeing the abnormalities of his shoulder, we ran tests, and determined his shoulder contained the DNA of the first Hokage, Hashirama Senju."

Hearing his words, Itachi frowned for a bit. "Before Shisui died, Danzo stole his right eye. The only ones who knew this were Danzo and me. As for the arm..."

"You say he cut off the arm before taking the eye, he even took the arm as it couldn't be found. Why did he prioritize cutting off an arm if he knew so much about Shisui's eye and possibly the power it holds?" Hiruzen rubbed his beard as he thought.

"Too many things are left unanswered" He shook his head.

"Lord Hokage, he was not the only intruder that night."

Hiruzen's brows furrowed as he heard Itachi's words, gesturing with his hand he urged him to continue.

"A man claiming to be Madara Uchiha was sneaking around the Uchiha grounds. Knowing his dissatisfaction with the Uchihas, I acquired his assistance to complete the mission."

His body trembled as he heard his words. He was a small child back then, but the tales of Madara's strength were known far and wide.

"He told me he was the founder of Akatsuki and asked me to join."

"First Akatsuki, then the Shichibukai. It seems like both groups are preparing for something. If it was the normal seven swordsmen of the mist it would be different, but this attack proves they know something." Hiruzen looked Itachi in the eyes. "Go, join Akatsuki and find out the reason behind these groups actions. We can't let the Leaf be caught off guard again, the safety of your brother and all the villagers depend on you."

"Yes, Lord Third." As the words faded, Itachi's body burst into a flock of crows that flew away.

In an undisclosed location, screams echoed throughout a large underground cave network. A young boy with shoulder length white hair and emerald green eyes walked towards a tall man with long black hair.

"Lord Orochimaru, Kabuto has sent news from Konoha."

The black haired man turned his head, revealing his pure white skin and snake-like eyes.

"Kimimaro is what that man said true?" A raspy feminine voice comes from the man's mouth.

"Yes, the Uchiha clan was wiped out. Making it easier for you to seek revenge in the future."

"Oh? Looks like I'll have to join his organization then, to find out the secrets of his power. He could be qualified as the next target of my Living Reanimation Jutsu."

"Send a message to Kabuto, tell him to inform Sasori of my intentions to join Akatsuki."

"Yes, Lord Orochimaru." Kimimaro turned on his heels and left the room.

Turning back towards the table, Orochimaru looked at the young man bound and gagged before him. "Let's see how Jugo's cells react with you." A smile appeared on his face as he injected the man's chest with a syringe.

Editor: Scarlet Goddess