
"Waaah" "Waaahh"

The sound of Hana's cries woke him from his sleep. The first thing he saw was her dark black eyes full of tears staring at his face.

"I'm up, I'm up." His clothes appeared on his body as he scooped her into his arms. Even after rocking her for a bit she didn't stop crying.

Sliding out of bed, he headed towards the door. As he did, Samehada pushed itself from the wall it was leaning on and followed after him.

As he entered the hallway he heard voices coming from Chiharu's room.

"Does he do tricks?"

"No silly, he's just a baby."

"Then what does he do all day?"

"Eating and sleeping are all he does, the rest of his energy is used to grow."

"That sounds boring!"

Zitsu's brows raised, he didn't expect Fuu to be up so fast. Without even knocking he walked into the room.

Inside, Chiharu was bouncing Rintaro on her knee with Fuu standing in front of her. The sounds of Hana's cries drew their attention, the fact they didn't hear her before he opened the door showed how good the soundproofing was.

"Chiharu I think she's hungry." Walking over Zitsu handed Hana over.

"I just fed Rintaro so it should be about that time." Chiharu nodded as she laid Rintaro onto the bed. Grabbing Hana she exposed her breast and began feeding her.

Zitsu was watching at first but he could feel Fuu looking at him. His Sharingan glanced to the side only to see the girl looking at him with shining eyes.

Before he could even think about what she wanted, her finger was already pointing at his face.

"Your Fuu's friend so you have to play with me!" She stuck her flat chest out triumphantly like she just won a grand battle.

Zitsu's face went blank as the things he said to her reappear in his mind.

"Right, That is what I said." His brows furrowed as he grabbed his chin "I need to be careful of how I word things in the future."

"Ok, let's play." Zitsu quickly formed hand seals using both hands.

"Wood Release: Wood Clone Jutsu." Compared to before when branches grew from his body, this time the wood clone looked as though it stepped out of his body.

As the clone appeared, it grabbed Fuu by the shoulder and vanished. With her gone Zitsu sat on the floor as Samehada crawled next to him and watched Hana again.

The wood clone appeared in front of the training center with Fuu. "Today we're going to play a game called Ninja."

Fuu's eyes light up as she clenched her hands in front of her chest. "Fuu always wanted to play ninja, will you really play with Fuu?"

"Of course I will." Grabbing her wrist he pulled her into the training facility to teach her how to walk on water.

Back in the house, Zitsu was hardly paying attention to the clone when he felt the seal on Mei headed home. Grabbing Samehada he rose to his feet and left the room. Attaching the sword to his back as he walked down the stairs, just in time to see Mei walk in.

"How'd it go with the Elders?"

"They had no problem with the plan, we can move out in two days." Mei smiled as she closed the door.

Seeing her smile Zitsu took a deep breath. "I guess now is a good time to tell you, I may have shown off a bit when I went to the Land of fire."

Mei paused as she was walking towards him. Her brows furrowed as she looked at his face. "What did you do besides stealing a Sharingan?"

Zitsu smiles wryly "Well, I attacked the Leaf Elder Danzo."

Mei's eyed open wide. Just as she was about to say something he continued.

"And flooded an entire district."

Mei's body began to tremble. "Is that all?"

"I also broke into the Hidden Waterfall Village and killed a bunch of their ninja." With every word, Mei would flinch. "I also killed their village leader and rescued the host of the Seven tails."

Mei took a deep breath "Are you done?"

"I also destroyed the entrance of their village and sealed it with trees."

Mei stumbled a bit before holding her forehead. "Uhh, normally when someone asks you that, it normally means to stop, not add more."

Zitsu shrugged at her reply "I had to do it, call it a show of power. It was my way of saying the Mist is here. Last time we talked to Konoha about the death of the seven swordsmen and they shrugged us off, now we can't be ignored."

Mei's head tilted down as she thought. "You keep saying the mist is being ignored, do you know something? Have you seen it?"

"Just trust me, I won't let you be pushed around. When others see you, I want them to know, That's the Mizukage, don't piss her off."

Mei's brows raised as a smile appeared on her face "You say that, yet you're the only one making my life difficult." As she spoke the last words, she was already walking up the stairs.

As he looked at her from behind a sheepish grin appeared on his face.

"Did you get the things I asked for?" Chasing her up the stairs, they arrive inside their room.

Mei pulled out a scroll and laid it on the bed. After performing a hand seal a puff of smoke exited the scroll.

When the smoke dissipated, all kinds of baby clothes, bottles, toys, and female clothes appeared.

"Uhh, where's the clothes for a young child?"

Mei's head snapped in his direction. Reaching into her bag she pulled out a bulging money pouch "I'm the Mizukage, not your personal shopper. You go buy the things you want." As she stared daggers at Zitsu she tossed the bag.

"Now where's Hana?" Her eyes shifted through the room but saw nothing.

"Come, she's eating." Waving his hand he left the room.

"Mei, this is Chiharu. Chiharu, Mei" Walking inside he introduced the two.

"You're the maid he.." She looked at Zitsu for a moment "Picked up?"

"Right" She frowned a bit "I guess that's what you can call it."

Hearing her reply Mei felt puzzled. "Why do I feel like she isn't here willingly?"

"Uhhh, I was in a rush?" Zitsu looked away a bit embarrassed.

Mei's eyes opened wide "Take her back!" Grabbing Zitsu by his shoulders, she began shaking him violently.

"Ok, ok, I'll do it after the invasion." Grabbing her arms he stopped her from shaking him.

Hearing his words, Chiharu was stunned for a moment before a smile appeared on her face.

"Good!" Mei nodded as she picked up Hana "Hey sweet little girl? How have you been? Has the big mean man been bullying you?"

Shaking his head he left the room, he only had two days to prepare.

In those two days, he created a little wooden house on the plateau with the wood clone to train Fuu. It wasn't nearly enough time to store the Natural Energy he needed for sage mode so he got used to the changes of his body instead.

Standing in front of the house, he looked at Mei with Hana in her arms. "When this is over, let's lie in bed for a week."

Mei chuckled before shaking her head "Not everyone is as free as you." she leaned forward and kissed him on the lips.

As he turned around, his body vanished and he appeared next to a wood clone. Placing his hand on the clone's shoulder, it absorbed into his palm. "Let's go Fuu, we're going out to play."

"Where? Fuu gets to play somewhere else? Fuu's tired of swimming."

Zitsu rubbed the top of her head, at the same time they disappeared.

"Where is that smelly guy? How long is he going to make us wait?"

"Sister Emina, you shouldn't talk bad about him." Haku looked around "You know he can teleport."

"Don't let that smelly guy scare you Haku, with the Sharingan I bet you're stronger than him now!"

"Oh? Stronger than me?"

Hearing the voice Emina whipped her head around. Seeing that Zitsu appeared out of nowhere along with a girl with mint green hair she couldn't help but frown.

Just as she was about to say something Eminu covered her mouth.

"Boss, where have you been these two days? We wanted to practice with you to test out our capabilities." Taisho couldn't help but grin when he thought about his increased strength.

Looking at the six people in front of him wearing stringless eyepatches similar to Ao, he tilted his head "What are those?"

Mangetsu smiled "We had R&D make them for us." He inserted chakra into his eye, causing the eyepatch to turn transparent, revealing the Sharingan.

"When Lord Mizukage found out you gave us all Sharingan she was upset." Chojuro's timid voice came from the side "She said a Dojutsu like this needs to be protected."

Zitsu pinched his chin, remembering how Mei suddenly started hitting him the other day. Looking at the eyepatch on Haku's face he shook his head.

"Is this what I get for naming this group Shichibukai? I feel like I'm with a bunch of pirates now." Shaking his head he looked out to the sea, seeing the fleet of sixty ships he waved his hand, causing a pitch black overcoat to appear.

Putting on the coat he fluffed his long hair from inside. The only part of Samehada visible now was the handle, but even that was partially hidden by his hair.

"Let's go." As he walked towards the ships, the seven followed after him.

Editor: Scarlet Goddess