Pew pew

Every man, be it young or old, had the same dream at one point, and Zitsu was no exception. From the day he saw his Ninjutsu perk tree and water nature transformation already unlocked he already had his goal.

Everything he had planned so far had been to arrive at this one moment. As his hands began to form seals, he got that familiar feeling. The same feeling he got when he used Hashirama's cells to perform wood release, the feeling of two nature chakras combining inside your body to produce something new.

Zitsu was now a special case in the shinobi world. He now possed water, lightning, and earth nature transformations and a perk that let him combine any of the two.

With the Dual Casting perk, Zitsu now had his own version of wood release that he could combine with his Hashirama cell, storm release from combining lightning and water, and explosion release from combining earth and lightning.

As he finished the seals, his fingers interlocked as massive power began to gather.

"Finally, laser beams".

From the second he arrived till now, only a few seconds had passed. His hands glowed as bright as the sun as he closed his left eye.

His right eye flickered madly as every ninja within his field of view was locked within his sights.

"Storm Release: Laser Circus!"

A massive ring of blue light formed before his interlocked fist, drawing the attention of all those around him.

[Chakra 9832/121395]

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of laser beams shot in all directions. The beams swam through the air like fish as they dodged trees and friendly ninjas before impaling the clan shinobis.

His Sharingan worked overtime as he guided hundreds of beams to hit their target with pinpoint accuracy.

Because he failed to get the Byakugan, he missed a few ninjas who hid behind trees, making his undodgeable laser beams a wish for now.

With Zitsu's arrival, the fierce fighting ended instantly with only two Jutsu. Before they could even cheer, Fuu, the wood clone, and Zitsu were gone.

Arriving back on Nagi island, those who weren't looking directly at Zitsu or sensory ninjas would never know he left.

The people of Nagi island were better off as they only saw him use wood release, those of O'uzu island saw him use wood and storm.

But Zitsu didn't care, he had passed the point where he had to constantly fear for his life and he could easily protect his loved ones. If he couldn't beat the ninja before him, no one could stop him from running away.

Fuu looked at Zitsu with shining eyes "Can you teach Fuu to make pretty lights too?"

Just as he was about to tell her it was impossible, he suddenly nodded his head.

"Of course, I'll teach you to make plenty of shiny things."

Just as he finished speaking, an ice mirror formed next to him. As he glanced over, he saw Haku stepping out.

"The mission has been completed, we have begun stationing ninjas in the towns to stop public outrage, do you want our team to help?"

Pinching his chin he thought for a moment. There was nothing for him to do now besides practicing his Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, and Genjutsu. So he figured he might as well help.

Nodding his head, he followed Haku with Fuu on top of the wood clone.

While the Kiri ninjas were securing Nagi and O'uzu Islands, a ship from the land of fire was docking at the Kiri port.

Three men stepped off the ship and looked around at the mostly empty port. As they couldn't see a single ship and very few people, they couldn't help be suspicious.

"Shikaku this doesn't feel right, I'm barely picking up anything. It's not like they are hiding to ambush us, there just isn't anyone here." A tall man with sunken cheeks looked at his comrades. He had solid green eyes and a long blond ponytail. Besides his Konoha attire, he wore a red vest over his green flak jacket.

"Strange, too strange. Be on guard, though they say they've changed, this is still the bloody mist village." A black haired man with two horizontal scars on the side of his face frowned. "Look, someone's coming."

"Maybe they are all gathered up ahead to welcome us with a feast?" The last member was a rather large fellow with long bushy red hair down his back.

In front of the three men, Ao was currently walking down the gentle slope, his arms folded in his robes.

"Ninjas from Konoha, the Mizukage has been expecting you." Even though his greeting sounded polite, his stern face and cold eye told a different story.

"Byakugan Killer Ao, I never thought I'd see the day you greeted me."

Ao's eye flickered towards the black-haired man in the haggard brown coat. "Jonin Commander Shikaku" The corner of Ao's lips turned up into a slight smile "Never thought you'd come to the land of Mist after one of our swordsmen gave you those scars."

Hearing his words, the blonde haired man's brows raised. "Last time I checked those Jonin were killed in the Land of Fire by a Leaf Genin."

Ao's small smile faded as he looked at the blonde haired man. "Inoichi, to think they'd send you here. The secrets in your head must be plentiful. Maybe the Hokage is getting a little too old for his job?"

Just as they were about to continue bickering, the large man raised his hand "Inoichi, Shikaku, this isn't why we came here."

"Your right Choza, fighting can come later." Shikaku turned towards Ao "We are here for an explanation about a Mist Shinobi's direct attack on our village."

"Like I said, we've been expecting you". Ao turned on his heels and began to walk away.

Seeing this, the trio had no choice but to follow. As they walked through the village their brows dropped and their frowns deepened. No ninja guarding the docks was one thing, but a mostly empty village was another.

Even though they saw plenty of people, their trained eyes couldn't be fooled.

"Where are all your ninjas?" Inoichi couldn't help but ask. It should be the opposite, but the less ninja he saw the more worried he got.

"I'm just here to fetch you, please hold your questions." Ao didn't even bother to look back at them, but in reality, he watched their every move with his Byakugan.

Arriving at the central building, they walked up the winding stairs to arrive in front of the Mizukage's office. Without even knocking on the door Ao opened it and walked straight in.

Behind the desk, Mei sat in her blue dress and Mizukage hat. Behind her stood Ruma and Ruka as though they were standing guard.

Seeing the three guys from Konoha enter her office, she put on a devilish smile as she thought about the words Zitsu told her before he left.

"Gentlemen please, have a seat." Mei's delicate hand pointed towards the three chairs before the desk. Normally only one chair was present in this office, but Zitsu told her if they sent anyone, it would be the three men before her as they are the most trusted by the Third Hokage.

The three sat down as Ao closed the door.

"I assume you know why we're here, Fifth Mizukage. Was that attack on our village a declaration of war?" Shikaku spoke every word clearly to avoid any misunderstandings.

"Declaration of war?" Mei's brows rose as she looked at him "Isn't that a bit overboard?"

Shikaku's face sank when he heard her reply "You think assassinating an Elder and destroying part of Konoha is a trivial matter?"

"Ah, I see." Mei nodded "So you aren't forcing the blame of the Uchiha massacre on us? Will the third blame it on Itachi like he originally planned? Or will he actually accept the blame for Danzo's actions? No that can't be, what would the other clans think?" Mei pinched her chin as though she was deep in thought.

Skikaku's and Inoichi's bodies trembled ever so slightly as they heard her words. As the Jonin Commander and head of the Analysis Team, they were well aware of the truth of the Uchiha incident.

But this was the first time Choza had heard that the village leadership ordered the annihilation of a clan because of disagreements. His normally closed eyes opened as he looked at Shikaku and Inoichi. Their expressions may be calm, but after knowing them for almost his entire life, he could tell what the Mizukage said was true.

"You have a spy in Konoha, someone obviously at a fairly high position." Shikaku's eyes narrowed into slits as he looked at the Mizukage.

Mei just smiled at his questions and looked. Leaning forward she placed her elbows on the table and interlocked her fingers in front of her mouth.

"You asked why one of my men, Zitsukani of the Shichibukai, attacked your village?" Her eyes scanned the three men before her.

Her right-hand moved towards her desk and began tapping with her index finger.

"Because we had proof that my predecessor, the Fourth Mizukage, was being controlled by a powerful Genjutsu. When he went to investigate he saw your village elder meeting with a masked man and noticed Shisui's chakra coming from his right eye."

Hearing this, the three ninjas from Konoha frowned as they heard her words. If what she said was truth, that was definitely suspicious.

Suddenly she held up all ten of her fingers "You see, my Zitsu is the best sensory ninja in my village. Not only did he sense Shisui's right eye, he sensed ten more Uchiha chakra signatures coming from his right arm."

She looked them all in the eyes as she retracted her hands "Now you tell me, what kind of Elder harvests the eyes of the members of his village on such a large scale."

As she finished speaking, the room fell into silence.

Editor: Scarlet Goddess